I’m a 30-year-old Democratic state Representative from Broward County. It’s no surprise that as a Democrat, I represent one of Florida’s most progressive enclaves.
What’s more surprising is that I used to be a Republican — a moderate, back when those existed. I left the GOP prior to the rise of Donald Trump for numerous reasons.
But regardless of party, I’m writing this appeal as a Floridian first.
We have never been more divided as a state or country. Much responsibility for that division falls at the feet of our current president. Time and again, Trump has had an opportunity to unite this country and has fallen short. Joe Biden has the moral leadership, compassion, and determination to unite the country and heal the divisive wounds that plague our people.
Biden has devoted his entire life to this nation. From his time as a young county Councilmember to his tenure in the United States Senate and service as Vice President, Biden has consistently fought for every American — regardless of party, color, or creed.
The past four years have shown just how much moral leadership matters. While Trump has played to our nation’s crudest sensibilities, Biden personifies a decent, moral life, both public and in private. He’s suffered greater loss than many could ever imagine. It’s why he loves the way he does, consoles the way he does, and leads the way he does.
When two NYPD police officers were murdered while sitting in their patrol car, it was Biden who went to the funeral, met with the families, and helped unify the nation.
When nine parishioners were senselessly gunned down at a Black church in Charleston, it was Biden who grieved with their loved ones, spoke at the first service, and brought us together.
While there were no words that could heal the wounds in New York City or Charleston, Biden showed us he knew what it meant to suffer loss, he understands the challenges that real people face, and he will always seek to unify our country in the wake of our darkest days.
In the past eight months, over 216,000 American lives have been lost to the deadliest virus in more than a century. Black Americans fear for their lives while going for a jog or sleeping in their bed. Police officers feel shunned because of the actions of some who should have never been given a badge in the first place. Domestic terrorists plot to kidnap and behead a sitting Governor because of radicalism stoked by our Commander in Chief.
I may be young, but this is the most divisive time I have ever witnessed. It didn’t have to be this bad. And it doesn’t have to go on like this.
Biden has demonstrated throughout his life an extraordinary focus on the things that bring us together, instead of the things that tear us apart. When Joe says this election is a battle for the soul of this nation, you’d better believe it.
I want my future children to be proud of our country. I want them to be proud of our President.
I want them to be proud of me, and to know that in a time of great consequence, I joined with many Americans who will put party aside, appeal to our highest values, and do what’s best for our country and all her people.
That begins with electing Joe Biden as President. And it continues with each of us.
Dan Daley serves as State Representative for District 97 in the Florida House of Representatives. He was first elected at age 22 to the Coral Springs City Commission.
Ray Blacklidge
October 22, 2020 at 10:42 am
Danny Boy, you set the tone immediately when you stated you left the Republican Party. Everything you said thereafter was nothing but ax grinding nonsense and below what we expect from our elected officials. Be proud for who you support, but state what good that candidate will do, don’t spread hate and divisiveness by merely attacking your candidates opponent. Please try to be civil.
Sonja Fitch
October 22, 2020 at 11:02 am
Bravo! More folks gotta believe they Americans First! The goptrump death cult is the most divisive I have ever lived through in my 72 years! Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common good!
Sean Hammer
October 22, 2020 at 11:24 am
I do not usually comment on such dribble, but in this case I must. The division in this nation was fomented by both sides prior to Trump, but has grown geometrically when Dems lost the last election. The fervor, the anger and the resulting hypocrisy has been hysterical. What has been revealed more than anything is a desire by some to have a soft spoken temperament with horrific policies over a difficult temperament that helps all Americans. YOur comments show a desire to discard substance for rhetoric. Your letter engerders hate by creating a false argument against those who disagree with you, which is the opposite of the point you claimed you wanted to make.
Patti Lynn
October 22, 2020 at 1:10 pm
It doesn’t matter which party, if any, a person belongs to. If folks reading Representative Daley’s words look inward, then look around at the condition of our country, they should not fault Dan’s words. So, he left the republican party, does that make his words untrue? Of course not!
Being soft spoken equals horrific policies to another reader, truly an unprovable equation.
Not being a part of the world’s climate change solution, that is a problem, and an horrific policy.
Taking infants and children from their parents, at a border crossing, that is a problem, and an horrific policy.
Rejecting or ignoring signed pacts, treaties, and agreements with other nations is a problem and an horrific policy.
Thank you Representative Daley for an excellent article.
VOTE, people, VOTE!!!
Ocean Joe
October 22, 2020 at 5:23 pm
Never seen food lines like this. Businesses large and small closing their doors forever, not because of an outdated business model, but because government failed to keep our people safe.
A wave of evictions and foreclosures coming as soon as artificial barriers are lifted. Removal of inspector generals and installation of loyalists throughout government. An all out effort to put someone on the supreme court who intends to rule on election cases involving the man who appoints her. We have sunk low before, but not like this. Not since Herbert Hoover. Thanks for your opinion piece. If you are 30 you will be here to witness whether we deal with climate or we cave to the big polluters. Whether we sacrifice or whether we saddle our grandchildren with an unrepairable planet. We know one thing: corporate polluters will have an ally on the supreme court. Like one of his boat parades, the parade of damages inflicted by Trump are long and difficult to catalog. When even the New England Journal of Medicine and Scientific American urge his removal we should all recognize this election will signal rebirth and restoration or the end of American exceptionalism.
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