MSNBC, Nikki Fried declare Ron DeSantis M.I.A. during omicron surge
Ron DeSantis fires back at Nikki Fried. Images via Colin Hackley.

The Governor has not made a public appearance in nearly two weeks, outside of a Fox News spot.

Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried and network hosts at MSNBC are asking where Gov. Ron DeSantis is during the omicron COVID-19 surge.

With long virus testing lines across the state and record-breaking levels of new cases over the last two weeks, Democrats and left-wing media are calling on the Republican Governor to confront the pandemic.

The last time DeSantis held a news conference was on Dec. 17, the Friday before the week of Christmas. The Governor has not made a public appearance since, outside of a Fox News spot.

In that time, Florida has gone from a state with some of the least community spread to one the worst.

Both Fried, one of three Democrats running to unseat DeSantis in 2022, and MSNBC host Tiffany Cross declared DeSantis M.I.A. — missing in action — over the last week and a half.

“I don’t know where he is,” Fried said, “But quite honest, even if he was here, he wouldn’t be doing anything anyhow, and we know that.”

Officials confirmed 46,923 new cases in Florida in the last day, a record one-day high for the state, and 206,358 new cases in the last week. Only New Jersey and New York, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, have more COVID-19 cases per capita than Florida in the last week, per U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data updated Wednesday afternoon.

On Tuesday, Fried sent a letter to DeSantis asking him to ramp up the state’s response to the latest surge in Florida’s COVID-19 cases. Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings also went public that day, blasting DeSantis for not doing more to address the new surge.

Demings said there are shortages of tests, too few state-supported testing sites and a lack of leadership at the state level as his county and other local governments around the state are “being overwhelmed” trying to respond. He also blasted DeSantis for taking away local government ability to make COVID-19 policies.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, a DeSantis appointee, on Tuesday sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra accusing President Joe Biden’s administration of standing in the way of efficiently deploying one COVID-19 treatment, monoclonal antibody therapy.

Fried is asking DeSantis to make testing more accessible and to make a push for more booster shots in nursing homes.

Fried received her booster shot publicly on Wednesday. By comparison, DeSantis on Dec. 19 told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that he has only received the “normal shot”, presumably just one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Booster shots limit the severity of COVID-19 infections, preventing hospitalization and death in most cases.

“I got my vaccine, my booster shot today,” Fried said. “I did it in public to show this is what a leader is supposed to do, lead by example, and telling the people of our state, thank you.”

DeSantis’ response to Bartiromo’s question displayed a lack of leadership, she continued, accusing the Governor of dancing around the question.

Polls show DeSantis leading all Democratic candidates in the gubernatorial race with Election Day less than a year away. But Fried reminded viewers that DeSantis beat the 2018 Democratic nominee, Andrew Gillum, by less than half a percentage point.

“That is really the question that people should be asking every single day and especially at the ballot box in 2022,” Fried said. “Who do you want to be as your next Governor? Do you want somebody who’s going to dance around the issues, put your personal safety at risk, or somebody who is going to have the booster, have it in public, be out there every day, encouraging people to take the safety measures, get the vaccine, listen to CDC and make sure that you’re protecting your loved ones and your community members?”

Renzo Downey

Renzo Downey covers state government for Florida Politics. After graduating from Northwestern University in 2019, Renzo began his reporting career in the Lone Star State, covering state government for the Austin American-Statesman. Shoot Renzo an email at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @RenzoDowney.


  • Alex

    December 30, 2021 at 7:14 am

    He has no excuses after following the Trump crazy train into la la land and all the resulting unnecessary, mindless, and pointless deaths to prove their loyalty.

    Now suddenly Trump is pro-vaccine/booster, and MAGAstan is in full disarray.

    It would be hilarious except it’s as real as a heart attack.

    • Tom

      December 30, 2021 at 8:22 am

      Biden and his incompetent band of elites have caused havoc domestically with unwarranted mandates and debacles abroad.

      Forcing retirements with employees in vital agencies and first responders. Businesses are suffering like the aviation side, recent example.

