Former Rick Scott Director of External Affairs Carrie O’Rourke has landed one of the plum positions in Florida politics: She’s the new John Sebree.
O’Rourke is leaving her position as vice chancellor for governmental affairs at the Florida Board of Governors to become the vice president of public policy for the Florida Association of Realtors. In this position, she will direct all public policy activities, programs, product and services. She will set the direction of current and future public policy proposal and activities and is responsible for RPAC fundraising.
That last part is what makes this such a major personnel note. As the executive who directs the Realtors’ political donations, O’Rourke will be one of the most sought-after donors in the state because the Realtors are easily one of the top five contributors in Florida politics. O’Rourke’s job is a big, big deal.
Previous to her work with the BOG, O’Rourke oversaw external affairs in Gov. Scott’s office, overseeing events at the Governor’s Mansion, along with gubernatorial appointments, correspondence, proclamations and scheduling. Prior to taking that assignment under Chief of Staff Adam Hollingsworth, she served as one of Scott’s deputy chiefs of staff. She also was finance director for Scott’s 2011 inaugural celebration, notes Steve Bousquet of the Tampa Bay Times.
Carrie O’Rourke is the sister of uber fundraiser, Meredith O’Rourke.