In West Palm Beach Wednesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis again addressed the issue of vaccinations, urging caution when it comes to booster shots.
“Talk to your physician and see what’s right for you,” the Governor advised, while highlighting another monoclonal treatment site in South Florida.
On Wednesday, U.S. health officials announced plans to dispense COVID-19 booster shots to all Americans to shore up their protection amid the surging delta variant and signs that the vaccines’ effectiveness is slipping.
The plan, as outlined by the chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other top health authorities, calls for an extra dose eight months after people get their second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The doses could begin the week of Sept. 20.
“This has not been something that I think has been trialed clinically yet,” DeSantis said. “So the FDA hasn’t done it. Whatever’s been approved will be available for people.”
A pharmacy would, he added, “simply fill whatever fits the emergency use authorization.”
“We’re not going to try to block that. That’s going to be people’s choices. At the same time, I have not seen any trial data on boosters. The (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) warned a month ago that there could be effects. So I think people are going to have to look at all that,” DeSantis advised.
“We have a massive surplus of vaccine across the country. I don’t know how many people are going to want booster shots but even if a lot want them, I think they’re going to be able to do that no problem.”
DeSantis noted the “waning efficacy” of vaccines as the delta variant has emerged, and also in the remarks urged people to follow his lead and “be honest” regarding what vaccines can and can’t do.
“We’ve got to be honest with people. There are people who are vaccinated who are testing positive. It’s almost always very mild, and it was the right thing to do, and it is protecting them from severe outcomes,” he said.
“I think there’s protection against severe outcomes,” DeSantis added. but noted that even in heavily vaccinated Israel, “they’re seeing a wave.”
“We’ve been very honest, providing people with the information,” DeSantis said.
He went on to describe how he “was working every single day, criss-crossing this state” increasing access to vaccinations, including for homebound seniors.
“I got criticized for doing it,” DeSantis related.
“Since December, there hasn’t been an issue we’ve devoted more time to than administering vaccines,” DeSantis noted, including his appearance at 50 public events.
The Governor noted the CDC is now paralleling his guidance that vaccine efficacy can wane.
“I wasn’t downplaying it. I was being honest,” DeSantis said, taking issue with President Joe Biden having said that “if you get the vaccine, you won’t get COVID.”
“We’re a huge state, a very diverse state. We have a lot of distinct communities. And different regions of the state all have their own different vibes,” DeSantis said, noting that despite that diversity Florida is tops in the region in vaccination rates.
DeSantis stressed that while everyone who wanted a shot could get one, he also respected the right to refuse vaccinations.
“When we did the first nursing homes last December,” DeSantis said that different people had different responses to a “tough nine months” and the seeming culmination of the vaccination. Some didn’t want the shot.
“There were some of the residents who did not want to do the vaccine,” DeSantis recounted. “They had their reasons. Some of them had prior health (concerns.) But I wasn’t going to second guess that.”
Material from the Associated Press was used in this post.
August 18, 2021 at 6:12 pm
Is Regeneron fully approved for treatment, or does it have emergency approval as with the vaccinations?
Can it be used for children under the age of 12?
DeSantis is saying “follow his lead and “be honest” –I think I will listen to the healthcare professional before I listen to a politician whose largest donor is the CEO of the company heavy invested in Regeneron
August 18, 2021 at 6:13 pm
First he says there’s no evidence we need boosters, then he claims he saw the need for them coming before the CDC.
Good job taking credit for what you just said wasn’t credible information dumbass.
August 18, 2021 at 6:37 pm
When did DeSantis say, “he saw the need for a booster before the CDC?” Also, I still see you using name-calling as a part of your reply. Good work Alex and can you answer the questions in my comment?
August 18, 2021 at 6:44 pm
My apologies again Alex.
August 18, 2021 at 7:03 pm
No worries.
Frankie M.
August 18, 2021 at 7:06 pm
Pfizer and Moderna need to put this low energy pitchman on their payroll asap. “Take the shot if you want to maybe” will become “get the shot it’s not gonna kill ya like covid will.”
August 18, 2021 at 7:24 pm
Good one.
August 18, 2021 at 8:30 pm
Seems like Desantis is a virologist now? Bad enough he has facilitated the unchecked spread of a deadly disease in Florida, but now feels qualified to issue quasi medical advice? Shame ..every disaster begins with politicians ignoring the scientists!