      Memo to all you Manchurian socialists, this adm is living off of past 45’s accomplishments related to early Covid, vaccines and therapeutics.

      Biden has accomplished nothing to date. Zero, nada.

      • Alex Jones - Info Wars

        December 30, 2021 at 4:39 pm

        Dude, you must be Don Jr., Eric, or Ivanka! We’re not as STUPID as you’re trying to make us out to be!

        • Tom

          January 1, 2022 at 7:11 am

          You fail to allow and give yourself enough credit pal. You are even more stupid, extra, extra stupid. And yes, you are a larger fool then realized.

  • Tom

    December 30, 2021 at 7:40 am

    What is America’s Gov to do per corrupt Nikki Fraud and corrupt mayor Demings. Typical partisan hacks.

    Oh yeah, that’s why incompetent POTUS hasn’t ordered the new needed take home tests. They haven’t even signed contract to order them.

    Oh yeah, they haven’t made old monoclonals available and FDA hadn’t approved new ones til last week, with waiting 9 months for availability.

    These two acts of incompetence is impeachable. Along with no Biden FDA approved commish. Amazing one year later.

    Going on corrupt Comcast NBC, China apologist no surprise. America’s Governor the best, ask corrupt Fraud what she would actually do? Crickets.

  • Concern Citizen

    December 30, 2021 at 11:08 am

    Why is DeSantis not opening more testing sites in our state?

    • Tom

      December 30, 2021 at 11:27 am

      It’s been delegated to the locals to do so. But, hey why would you and the Manchurians pay Attn.
      Ask Dum, Dum Demings or Cava.

      • Sassy Cassie

        December 30, 2021 at 8:42 pm

        So, an Amoeba is supposedly in charge. Where was IT when the tests were available? And why is IT not helping with therapeutics? Put the blame where it belongs.

        • Tom

          December 30, 2021 at 9:19 pm

          Assy, sassy Really ignorant.
          How stupid are you?
          The corrupt mayor didn’t act like he needed the Gov last winter & spring.
          Dum, Dum Demings.

      • Concern Citizen

        December 31, 2021 at 1:07 pm

        So DeSantis’s Department of Health is passing the buck to the locals. So he is not providing support to the local Florida communities to safely manage and monitor Covid outbreaks.. I am sure if there were more testing sites, the number of Floridians with Covid would significantly increase. DeSantis and Pushaw would lose their minds if the saw the real numbers for Covid infections in Florida.
        I like RJ comment. Is DeSantis hiding because he has COVID? Why is wife with cancer out campaigning without him?

        • Tom

          January 1, 2022 at 11:31 am

          Dumb ass and dumber!
          Both Unconcerned and RJ.
          He was at orange bowl and was with the wife at local church. He received a freedom award.

          Locals administer the program.
          You mean the tests incompetent Joe didn’t order cause Harris was giggling and buttigeg was nursing.

          Good going Manchurian extremists.
          MSDNC, Joy Reidless has become the face of your extremism.

          How pathetic you all crawl! Can a man assist wife in cancer battle? Can he spend tine with kids.

          60 House seats flipping in 22. Repubs will vote for the Fraud in Florida to win so we can annihilate Dems in November. Enjoy!

          • Concern Citizen

            January 2, 2022 at 12:23 pm

            DeSantis hide from the press at these events. Why won’t he talk to the press? He tell people he has “balls”. Did he leave them at home?

      • Not Tom

        January 1, 2022 at 12:57 pm

        Seems like you know a lot……of nothing. Typical Trumpeter.

        • Tom

          January 1, 2022 at 1:23 pm

          Try taking me on you piece of manure Manchurian extremist. Kiss my ass.

          Defend alzie Joe.
          Giggles Harris. The incompetent duo.
          Niki Fraud.
          Why is it you pathetic Manchurian s never can defend them?

          DeSantis, America’s Gov will wipe the floor with all 3 of your Dums. And that hot garbage Dum, Dum Deming.

          You are getting tour ass kicked in Florida and with 60 seat flip!
          Watch and cry!

