Florida recorded 1,071 additional deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report released Friday afternoon by the Florida Department of Health.
That total — similar to what the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showed for Florida in that agency’s most recent seven-day total — represents the worst week for COVID-19 deaths since January and February, when the winter surge was at its deadliest.
On Friday, Florida reported that 40,766 people have now died of COVID-19 in Florida, through Thursday.
That “Cumulative Deaths” total is 1,071 deaths higher than what Florida showed in its weekly report released on the previous Friday, tallying deaths through Aug. 5.
Florida’s cumulative death total has been rising fast in the past three or four weeks, suggesting the surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations that started hitting Florida hospitals in mid-July might now be turning fatal.
For the previous week, from July 29 to Aug 5, Florida’s cumulative death toll went up 616, according to the state’s weekly reports. The week before that the total went up 409. The week before that, Florida recorded an additional 282 people had died of COVID-19. And in the week from July 9 to July 15, the cumulative deaths went up by 231.
In its COVID-19 Weekly Situation Reports, the Florida Department of Health also reports a “Previous Week Deaths” total. But that number bears no resemblance to the rising cumulative deaths in each week’s report.
Still, that number, too, is going up rapidly.
In Friday’s report, the department reported 286 deaths in the previous week, by far the highest number of the summer. The previous week the department reported 175. The week before that 108 deaths were reported for the week. The week before that, 78. And the week of July 9 to July 15, Florida reported 59 deaths.
The difference between the “Previous Week Deaths” and the state’s rising “Cumulative Deaths” exists largely because many COVID-19 deaths take many days or even weeks to be reported to the state. When reports come in on people who died in a previous week, those get recorded in the “Cumulative Deaths” total, but not in the “Previous Week Deaths” total. The cumulative total also is sometimes adjusted as local medical examiners might change cause of death rulings, or take weeks to determine if suspected COVID-19 deaths were actually deaths caused by the virus.
Nonetheless, the cumulative death total is the clearest indication of how many people are dying in Florida from COVID-19 over time.
Currently, that total is rising by an average of more than 150 per day in Florida.
Florida’s latest one-week increase of 1,071 COVID-19 deaths is consistent with the running totals the federal government maintains. The HHS numbers are compiled from reports submitted to the federal government from the Florida Department of Health, though the the data federal authorities post never quite matches exactly with the numbers found in Florida’s weekly reports.
The most recent numbers from the HHS are a day behind Florida’s numbers, showing deaths reported through Wednesday instead of through Thursday. The latest HHS total shows Florida’s COVID-19 cumulative death toll increased by 1,125 over the most recent previous seven days.
The federal numbers allow for comparisons to other states.
Florida is suffering far more COVID-19 deaths this summer than any other state.
Last week, Texas’ cumulative death total went up by 446 deaths, according to the HHS data. Louisiana was next with 279 additional COVID-19 deaths added to its total over the previous seven days.
According to the HHS data, Florida’s greatest one-week increase in COVID-19 deaths came between Jan. 29 and Feb. 4, when 1,255 additional deaths were recorded. That was an average of 179 deaths per day.
August 13, 2021 at 7:06 pm
Hi Scott.
I wish I could believe you – regretfully that’s not possible.
Florida Politics repeatedly manipulates facts, takes developments out of context, provides misleading commentary and did I forget is extremely biased.
Integrity, honesty and objectivity would help.
People like Henderson are such hypocrites it taints the complete organization.
Sorry, but truth matters.
Jeffrey Abbott
August 13, 2021 at 7:31 pm
Would you be willing to show in the article where it seemed inaccurate or bias?
It read very much “just the facts ma’am”.
The only potentially bias language was “rising rapidly” to describe the rise of deaths week to week. Granted “rapidly” is subjective, the numbers did seem to be rising in a potentially exponential fashion.
He also cited where his numbers came from. If there is manipulation, unless at the source, how so?
Most of the articles here on this site seem pretty neutral, albeit of subjects that people may not want to hear.
August 14, 2021 at 7:23 pm
My neighbor’s aunt makes 62 every hour on the internet..ii she has been without work for eight months but the previous month her revenue was 19022 only working on the laptop 5 hours a day..
Check this…………. http://PayBuzz1.com
August 15, 2021 at 5:54 pm
How did Cuomo “manipulate” his numbers to appear less? It works the other way too. And after watching most of the lies democrats spewed last year get debunked, why would we believe any stats?
Jeffrey Abbott
August 15, 2021 at 6:07 pm
OK. How did Cuomo “manipulate” the numbers? Is there some grand secret you can reveal for us?
Which lies did the Democrat spew that got debunked? Is there some smoking gun that would have brought them to something like an indictment or impeachment perhaps (other than Cuomo’s sexual harassment and the it seems like the Democrats turned on him – so where is the lie being debunked)?
And what in my comment makes you think I was siding with the Democrats or against the Republicans?
The site is pretty neutral and the article was factual. The only exceptions are opinion pieces and they clearly marked.
August 14, 2021 at 11:28 am
Uh oh,
“Overall, we rate Florida Politics Least Biased based on balanced story selection and opinion pieces that cover both right-leaning and left-leaning perspectives. We also rate them High for factual due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.”
Matthew Lusk
August 14, 2021 at 3:05 pm
Totally fake data. He’s grabbed the handicappers tip sheet from the track. A few too many brewskis.
