Republicans won key victories in off-year elections Tuesday, boosting Gov. Ron DeSantis‘ 2024 odds with at least one sports book.
The oddsmakers at BoyleSports have trimmed DeSantis’ odds to 9/1 from 12/1.
The sportsbook notes that while “former President Donald Trump remains the firm favorite for the Republican party nomination in the 2024 presidential election, support for Ron DeSantis is growing and his chances of getting into the White House in three years’ time are improving according to the betting.”
DeSantis’ odds have ebbed and flowed, a function of Trump continuing to demonstrate interest in running again for The White House. However, the Governor appears to be a good bet recently for those making early investments in the 2024 Republican field.
Sarah Kinsella, spokesperson for BoyleSports notes, “The betting for the 2024 US Presidential election is already receiving some early interest as a new burst of support arrived this week for Ron DeSantis. The Florida Republican is 9/1 from 12/1 with this the lowest price he has ever been. Trump was trimmed into 3/1 from 7/2 last week with support also arriving for Dwayne Johnson who is 22/1 from 50/1.”
Whether The Rock can lay the electoral smackdown on DeSantis or Trump remains to be seen. But the Governor sounded very much like a 2024 presidential candidate during a speech he made in Las Vegas Saturday.
Fox News gave DeSantis top billing over Ambassador Nikki Haley in its writeup of the Governor’s appearance at the Republican Jewish Coalition. The Governor doesn’t seem to have introduced new material at that event, relying on tropes and talking points familiar to those who track his in-state messaging.
“In the state of Florida, I am walking that line. I am standing my ground. I’m not backing down,” DeSantis said. “We’ve done an awful lot in the state of Florida. We have a lot more to do, and I have only begun to fight.”
The Las Vegas Review-Journal had a reporter on hand for what was a local event, and the quotes were likewise well-rehearsed from that writeup, with the Governor claiming he ran “the freest state in America.”
A Trump video got top billing over a DeSantis live speech in that writeup, a potential worrying sign for those who wonder if DeSantis is really at a peer level with the former President.
That’s not a concern Trump has, if on-record comments from earlier this autumn are any indication.
“If I faced him, I’d beat him like I would beat everyone else,” Trump told Yahoo! Finance, noting DeSantis likely would “drop out.”
Most polls show that Trump is a strong frontrunner in polls of 2024 Republican candidates, with DeSantis generally farther back, a function of what one pollster called “limited recognition.”
In other words, it’s possible DeSantis has not found his ceiling with these bettors.
Impeach Biden
November 7, 2021 at 8:08 am
DeSantis is a shoe in for re-election.
November 7, 2021 at 10:10 am
You know it, I know it, and the American people know it.
November 7, 2021 at 8:27 am
America’s Governor is in great position.
Bigly re elect first. If 45 does not run, it is wide open. The Dems can thank the inept Biden WH.
They have made him America’s Governor.
Impeach Biden
November 7, 2021 at 9:02 am
Did you see the latest from Kamala Harris? She asks a guy giving an environmental / global warming presentation if he could track the number of trees in neighborhoods. She was basically alleging that people of color don’t have as many trees. This is on the scale of Congressman Hank Johnson and his theory that Guam might sink or tip due to too many US military on the island. Kamala and Biden are perfect for each other. Dumb and Dumber.
November 7, 2021 at 10:14 am
She pretends to be black. The only black DNA she has is from Willie Brown.
November 7, 2021 at 9:23 am
If elected in 2024, Trump would be 78 upon taking office, the same age as Biden now (though a cocker spaniel could surpass Biden in mental acuity). I’d prefer a younger, less volatile candidate than Trump. Shouldn’t be too hard to fill from the Republican bench. Who are the Dems going to nominate? Dementia Joe? Cackling Kam? Ugh.
Impeach Biden
November 7, 2021 at 9:30 am
Lots of Democratic all stars to chose from:
AOC, Jayapal, Omar, Talib, Hank Johnson, Warren and on and on. Ha! Ha!
Ocean Joe
November 7, 2021 at 10:33 am
Blasphemy! Of course you’re right. So why can’t any Republican officeholder outside of New England say the same thing publicly without losing their job?
November 7, 2021 at 11:25 am
Don’t mistake me for a Never Trumper or mindless Trump hater, whom I hold in abject contempt. Trump prevented Clinton Inc from restoration to the White House, and for that alone I am grateful to the man.
November 7, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Ocean , you have to answer Q’s.
Just can’t make conspiracy statements. You make charges abd cannot back them up.
You, Socialist Alex, TJB, non professor, and others make false charges attacks. Weasel peter h is silenced now with corrupt Lincoln org being denounced in Virginia. Scurrilous organization used by far left. Be clear if Lincoln attacks DeSantis it will bsck fire.
Florida Politics really needs to reflect in referencing them.
Ocean Joe
November 7, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Tom, where have you been? My charge is that anybody who stands up to Trump goes on a hit list and for that reason almost all your GOP officeholders are scared, they suffer from battered spouse syndrome.
Anthony Gonzales, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Georgia’s Kemp and Raffensperger, Murkowski, the rep from Wash. state, are all likely to go down as revenge by Trump. Raffensperger has even gotten death threats.
There’s no conspiracy there, it’s all out in the open: Trump wants them gone and you, the trained seals will do as he says. That’s why even your favorite, America’s governor, cringes in Trump’s shadow. Scott, as low as he is, deserves credit for supporting Murkowski. Trump has already knocked a few off before them.