    • Fun Fact … I Don't Care

      December 31, 2021 at 6:55 am

      Are you sick? Why would you want a test if you’re not sick? I bet if we tested everyone in the country for STD’s the rate would go up for that also.

    • Jerry

      January 1, 2022 at 11:07 pm

      The ENTIRE country is short on test kits because Biden didn’t sign the deals until a few weeks ago. The whole country is short because of that. The federal government was supposed to provide millions of at-home kits.
      The CDC also recently ended recommendation of the PCR tests due to accuracy concerns. That also contributed to the shortage because people dont want that particular test now.

  • Ron Ogden

    December 30, 2021 at 12:37 pm

    If MSNBC/AP/FLAPOL thinks they have picked the right horse to ride in FLA2022, they will find out how sadly mistaken they are. Fried is a flop as a public servant, a hack as a politician and a fraud as a candidate. The only thing she is good at is making money from marijuana, which is apparently the Demo enterprise of choice. Smart money says she finishes third–if she even makes it to the primary–and Crist goes on to lose badly to DeSantis in November, thus spiking his chances for the Demo nod in 2024.

  • Jay Watson

    December 30, 2021 at 1:13 pm

    California Governor Newsome Omicron MIA. Numbers are going to explode even with these liberals triple masked.. The Democrats ran on the lie they would end covid, more deaths this year with these liars with a vaccine than last year. The only thing they have to show for is more lockdowns and more masks that are not working. Please send the U.S Military to have all these idiots arrested before we all go down. Exile them to China where they belong!

  • Tom

    December 30, 2021 at 2:27 pm

    Have not seen the poll you reference Ron but agree with you and Jay above.

    Nikki Fraud is a joke. No one takes her seriously besides FP and China backed NBC. This is a classic example of liberal, leftist media bullying a Repub.

    No one defends Nikki Fraud, ever. She brings new meaning to trailer park. Hot garbage.
    It would be better if she gets the nomination. It would be a slaughter, sweep!! Vote Nikki Fraud for a 60% win across board Nov/22.

    America’s Governor has a very good chance of being nominee if he runs. 45 would have to not seek presidency. DeSantis would defeat Biden or Harris. The age contrast with Biden is tremendous to DeSantis’s favor.
    America’s Gov the best!

  • Tom

    December 30, 2021 at 3:14 pm

    More terrible need for the Manchurian elites Dums.

    Biden is underwater, negative in 45 states, per new Dec Civiqs citizen polling by individual state. That’s underwater including blue states.

    This is an annihilation coming. We are looking at a 60 seat net House swing to GOP. 6 to 8 seats flip to GOP in Senate, possible 10 to invoke cloture . In Florida, he is at 38%, negative 17%. This will ensure Gov Ron and Sen Rubio victories.

    Enjoy Manchurians, major whipping less year away. America’s Gov the best!

  • Turnoff Cablenews

    December 30, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    Good old dumb anonymous Tom continuing to push lie after lie. Absolute Idiot. No wonder Florida is the biggest joke of the US.

    • Tom

      December 30, 2021 at 3:41 pm

      That’s a fact jack-off!
      What’s a lie turn off cable news?
      Get out of the NBC China bubble.
      Your incompetent POTUS? Giggles Harris ? Nikki Fraud? Biden being upside negative in 45 states. Being 38% approval in Florida? You Manchurians being Soros puppets.

      What you got little one? Child size?
      You don’t have Govs Kahones.
      America’s Gov, Tallahassee to WH.

  • nail

    December 30, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    WOW!!! I see Deathsantis’ Christina Pushaw has her troops out in full force on these comments. This is her job. She sends them out when she senses fear. She should be fearful right now, Desantis is a flop as a governor. He will be gone in 2022.

    • Tom

      December 31, 2021 at 5:20 am

      Nice, how’s that drug use.
      Pass the bong. Perpetual high.

  • Concern Citizen

    December 31, 2021 at 9:59 am

    Tom TheTroll needs to find our Lord, our savior, Jesus Christ, and seek redemption for his crass, offensive, and vitriolic attacks on his fellow man. And perhaps the Lord can then help Tom The Troll with his ED problem.

