Rep. Blaise Ingoglia pulled in $217,600 in September for his Senate run for a Senate seat.
“We continue to be excited about this campaign. Our message is resonating with voters because they know I will always defend our freedoms and liberties and oppose the Radical Left’s socialist agenda,” Ingoglia said.
State records show Ingoglia’s September take includes $36,350 that went to his official campaign account, while his longstanding Government Gone Wild PAC raked in $93,000 and Friends of Blaise Ingoglia pulled in $88,250.
Pull out expenses, and he maintains access to $1.65 million in cash on hand to support his Senate bid.
In July, the Spring Hill Republican filed to run in Senate District 10, though aware redistricting could substantially change jurisdictions. He’s reported significantly fundraising hauls each month since.
Part of his fundraising prowess comes from his stint serving as chairman of the Republican Party of Florida from 2014 to 2018. He continues to chair the Hernando County Republican Executive Committee.
Ingoglia has continued to run on a sharply conservative message.
“People on the Nature Coast are looking for a fighter to stand against the extreme agenda of the Radical Left,” Ingoglia said. “Democrat control in Washington is leading our nation to failure. It will take bold conservative leadership in states like Florida to show the nation the way forward to prosperity and freedom.”
Ingoglia may not seek another term in the House because of term limits.
To date, no Democrats have filed in Senate District 10. Former Sen. John Legg, a New Port Richey Republican, also filed but reported no contributions in September. Instead, Ingoglia has a years-old campaign account that has not reported contributions since April 2016 but has $145,454 in cash on hand. He became the first candidate to file for any state legislative seat for the 2022 election cycle, putting in his papers in 2018.
Lecanto Republican Rep. Ralph Massullo and Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco, a Republican of New Port Richey, are also considering a run in SD 10.
One comment
Harold Finch
October 11, 2021 at 2:39 pm
Ingoglia is the mostt arrogant, asshole i have have encountered as a legislator in my 25+ years as a lobbyist!! !! And a complete buffon!!
Damn I hope Sherriff Nocco runs against him!!!
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