The U.S. Senate on Saturday approved the American Rescue Plan: a $1.9 trillion package targeted toward COVID-19 relief and various forms of economic stimulus, without a single Republican vote.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is rolling out what it calls a five-figure buy on YouTube targeting at least one of those Senators, a Florida Republican up for reelection in 2022.
The 30-second spot highlights the vote from second-term Sen. Marco Rubio “against COVID-19 relief.” Against a tense instrumental background and devoid of narration, the creative speaks in graphics, closing with an assertion that seven of 10 voters support the Democratic relief plan and positing the question: “Why won’t Marco Rubio stand up for us?”
Stewart Boss, speaking on behalf of the DSCC, said Rubio “voted against a broadly popular COVID-19 relief plan because he cares more about scoring political points with his party leaders than helping the countless Florida families trying to survive this public health and economic crisis.”
“If it were up to Marco Rubio, Floridians who are hurting would not get $1,400 checks, would lose enhanced unemployment relief, and would still be waiting for help to rescue small businesses, expand vaccinations and get schools reopened. In the middle of a deadly pandemic that has inflicted so much pain, Marco Rubio turned his back on his constituents,” Boss contended.
Rubio left no doubt well ahead of the vote that he would be a no on the American Rescue Plan package.
“I’m not going to get punked into voting for a bill that helps Pelosi bail out California, that helps Schumer bail out the predator Governor of New York,” Rubio said in a Twitter video, referring colloquially to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing serial accusations of sexual harassment from former staffers and associates.