    • Tom

      December 31, 2021 at 3:56 pm

      No troll
      Just truth
      My following is large.
      LOL, you read it too.
      Your false witness is spiteful.
      Pass no judgements friend.
      You will be spat out.
      DeSantis wins!
      W H follows in 24.

      • Concern Citizen

        December 31, 2021 at 5:14 pm

        Yes I look at you comments, the same way that I look at a accident. And has they found a cure for you ED?

        • Tom

          December 31, 2021 at 6:35 pm

          You are a pathetic non concerned human. I have a mass following of thinking conservatives.
          22 will be a ass kicking for likes like you. You are a liberal extremist stooge.
          You can’t take on one fact I provide.
          You offer nothing. Your wet noodle attempts are meaningless.
          Buy some Desantis golf balls, grow a pair.

          • Concern Citizen

            January 2, 2022 at 9:39 am

            Little Tom, I have a lovely pair. How did your phalloplasty procedure work out? Sadly, with your anencephalic condition, your followers only exist in your big head.

  • RJ

    December 31, 2021 at 12:27 pm

    It seems obvious that the Governor has COVID and he is in quarantine, but doesn’t want to tell anyone.

    • Tom

      December 31, 2021 at 3:53 pm

      R J Hardly, keep lies to yourself.

    • Tom

      December 31, 2021 at 6:26 pm

      Governor Ron Will appear at orange bowl. Take that you pathetic Manchurians.

  • C.Gurin

    December 31, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    There seems to be a very strong suspicion that the missing in action Governor Ron De Santis has contracted Covid. Has Florida Politics attempted to find out where he is?

  • Tom

    December 31, 2021 at 6:30 pm

    R J and Guerin.
    He’s at orange bowl later.
    What a bunch of manchurians
    Leftist media and zombie Manchurian Dums.

    • Concern Citizen

      January 2, 2022 at 9:41 am

      Hey Little Tom, I did not see DeSantis at the MIA Orange Bowl.

      • Tom

        January 2, 2022 at 3:51 pm

        Hey troll unconcerned citizen.
        You have no manhood on you,
        Total ovary.
        He was up in a sky box. Documented.
        I know you think he should call you and AOC, hardly.
        Lot of nothing.
        You pathetic Manchurian losers.

        • Concern Citizen

          January 2, 2022 at 4:06 pm

          He was hiding in the sky box with his faithful followers. He would not talk to any news sources although he was a able to. What is he hiding from ?. Why won’t he talk to the media? Is he afraid of hard questions.. For an alleged tough guy, “ Florida Governor has a Pair”, it appears that he has no balls. Something DeSantis and you have in common.

          • Tom

            January 2, 2022 at 9:49 pm

            Ovary man.
            LMAO, you are despicable.
            He was not hiding.
            He attended and was honored by a church later for religious freedom.
            You should be thankful.
            You can’t grow anything.
            Buy some DeSantis balls.

        • Concern Citizen

          January 3, 2022 at 9:14 am

          Has anyone noticed that Tom is not able to read?

          • Concern Citizen

            January 3, 2022 at 9:24 am

            Again, DeSantis was hiding from the media at this event? Why won’t he talk to the media?
            Tom, I can’t buy DeSantis balls because he doesn’t have any — unless you want to buy his golf balls, a poor substitute for his lack of courage. Just wondering, do you have his balls in your hands?

  • Tom

    December 31, 2021 at 8:34 pm

    You pathetic Manchurians
    Your incompetent goes to Delaware 31 times
    Hides in the basement and you zombie Manchurians all vote for him.
    He purposefully didn’t order new tests in October. Have purposefully not ordered old monos therapeutics and delayed new ones.

    Can the Gov take his wife to chemotherapy?
    How bout his kids, can he be a dad for 7 or 10 days? You pathetic non humans are hot garbage. Nikki Fraud had audacity to complain about tests. Dum, Dum Hack Demings won’t work with America’s Gov, as he’s a partisan.