Jeffrey Abbott
August 14, 2021 at 4:12 pm
Those numbers are from FDOH reports. Is that department fake data?
This stuff is supposed to be going down, not up in what is starting to look like an exponential fashion.
Summary of Deaths for last 6 weeks below.
EOW Released: 7/09
Cumulative Deaths: 38157
Diff week to week: n/a
% change: n/a
EOW Released: 7/16
Cumulative Deaths: 38388
Diff week to week: 231+
% change: 0.6%+
EOW Released: 7/23
Cumulative Deaths: 38670
Diff week to week: 282+
% change: 0.73%+
EOW Released: 7/30
Cumulative Deaths: 39079
Diff week to week: 409+
% change: 1.05%+
EOW Released: 8/06
Cumulative Deaths: 39695
Diff week to week: 616+
% change: 1.576%+
EOW Released: 8/13
Cumulative Deaths: 40766
Diff week to week: 1071+
% change: 2.698%+
If it keeps going we will be over 3K deaths per week in 3 weeks. Let’s hope it plateaus by then. Making light of accurate reporting isn’t helping.
August 14, 2021 at 4:45 pm
So where’s your proof?
Let’s see it.
No proof = you lie.
Glenn Reihing
August 14, 2021 at 7:45 am
And in a related story…
“Ron DeSantis vows to ‘fight back’ against White House pressure on masks in schools.”
Irony is not dead…
August 14, 2021 at 8:41 am
NEW – Department of Health Report on positive cases in Florida schools
Click here for the FLDOH Pediatric Report (DeSantis ordered this site not to be updated )
August 14, 2021 at 8:50 am
Our governor continues to whistle past the graveyard.. the facts are real .Florida politics is not Facebook or the number of other unchecked facts online media outlets report. These numbers came from an agency our governor overseas… and a republican is at he helm…
August 14, 2021 at 9:12 am
40,766 deaths in a population of over 21M is what percentage? What are the comparable numbers annually from. say, heart disease or cancer or other medical causes?
August 14, 2021 at 10:36 am
Should we call you Doctor Death, Zhombie. Viruses such as Covid 19 can spread extremely quickly unlike cancer and heart diseases. Also, how is the virus affecting hospital capacity in the IC units? I hope you have access to an ICU if you need it.
It would be sad to see your passing, but then again one death out of 21,000,000 is not significant,
August 14, 2021 at 1:09 pm
Scott Powers and governmental agencies are mostly liars who are working to put DeSantis and other Republicans down. You would think that after the utter failure of the Democratic administration not to mention the consistent dumping of covid laiden immigrants into our great state, they would stop their fear mongering.
August 14, 2021 at 1:16 pm
Uh oh,
DeathsAnus and the con media is lying to you;
abert m
August 14, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Add it again with ur politifact lies u parasite . you are like my friend says an infection of society . Liberal looser!!!
August 14, 2021 at 7:28 pm
I bet you think Trump won too huh?
Jeffrey Abbott
August 14, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Ignorance should not be imbolden.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ~I. Asimov
His numbers are from FDOH (unless of course you believe they are lying too) and so are those used below. I did the math for you. It’s following almost an exponential growth. Pray it levels off soon, or we will be adding 3K to the Cumulative deaths weekly.
You are not even a conservative, as they tend to be more respectful. Maybe a CINO.
EOW Released : 7/09
Cumulative Deaths: 38157
Diff week to week: n/a
%change: n/a
EOW Released : 7/16
Cumulative Deaths: 38388
Diff week to week: 231+
%change: 0.6%+
EOW Released : 7/23
Cumulative Deaths: 38670
Diff week to week: 282+
%change: 0.73%+
EOW Released : 7/30
Cumulative Deaths: 39079
Diff week to week: 409+
%change: 1.05%+
EOW Released : 8/06
Cumulative Deaths: 39695
Diff week to week: 616+
%change: 1.576%+
EOW Released : 8/13
Cumulative Deaths: 40766
Diff week to week : 1071+
%change: 2.698%+
August 17, 2021 at 12:44 am
And yet we open our schools back up when we should still be in World Quarantine. Just think of how much better things would be if we had done the smart thing, continuing World Quarantine?.. But people wanted to get back out and government stupidly listened that people want out. Well just look at how well that worked out. Illnesses are way up, Delta is too virulent, but let’s open up our schools, even though our children under 12 are unable to get vaccinated at all. And all schools aren’t even open yet, what will the numbers of People ill, in hospital, recovering, dead be like a month from now? I am terrified, I would keep my children home. Especially the under 12 children.
Jeffrey Abbott
August 17, 2021 at 4:45 am
I do not disagree. And while I understand there needs to be a balance between livelihood and mental health against the lockdowns for public health, I find little comfort in the notion, that if we are such a gungho nation of individualists willing to sacrifice for cause, we sure seem to dislike a temporary inconvenience for our collective long term good. Tune into WIIFM.
Let’s pray the delta variant follows it’s similar track in the UK and India of being quick to burn out.
“If you are not a scientist, and you disagree with scientist about science, it’s actually not a disagreement. You’re just wrong.”
August 14, 2021 at 7:24 pm
My neighbor’s aunt makes 62 every hour on the internet..ii she has been without work for eight months but the previous month her revenue was 19022 only working on the laptop 5 hours a day..
Check this…………. http://PayBuzz1.com
August 16, 2021 at 7:39 am
Be afraid, be very afraid.
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