U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio charged Dr. Anthony Fauci of “getting high on his own supply” during an appearance on the Fox News Channel Thursday.
Rubio was on hand to reiterate his belief that President Joe Biden should fire the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, when he decided to use the unusual phrasing to describe the long-serving federal official.
“He’s gotten on the cover of magazines. He’s become this national figure. He enjoys this celebrity that’s come with it and this role he’s played, almost like a super-governmental role, this authority that everybody has to listen to. I think he’s gotten, you know, high on his own supply a little bit,” Rubio told viewers of “The Story with Martha MacCallum.”
“You see the statements he’s now making. He sounds more like a political figure than he does like a health expert,” Rubio said, referring to recent interviews where Fauci has decried his critics, and reiterating the case for Fauci’s dismissal.
The criticisms of Fauci perhaps liking the limelight too much echo those of another man running for reelection statewide next year.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, with the highest media profile of any Republican in the state, was the first to workshop that line of critique, comparing Fauci to Marie Antoinette. after Fauci appeared on a digital cover of InStyle magazine.
“Obviously, he does so many interviews that it was pretty clear to me that after a short time that this was about himself and his own image,” DeSantis snarked on Fox News last week. “For me, you look at that magazine cover where he’s lounging by the pool with the sunglasses on, you know, right in the midst of a pandemic. It was almost like a let them eat cake moment for all the people who were chafing under his lockdowns, and yet he seemed to be having the time of his life.”
Rubio finally came out for Fauci’s firing last week, with suppression of the “lab leak” theory being the final straw. However, the incorporation of the critique of Fauci’s celebrity is new material.
Frankie M.
June 10, 2021 at 4:38 pm
These guys are so jelly of Fauci’s shine. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad. This guy has been working in public health for 50 years just so he can showboat now? What a diabolical plan! If Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t fire Fauci why in the world would Biden do it now?
June 11, 2021 at 2:10 pm
DeSantis and Rubio know that attacking an intelligent scientist and good man makes them look like tough guys in the eyes of the Trump-Suckers who want to be rid of the messenger who brought bad news. Little Marco and Little Ron: all bluster, no brains, and proud of it.
June 11, 2021 at 4:20 pm
Perhaps the people who have been conned by Fauci should read the Huffington Post article from 2009 blaming him for deaths by blocking some medications to AIDS patients. His grift is done.
June 12, 2021 at 3:55 pm
A Google search using the terms “2009 Huffington Post article re: Dr. Fauci” and other variations of that search does not find the article you are referring to. Perhaps you could be more specific. However, there was a HP article on 20/21/2014 titled “Whitewashing AIDS History” written by contributor Sean Strub–an activist writer, not a scientist–that makes similar claims. The writer recounts an effort to get Fauci’s support for Bactrim as a treatment, and Fauci agrees a clinical trial should be set up to test its effectiveness as a treatment. That response angers Mr. Strub.
Another Huffington Post article written just last week, June 5, 2021, “Fauci looks back on AIDS work 40 years after first U.S. case report,” makes the case that “The NIH director was criticized for his response in the early days of the crisis, but has since led the agency to developing highly effective treatments.” Those treatments were sent all over the world after President George W. Bush created a program to make that happen, and those treatments saved millions of lives.
Dr. Fauci is a scientist, not a con man. But this is America, so say what you will. And by all means, don’t get the vaccine if you think it’s a con job. No one–regardless of how you want to argue this–no one is going to force you to get it.
June 15, 2021 at 1:31 am
Dr. Fauci is a very evil man. You are fools if you think otherwise. Fauci es un mano del diablo.
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