It’s tempting to wag a finger at Sean Hannity and the others who helped fuel the initial skepticism about COVID-19 and the vaccines that fight the virus.
Sure, Hannity made headlines with his plea this week for unvaccinated people to get their shots ASAP. But like many contrarians at Fox News and in the Republican Party, Hannity contributed to the skepticism the medical community faces today.
Last year, the Washington Post reported that Hannity denied calling the virus a hoax nine days after calling it a hoax on air. He was defending the former Hoaxer-in-Chief
You know what, though? I’m past that. Hannity doesn’t get a medal for finally talking sense, but at least now it’s one more voice that millions of people listen to nightly. Welcome to the side of sense on a matter of life or death.
Besides, finger-wagging won’t help those who are sick or grief-stricken families dealing with the loss of a loved one. It should be obvious by now that the virus is as apolitical as it is deadly. To die because of a political talking point is ridiculous.
Of course, reasoning with the unreasonable can be a fool’s errand for those who have been correct all along about the danger of this virus. It didn’t go poof like the former President-who-shall-not-be-named frequently promised it would.
No, it killed hundreds of thousands of people. Now with the delta variant rampaging through Florida and mainly targeting the unvaccinated, folks need to wake up. That’s where Hannity’s voice helped.
“Please take COVID seriously — I can’t say it enough,” he told his viewers.
He later added: “I believe in the science of vaccination.”
A few other Fox personalities followed suit, except for, notably, super manure-spreader Tucker Carlson.
I thought U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio made a good point about all this. At this point, it’s about personal responsibility.
“But at the end of the day, it’s up to people to make that decision,” Rubio said on CBS “This Morning.” “It’s ultimately up to people individually to make that decision.”
Yes, we can mandate that children have multiple vaccinations before entering school, but no one can force anyone over the age of consent to do the smart thing.
Some people won’t fasten their seat belts or show consideration for others by wearing masks.
Or by getting a shot.
Those are some of the weirdest hills on which people chose to plant the flag of freedom, or, as the saying goes, to die, but that’s where we are.
“People should get vaccinated,” Rubio said. “The government’s been telling people for a long time that they shouldn’t smoke, that it causes cancer and heart disease and people decide to do it. The numbers have come down, but people still do it.”
There’s a solution for anyone out there who hasn’t had their shots. Put on your big-person pants, line up, and roll up your sleeve. Stop with the conspiracy rants. The shot is free, and it can save your life.
What’s that, you say? You trust the conspiracy theories more than the vaccine.
It’s your choice. It’s also your funeral.
Just let us know where to send flowers.
Ron Ogden
July 21, 2021 at 8:01 pm
Has there ever been a school boy in all America who did not thrill to the dreamy vision of noble Joe Henderson rising in his patriotic majesty before the Second Virginia Convention and intoning those immortal words that so epitomize human dignity: “Give me liberty or, oh hell, to die because of a political talking point is ridiculous.”
Joe Henderson
July 21, 2021 at 8:27 pm
You make even less sense than normal. Have a nice day.
July 21, 2021 at 8:29 pm
Its so disgusting when journalists (even yellow journalists) generate misinformation for political purposes.. And yes Joe Henderson you certainly fit that criteria. You ongoing distortions, untruths, misinformation, and bias are so very evident. Amazing how you live with your hypocrisy. SHAME ON YOU.
Joe Henderson
July 21, 2021 at 8:37 pm
Distortions about hundreds of thousands of people sick and needlessly dying from a virus that has an effective vaccine? You have proved my point. Shame on you. You are the disgusting one, Russian Bot.
Ocean Joe
July 22, 2021 at 7:12 am
My guess is that Mr. Henderson’s detractors ran out and got the vaccine as soon as they could.
July 22, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Joe, respectfully lay off Hannity. He’s a great human and high quality Individual. He helps and makes a difference in people’s lives. We are all entitled to disagree with him on public policy issues but Hannity not unlike me and many believe individuals should consult with Doc and decide. He’s never advocated against taking it. Hannity is a very good person.
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