LaVonne Joyce
August 18, 2021 at 9:34 pm
Mr. DeSantis must not have time to actually educate himself with the science. Israel has released data on 4,500 who have received a third, booster, shot of Pfizer vaccines. Side effects are reported as similar or less than the side effects of the first shots. Research has also been reported that the vaccine loses its strong antibody effects after 8 months and a booster is highly effective. I suggest that the Gov. learn from Agent Gibbs on NCSI (no reading required) – Rule 51: Sometimes you’re wrong!
Marsha Hays
August 19, 2021 at 9:20 am
Govern DeSantis is so well educated that the whole country is wondering what his secrets are as to opening up the state. We are strong supporters of Gov. DeSantis as well as strong President Trumps supporters.
August 19, 2021 at 11:27 am
He’s the leader, America’s Governor is Ron. So let’s get this straight Pfizer can mislead the public, country and president and announce a week after the election the vaccine. Everyone knows they have team Biden stamped on their ass. And it’s ok for this potus to recommend a third shot booster. $$$$ how much more$$$.
U libtards can only try to destroy people. Go get fondled by Cuomo, or put some black face on from Northam. Governor Ron is America’s Gov, a Saint compared to the corrupt Dems. Cali Gov is losing his recall. LMAO. DeSantis is educated And understands the science. He actually reads it. The monoclonal effort is brilliant and demonstrates his can do spirit. So an inventor in regeneron can’t contreibute to the Gov. Go figure.
You can thank team Biden for making the Gov a giant in Repub and conservative movement. He can just go from Tallahassee to WH direct once re-elected. Great serious polls yesterday. No stopping America’s Gov.
Concerned citizen
August 19, 2021 at 1:10 pm
After reading you posts you are either a bot or idiot? What is it Tom?
August 20, 2021 at 9:04 am
Neither but you don’t understand that as a Manchurian Dum. DeSantis is America’s Governor.
Your right, he’s not a fondler like NY, Cuomo. Nor losing his recall like Calis/Newsom. Or lockdowner like MI/Whitmer, not letting people garden or boat. He’s not like the racist black face Northam in VA. Go scratch you pathetic Dum. Your guy Biden is awful. What a joke. Btw, he’s built up Gov Ron into a giant. You haters are pathetic. Gov Ron wins by 10.
August 20, 2021 at 8:25 am
August 19, 2021 at 2:19 pm
If side effects from the booster are reported as similar or less than those of the first shots something is clearly wrong with either the vaccine or the immunity of the person receiving it.
August 19, 2021 at 9:16 am
Better to find out how well the first two covered your system. A blood test will tell the tale.
Scott Johnson
August 19, 2021 at 9:18 am
Just saying what he’s paid to say. Booster shots don’t bring revenue for his donors.
He’s quoted three different times exclaiming how “honest” he is. That should tell you something.
August 19, 2021 at 10:25 am
DeSantis is pushing a COVID-19 antibody treatment (Regeneron). Experts say Regeneron is an effective treatment for Covid.
However, one of DeSantis’s largest donors is Citadel CEO Ken Griffin. Citadel, a hedge fund company is invested in Regneron Pharmaceuticals.
Ken Griffin has donated $10.75 million to a political committee that supports DeSantis. This makes him one of the largest donors if not the largest donor to our governor.
I appreciate that the governor is pushing this treatment, but with such a large amount being donated to his campaign there is the stink of “Pay to Play”.
I wonder if I had a mask company and donated $15 million to his PAC, would he be preaching the wonders of wearing a mask?
Cliff Gephart
August 19, 2021 at 10:43 am
Oh look, the corrupt piece of crap that’s in the pocket of Regeneron says we don’t need Covid boosters? Color me shocked.
Where did Ron DeathSantis go to medical school again?
Bevo Meginley
August 19, 2021 at 10:44 am
I want to know where de Santis got his medical degree!
August 19, 2021 at 10:54 am
Omg he is just as absent minded as the rest of Florida, and yes I live here!!!! From the beginning they have said (scientists/doctors) “the vaccine was not a cure, it was to keep you from getting severely ill and or die” , im so over desantis,, (from a republican, Florida panhandle)
August 19, 2021 at 12:25 pm
You are offensive.
Go to your lockdown Governors states. One is a fondler and the other is a black face Gov. The other wouldn’t let you boat or garden. That’s who Nikki Fraud would be.
DeSantis, America’s Governor saved Florida. Be grateful.
August 21, 2021 at 11:25 am
My uncle, here in Leon county, had his 3rd shot 3 weeks ago.
I have had the virus and all the science says I have better anti-bodies then from the vax.
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