Gov. Ron DeSantis brought his talents back to the Fox News prime-time lineup Wednesday night.
Though not in the A-Block on Hannity, the Governor nonetheless brought his A-list material when it came to Afghanistan and President Joe Biden.
Describing the President as “asleep at the switch,” DeSantis conceded a need for military action decades ago, but added that the manner of the exit mattered … and that the American defeat sent a message to enemies on the world stage.
That message being that Biden can’t “lead with conviction on the world stage.”
“After 9/11, we needed to go in and rout the Taliban and al-Qaida. But I think in hindsight, we should have come home after that. I think trying to do the democracy and all that, I think has been very problematic,” DeSantis said.
“Having said that, and I think Donald Trump was right we needed to come home from Afghanistan, how you do that matters. If you leave thousands of Americans to fend for themselves behind enemy lines, that matters. When you’re leaving billions of dollars in military equipment for our enemies to take, that matters,” DeSantis said.
“It’s going to make that area a disaster. Obviously, Americans are at risk,” DeSantis said, noting that America’s enemies are sizing up the new administration and seeing exploitable opportunity.
“You know who’s looking at this? China, Russia, North Korea, all of our adversaries are taking the measure of Joe Biden. And they see that this is not somebody who is capable of leading with conviction on the world stage,” DeSantis asserted.
“So they are going to do everything they can, as long as he is President, to take advantage of that. And I think we’re in for a rocky three and a half years, as long as he is President,” DeSantis prognosticated.
The Governor also commented, as one might expect, on Biden being “on vacation.”
DeSantis said that “they had to ply him off of vacation to give kind of a half-cocked statement on camera.”
“He said he wasn’t taking questions,” lamented DeSantis, whose enthusiasm for give and take with media is legendary.
Frankie M.
August 18, 2021 at 10:40 pm
Best. Line. Ever.
“He said he wasn’t taking questions,” lamented DeSantis, whose enthusiasm for give and take with media is legendary.
So the only critique I’m hearing is not that we needed to leave Afghanistan yesterday but we needed to do so in style? Colin Powell was right about the Pottery Barn rule. You break it. You buy it. DeSantis should be thanking Biden for giving him a chance to talk about anything other than his disastrous covid response in Florida or lack thereof. See what I did there?
August 18, 2021 at 11:06 pm
Your ignorant.
As if you know anything , you cheap shot hack. America’s Governor did a great job and soft shoe tap dance on POTUS. He outlined the disaster Afghanistan is. He said we should have been out much earlier. The peeps support him, he’s way ahead of both pathetic Dums. Team Biden is disastrous with once in 50 to 75 yr foreign policy disaster-blunder. His leadership is offering new opportunities with monoclonal therapies. New therapy centers opening across states. W H had made him a star without in party and conservative movement. Call Alex you loser.
August 19, 2021 at 7:35 am
Biden is no leader. He is merely a teleprompter reader. Many of us us would like to see who is the puppeteer. This was an epic failure by this administration just like the failure along the Southern Border and we aren’t even one year into this debacle. 2022 will be a rout.
August 19, 2021 at 8:52 am
The Biden administration will implode and more chaos is to come, inevitably.
just sayin
August 19, 2021 at 10:17 am
It’s going to be interesting if Biden insists on running in 2024. I think he might be primaried.
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