The re-election campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to traffic topical merchandise, with its latest offering being a pair of flip flops to “commemorate” the work of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The campaign sent out an email Friday morning touting the merch just hours after DeSantis again refused to say whether he had gotten a booster shot for COVID-19 but implied that he had not.
The Governor has made Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Adviser to President Joe Biden, a frequent target in both fundraising appeals and press conference messages. But this latest product offering takes those critiques to a new level.
“So, to commemorate all the flip flopping from Dr. Fauci, we’re launching exclusive Freedom Over Fauci Flip Flops, only available on the Team DeSantis storefront. After 600+ days of ineffective lockdowns and mandates, 3 things are certain with Fauci: He flips. He flops. He fails,” the ad copy proclaims.
Fauci has been a recurrent topic for DeSantis. A previous fundraising email from late December lamented, not for the first time, the doctor’s high profile in the media.
“Fauci doesn’t care about doing what’s right or using even basic common sense. He’s too caught up in TV interviews, magazine covers and the adulation and acceptance from elitists that he’s likely craved his entire life,” the Governor wrote in an email entitled “Permanent Faucism.”
Fauci has served as a punching bag during at least one prior surge of COVID-19, and the Governor’s team found a merchandise opportunity there as well. When the delta variant strained hospital capacity in Florida this summer, DeSantis’ political committee released merchandise lampooning Fauci, including “Don’t Fauci My Florida” beer koozies and T-shirts.
Even as the Governor continues to fundraise off Fauci, bolstering his more than $70 million cash on hand for re-election, key appointees are making even more strident cases against Fauci.
Florida’s Surgeon General blasted the Joe Biden administration Wednesday in the wake of its proposal to distribute 400 million masks, saying the Biden White House and specifically Dr. Fauci “dehumanized” people regarding COVID-19 mitigation and mask mandates.
Dr. Joe Ladapo appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where he made the comments.
Asked about the effect of mask requirements on children, Ladapo pivoted to a larger indictment of national policy in critiques of this “bizarre period” of the pandemic.
“Tucker, you’re totally sharing one of the saddest parts of this pandemic in terms of policy at the national level, including with people like Dr. Fauci,” Ladapo shared. “They basically dehumanized the U.S. population, the people that live in this country.”
just a comment
January 21, 2022 at 12:17 pm
flip flop comes from the past because we have international manufacturing greater in other spots now.poison politics comes from out of country regulations.regulations comes with ammo people take aim.no one cares if they are getting manufactured in ways other then nice or do they care if you pay the high price no one cares if you rot or not. toe in the slab says for sale.for god. bread is your hair baked up in sht now
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 1:50 pm
Will John Kerry be getting a cut of this? If you’re gonna do something stupid at least don’t be unoriginal.
January 21, 2022 at 2:33 pm
His Eminence Cardinal Fauci is invincibly arrogant, after all, he represents SCIENCE, and will retire comfortably, more than comfortably, on his generous civil service pension and investments in China.
January 22, 2022 at 5:46 pm
How is it that we can always guess when someone gets their news from the comedy channel, Fox. A giveaway, “investments in China.” Fox is the only fake news channel that brought this up. Why, because it’s red meat for the ignorant.
I take it you do not have the money to invest in the market? Because if you did, you would know that 1/4v of the market of EFTs, any investment fund or stocks are Chinese companies. But you go right ahead and practice your ignorance, DeSantis, like Trump, “love the uneducated.”
January 23, 2022 at 8:14 am
Actually, Nail, I get most of my news from on-line sources; I do have money in the market and avoid Chinese investments, because they are not trustworthy; and you are presumptuous and an ignoramus. Continue to get your news from CNN, MSNBC and NPR, and go to Hell.
Sue Sherrill
January 26, 2022 at 11:32 am
Don’t you love how arrogant these poor misinformed ignoramuses are???
Sandra Sanchez
January 21, 2022 at 3:40 pm
Fauci, should have all his assets frozen and be investigated for his part in the crimes against humanity, his assets should be redistributed to all the victims of the virus he helped create.
January 21, 2022 at 4:57 pm
January 22, 2022 at 5:51 pm
Without Fauci you would be dead. Do you think Trump or Desantis care if you got the vax. they are he ones who don’t want you to take it. Fl had the highest amount of deaths per capita than any other state. If we could get unDeSantis numbers, like the 8,000 deaths that are missing from Fl, it would be higher. But you are another ignorant that believes in DeSantis. Why did he have Dr Piro fired from the Fl dept of Health for sending a email to all employees, ASKING them to get vaxed? Why would any responsible Governor do that? Governors are supposed to lead. DeSantis wants to lead everyone into the grave.
Sandra Sanchez
January 22, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Neither Trump nor DeSantis advise against taking the vaccination, they agree , it’s your choice. I’m sure you have no qualms when you hear, my body, my choice, when it comes to abortion. People have a choice, as to what they put into their bodies. FYI; Fauci didn’t create the vaccine, he created all the misinformation around it.
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 4:37 pm
Fauci is a gdamn national treasure and should be knighted Sir Anthony asap just to piss off all the mouthbreatthers.
Sandra Sanchez
January 21, 2022 at 4:43 pm
Frankie, you can have since you think so highly of the weasel that infected the world
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 8:04 pm
Yes this was all part of Fauci’s evil plot to toil in the obscurity public health for 50 years before unleashing covid pandemic on the world? Talk about playing the long game. Maybe they should sell tinfoil hats instead of flip flops? I’d buy a Fauci bobblehead. Cocaine is a helluva drug Sandra. I hope you get the help you so clearly need.
January 22, 2022 at 6:03 pm
The ignorance is astounding in Florida. These old ppl are the first to get vaxed but because incompetent GQP tell them Fauci did wrong they believe them. Ask them when the vax was found and they will tell you Trump found it! Such ignorance when there is so much info available. Fauci has founded almost every vax in his 50 yrs of service.
DeSantis does not have to sell tin foil hats, the antennas are growing out of their ears directed at Fox. Fauci could really help by endorsing the movement to get Fox banned from cable. Then they can join OAN in la la land of nothing next month because they were finally cancelled for disinformation..
These are the people who have no families. Their families do not want to deal with the crazy, so they break from them. It’s only the GQPs, never the Democrats. Democrats live in reality, GQP live in alt-world of space lasers, tin foil hats, drink urine and bleach. Darwin will come for them, not soon enough.
Sandra Sanchez
January 22, 2022 at 7:36 pm
OAN was canceled by Direct Tv / AT&T just more liberal communist
January 21, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Knighted? LOL, Frankiie. Given that would contravene the US constitution how about His Eminence Cardinal Fauci and Francis Collins and maybe Deborah Birx are nominated for a Nobel prize?
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 8:05 pm
Why not? Trump wanted to be a Russian dictator. Why can’t Fauci join the ranks of English nobility?
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 8:10 pm
I’m surprised Fauci hasn’t been blamed yet for the AIDS epidemic in the 80s. He clearly started it & did everything in his power to spread it. Believe everything you read on fB kids!
Sandra Sanchez
January 22, 2022 at 7:32 pm
Apparently, you’re already burned out your brain, if you believe that. I’ll be praying for you. Oh, by the way, I don’t watch Fox . I am positive you get get all your misinformation from CNN, they haven’t been creditable for decades.
Greta girl
January 25, 2022 at 10:57 am
Check your facts, Frankie. Look up fauchi and job and sars. Read his patents. Educate yourself before you open your mouth.
Greta girl
January 25, 2022 at 10:58 am
That should have read hiv, not jobs.
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