Rep. Nick DiCeglie crossed the $500,000 mark in his run to succeed Sen. Jeff Brandes in Senate District 24.
DiCeglie raised nearly $80,000 in October for his campaign and affiliated political committee, Economic Freedom Committee.
DiCeglie’s campaign provided the latest update. More information on other candidates and finance details will be available when required campaign finance disclosures, due Wednesday, are filed with the Florida Division of Elections.
“The support for our campaign has been overwhelming and is a testament that voters want bold conservative leadership that protects our rights and freedoms, keeps our business open, allows parents to make decisions for their kids, and stands up to an out-of-control federal government when necessary,” DiCeglie said in a statement. “I am so thankful to the many patriots who have supported our campaign thus far to ensure that we have strong, conservative representation in the Florida Senate. Together, we will Keep Pinellas Great.”
DiCeglie was first elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2018 and reelected in 2020.
Currently, DiCeglie faces Republican challenger Timothy J. Lewis, who has so far not raised any funds in the race. Democratic candidate Eunic Ortiz is also vying for the seat but has trailed in the funding race.
SD 24 covers much of Pinellas County, including parts of St. Petersburg, Seminole, Largo, most Gulf Beaches and parts of southern Clearwater.
Ahead of the 2020 election, the district was home to about 357,000 voters, about 37% of whom are registered Republicans. Democrats held a 33% share of the electorate. In 2018, the last time the seat was on the ballot, Brandes defeated Democrat Lindsay Cross by about 10 percentage points.