In his most comprehensive statement on vaccine advocacy in a long time, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday it is clear COVID-19 vaccines are keeping people out of hospitals.
Yet, at a news conference in Poinciana regarding wildlife corridors, the Governor expressed reluctance to sound pushy in telling Floridians they should get vaccinated. He suggested anything coming across as aggressive likely would make distrustful people more annoyed and hesitant.
But the data makes a case, he offered.
“If you are vaccinated, though, the number of people who end up hospitalized is almost zero. It’s incredibly, incredibly low,” DeSantis said.
“So I think there is some misinformation out there that these people were vaccinated and they tested positive. Understand, the positive test is not a clinical diagnoses of illness. So, if you’re vaccinated and you test positive, but you don’t get sick, well the name of the game is to keep people out of the hospital,” he added.
DeSantis finds himself walking a political and public health tightrope on vaccine advocacy, as he made it clear he believes they work and are safe; yet polls show large portion of his political base aligns with an anti-vaccine movement that is openly discouraging people from getting vaccinated.
“I also think that we have to be careful in terms of some of the messaging for folk that may be skeptical about the vaccine. I do not agree with some of these people, some of these quote-unquote experts, who lambast people and criticize them, or say they’re stupid or something. That’s not the way to reach folks, OK?” DeSantis said.
“That’s one of the reasons I always said ‘no mandates.’ Because quite honestly, I don’t believe in mandates, but I don’t think it would be productive to do that,” DeSantis continued.
The Governor started to take shots at vaccine misinformation — but he appeared to turn his ire toward misinformation from medical experts like his self-selected nemesis Dr. Anthony Fauci, rather than against anyone saying that vaccines are bad.
“The folks who wanted it, the seniors, we worked hard to get it to everyone who wanted it. Now you’re in a situation where you have folks who may be skeptical of it. And so understand, as you’re communicating, you don’t want to say things that are going to cause them to retreat even further. And I’m sorry, there’s been a lot of misinformation and a lot of bad advice given by some of these experts over the last year. People saw all that. They remember all of this stuff,” DeSantis said.
He again expressed his belief that the current swift rise in confirmed new COVID-19 cases is seasonal. He acknowledged that this year’s trend of COVID-19 cases is looking a lot like the summer of 2020, only a couple of weeks behind. But the Governor predicted this summer will not see last summer’s terrible rises in hospitalized COVID-19 patients and deaths, because he believes the vaccines are preventing people from getting very sick.
That is particularly true with the highest-risk groups, seniors and those with preexisting conditions that make them vulnerable, he added.
What’s more, medical science has much better treatments available this year than last year, he offered.
“Obviously, the best way is to get the protection before hand. But if you do find yourself infected, please consult your doctor,” DeSantis said.
July 20, 2021 at 2:16 am
Jensen is the only vax that stands out from all the rest and Big Pharma is against it because doesn’t harm your rDNA and Big Pharma doesn’t stand a chance to make their billions on it. It’s the safest on the market. Plus, I’ll give my consent after three years on the market when all the facts and correct figures are in, Thank you!
Ocean Joe
July 20, 2021 at 6:59 am
OK Donna, here’s a fact: Covid 19 has killed over 600,000 Americans. Their DNA was intact as they were lowered into the ground or slid into the crematorium.
July 21, 2021 at 12:32 am
Is everyone forgetting that certain people have health problems that EXCLUDE them from taking the vaccine? Immunosuppressive; Guillain Barr; Severe allergies (esp if you have an epi pen); hemochromatosis, and I can go on and on! Don’t judge people if they choose not get the vaccine as there might be a good reason! However, those are the ones that should lay low. Also, I know several who had the vaccine in March and May- now with Delta….
miffed citizen
July 22, 2021 at 8:38 am
96% of the dead as stated in s CDC tatistic Aug 2020 had comorbidities. The underlying PCR test can and was manipulated to produce out max infections, and is generally unsuitable to detect specifically covid. The excess death rate because of covid, which cannot be manipulated, is in most countries, that have data published, almost nil.
However the death shots have meanahile killed 12000 through various illnesses and maimed 400000 with unknown longterm effect. This whole thing is a crime againt humanity, and the protagonist of the death shot are prime candidates for the yearly Darwin Award to be received in GITMO.
Matthew Lusk
July 20, 2021 at 11:20 am
Unfortunately the facts and figures will never be in, front line reporting does not not attribute vax side effects to a previous vax shot. There are billions of $$$$ being made from not the whole truth hospital tabulations. Follow the money folks, your tax debt has been rustled and allocated. Vax manufacturers_-no liability. Government officils-no liability. Your vax worker-no liability. Pay off- all of thee above. Get real folks, the satanists love injecting you with aborted fetuses and God knows what else.
July 21, 2021 at 12:36 am
There’s a lot of misinformation, and I wish we were given COMPLETE info. Such as, of those hospitalized/died- what age groups? What medical problems? What ethnicity? Full data disclosure will help us make more informed decisions. How many now hospitalized with Covid actually were vaccinated?
this is not my name
July 21, 2021 at 10:58 pm
DeSantis is a fool.
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