For the record, I voted for Trump in 2016, a disastrous choice, I must say. Instead of letting the weight of the office straighten him up he went hog wild and we have all paid a horrible price.
In New England, Sununu is a Bush Republican and Baker was elected in an 8-1 Democratic state and neither of them seem to worry about Trump.
I leave the conspiracies to you. Covid, Bill Gates, Jewish space lasers, Trumps reinstatement, climate change as a hoax, Y2K, etc. seem to have taken root on the right.
Ocean Joe
November 7, 2021 at 7:09 pm
Sorry, I left out Jan 6 being a “tourist visit”, or a false flag operation by Antifa, or Dominion voting machines, or Rudy’s make up being sabotaged by the Dems, as a few more conspiracies. Will add that Kinzinger got done in by redistricting before you guys could get to him. But anybody who doesnt realize Trump puts his personal revenge above country and party isn’t thinking straight.
November 7, 2021 at 9:25 pm
Ocean LMAO with you.
The only sane thing you said was 2016 vote for 45. Well done. Greatest vote since Reagan in 80.
You are really messed up. The Mavericks are encouraged, required in Repub party. Compared to Manchin or Sinema who are chased, brow beat or threatened to do what Dems want.
The House members you mention are light weights. Liz Cheney is a tough ass want a be. Your lefties hated her father as did Pelosi and Schumer and Leahy from Vermont. Who Dick Cheney told to F. – off.
You love to point out the personal. None of you Manchurians can discuss issues. You have become empty vessels.
Kinzinger has no future, none. Gonzalez has nothing to offer.
Have you heard of the socialist AOC, Omar, Jaypsal, Bounmann. Your party is done.
As for Jersey. Really, it’s 2021 not the 60’s with Richard J Daley and LBJ. Stealing votes.
CArville even said you guys are extremist. My God read Alex and weasel H. What a bunch of haters.
You love to make empty conspiracy’s with no facts. The clown show we have now is appalling. .
November 7, 2021 at 12:48 pm
What Dems are calling out inept Joe and giggles Harris? How bout Pelosi or Schumer?
The tom a tons, zombie Manchurians in lock step is comical. Worry bout your own mess.
Repubs are the party of the middle class, working class, blue collar people that bathe after working hard all day. Not the coastal elites and corrupt oligarchs.
Turning Virginia and New Jersey from blue to red, without voter fraud is a beast example.
Ocean Joe
November 8, 2021 at 7:04 am
Mavericks like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker? Trump ran them off and we got stuck with weird Sinema and Marsha Blackburn, and he destroyed Jeff Sessions so we got Tommy Tuberville-these were not improvements, but Trump got his revenge and the collective IQ of the senate dropped towards Trump territory.
November 8, 2021 at 7:57 am
Jeff flake are you serious. He’s pathetic. Corker is a b s know nothing.
Where the independent, maverick Dems? The Dems do nothing but partisan. Nothing, you have to agree to 80% of what they want , maybe they’ll give u 20%. If lucky. .
Stop blaming Repubs, put a cork in that flake. Btw, Trump did not drive them off. Flake had no chance to win. He was afraid of his shadow. Corker bailed, Trump endorsed him.
November 7, 2021 at 6:07 pm
Hey ocean Joe, the incompetent state senate President in N J, who lost to a truck driver says he found 12,000 ballots.
I know that’s impossible cause only Repub. are wrong. But Jersey the Dems have 12,000 dead or more to vote. Just saying
Ocean Joe
November 7, 2021 at 7:13 pm
Tom, it’s New Jersey, OK? What do you expect from a place like that? Hope nobody closes any bridges to block them from being counted. If there are uncounted legitimate votes, count them. If they are illegitimate prosecute. Maybe Ron will loan our new election police out, instead of sending cops to Texas.
Ocean Joe
November 7, 2021 at 7:19 pm
Tom, you’re old. Dont you remember Abscam? Sen. Williams, a Dem taking a sack of money from a fake Arab sheik? Wasn’t Menendez on trial or under indictment for something as well? Corruption is not confined to the GOP, it’s just that you guys are better at it.
November 8, 2021 at 7:20 am
I am older ocean Ocean Joe, but I am a student of politics, the presidency, and electoral analyst.
Yes I am aware of New Jersey corruption, still not justified.
Really, really bad news on USA Today poll. Fibber Joe is at 38% approval, giggles Harris is at 28%. Its abysmal.
The Repub congressional ballot is 46%. It’s worse for Dems at 38%.
November 8, 2021 at 10:44 pm
Ocean Joe, no more references to age and or old or young. Ok Pal?
You did so once before and I called you out.
The collective IQ of the Manchurians is 3rd grade. Just saying.
November 7, 2021 at 8:15 pm
The following companies support, fund, Joe Biden, the Democrat party, BLM and other far left organizations. BOYCOTT whenever possible the following socialist enablers. Patriots, pass this along….
American Airlines
American Express
Bank of America
Baskin Robbins
Best Buy
Carl’s Jr.
Capital One
Corona Beer
Dell Technologies
Delta Airlines
Discovery channel
Discovery Plus
Dunkin Donuts
Ford Motor Co.
General Motors
Goldman Sachs
Jack in the Box
Johnson & Johnson
Levi Strauss & Co
Little Caesars
Lowes Hardware
Modello Beer
Nerd Wallet
Pacifico Beer
Rocket Mortgage
Sonic Rest.I
State Farm Insurance
Target Stores
The General Insurance
United Airlines
US Bank
USA today
Varo Bank
Wells Fargo
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