  • Impeach Biden

    December 31, 2021 at 8:51 pm

    So the Governor is looking after his wife like a good husband. Fried / Fraud and the rest of the Democrats have egg on their face. On a side note, will Biden get 2million illegals to cross before midnight tonight? Let’s see, now from over 150 different countries and God knows what Covid variant they bring with them. 2022 and 2024 can’t come soon enough.

    • Terrance Bees

      January 2, 2022 at 9:49 am

      IB, are you doing ACID on this NEW YEAR EVE. There is a rumor that unvaccinated American citizens are spreading Covid more widely than the immigrants- the majority of these so-called “illegals” are tested and denied entry if tested positive. I am sure a FEW of these humans have crossed the border illegally, but it is an extremely low percentage.

  • Ocean Joe

    January 1, 2022 at 9:57 am

    Happy New Year. Please don’t pick on Tom. That’s like Trump making fun of the crippled reporter, or Rush making fun of AIDS deaths or Michael Fox’s battle with Parkinsons. Tom is an unabashed devotee of the governor, and probably a shut in, inasmuch as he is oblivious to the environmental damage caused by decades of Republican control, abolition of the DCA, slashing of water management science staff, unabated sale of spring waters to low bidders, Piney Point, St. Lucie river, Indian River lagoon, and bragging about bringing a thousand new residents daily.
    If the governor is laying low for awhile, be grateful, it’s a Christmas gift to us that he is resting his presidential campaign.
    Does he have covid? Don’t know, but raising that kind of thing is cut from the same conspiracy theory cloth as Jewish Space Lasers, Bill Gates vaccine implants, Jan 6 was a tourist visit, the stolen election with no evidence, etc.
    Let’s be thankful the governor is laying low for a while and leave the conspiracies to the gullible. He is not an anti-vaxxer, he only pretends to be one on tv.

    • Tom

      January 1, 2022 at 12:11 pm

      Ocean river Joe, America’s Governor gets B for environmental policy and implementation. As a Repub an A is warranted.

      As for the cheap shots from you Joe and the Manchurian nation. You are all despicable.

      The ignoramuses from Manchurian Dem nation is hysterical. You all love to dish it out but you can’t take it. I suffer you all gladly!! .

      I enjoy the the beach and golf courses Joe ocean, so don’t lecture me on environment. The cheap shots related to less fortunate is shameful. I support less fortunate and good causes financially.

      You Manchurians love to lecture and not walk the walk.

      America’s Gov will be re-elected and likely pursue W H. If he runs, he will win! If 45 does not.

      Big wins coming, 60 seat GOP House pick up in 22. Enjoy!

    • Tom

      January 1, 2022 at 1:51 pm

      Joe, don’t speak for me, thanks.
      America’s Gov is not playing anti vax at all. He had encouraged everyone to consider getting the vac.

      Biden’s HHS identified Florida as the highest senior vaccinated state in country. Full stop, fact.

      Biden’s incompetent team didn’t order the take home test kits this past October and still not. They have deliberately delayed new therapeutics. They’ve refused dispensing Reneger-on.
      He still does not have a confirmed FDA commish, are you serious.

      Your cheap shots are many ocean Joe. All you Manchurian s love to ridicule bit never held accountable.
      The reckoning awaits in Nov 22.
      As a presidential and congressional scholar, poly scientist, and electoral expert, the Dums have a ass kicking upcoming. Extrapolate VA & N J and it’s really deep. 60 House seats, 6 Senate seats. Gov Ron wins.

      Biden is negative, upside down in 45 states! Florida he’s negative 17.

      Just awful. It won’t change.

  • Jerry

    January 1, 2022 at 11:22 pm

    No one even watches that channel unless you are a far left liberal loon. And that’s the only network that gives this Nikki Fraud the time of day.

    Nikki is a joke. She won’t even be the Dem nominee. The Dems are going to nominate Crist and watch him get blown out.

    • Tom

      January 6, 2022 at 1:34 pm

      I’s thinks the Fraud allows a major political annihilation of Dums. Gov & Senate, I mean State legislature, county, local, and school boards.
      She is a piranha, bellicose and extremist. Clean sweep with coattails.

Comments are closed.


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