U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz continued on Thursday to press the case President Donald Trump was a victim of election fraud in last week’s plebiscite.
On Fox News with host Sean Hannity, the Panhandle Republican made a provocative assertion, saying errant voting machines “changed more votes than Vladimir Putin ever did.”
Gaetz was discussing “Dominion Software Systems,” the voting machine company under fire after disputed reports that tallies had switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden.
“Here’s one thing I know, Sean: Those Dominion Software Systems, they changed more votes than Vladimir Putin ever did,” Gaetz said, before going deeper into the Russia rabbit hole
“And we spent three four years, tens of millions of dollars on this fiction of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. I’d say a few more weeks ensuring that we had a fair election in 2020 is worth this great nation’s time.”
In addition to faulty machines, Gaetz discussed faulty voter rolls.
“There are tens of thousands of people. Seventeen thousand alone in Georgia who actually moved and voted in the state they had moved from,” Gaetz said, before moving on to discuss what he called “these nursing home mystery votes coming in.”
“In the state of Pennsylvania,” the Congressman said, “more people registered to vote in 2020 who were over the age of 90 than the past four years combined.”
Gaetz called it “the Dorothy Effect.”
“Those ballots may have been turned in by someone other than the person they were addressed to,” Gaetz suggested
The President has failed to present evidence of fraud or irregularities having amounted to anything that would change the outcome in key states.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press gives the other side of the story.
“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” asserted the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, a federal agency that oversees U.S. election security. “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”
Dominion Voting Systems said it “denies claims about any vote switching or alleged software issues with our voting systems.”
November 13, 2020 at 8:53 am
How did this wacko ever get elected? He’s so far out there he almost makes Joe McCarthy sound believable by comparison.
Palmer Tom
November 13, 2020 at 9:08 am
He’s a good match for the voters in the Panhandle. Yes, he is an embarrassment.
November 13, 2020 at 9:16 am
Gaetz is off the rails and needs to be removed.
This is him interviewing for a one hour slot on trump TV,
but it’s very dangerous.
Sonja Fitch
November 13, 2020 at 9:35 am
Gaetz is trying to get the approval from traitor Trump to get his daughter Tiffany! Lol.
John Miller
November 13, 2020 at 6:48 pm
He’s a good match for the voters in the Panhandle…keep reading..watching this clown-boy Brat. next house mtg will show him his way!!!
Nick Whitehead
November 14, 2020 at 12:34 am
I am a panhandle voter and I have to agree, both Gaetz and a majority of my fellow lower Alabama voters are an embarrassment. It seems like generations of under-funding education is finally paying off in spades for Republicans.
Robin Hawkins
November 14, 2020 at 9:13 am
The cyber security and infrastructure federal agency has declared this recent election the most secure in election history which rings about as true as these curated comments that belittle but don’t dispute. These propaganda influencer articles are getting close to 100% played out and when the spell lifts where are the activist journalist gonna publish if no one reads it.
November 14, 2020 at 7:12 pm
Just Look up the 2014 elections in New Brunswick Canada! they used the SAME Dominion machines and literally the same “glitch” occurred few hours into the vote count. And guess who lost that race.. They can deny the voting machines were at fault, but the Dominion Memory Cards that were walked in from other counties to tally votes are universal SanDisk memory cards that anyone can manually add or subtract from the count. You can verify all this by a simple web search. Dominion equipment manual is on michigan gov. Dominion is acting appalled at the accusations but they were accused of the same situation in 2014 and allowed this issue to occur again.
Angie Harris
November 20, 2020 at 5:36 am
That little Cuban boy Gaytz lives with has damaged little Matt’s brain with his big socialist dong. Too much deep throating Matty boy.
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