Gov. Ron DeSantis remains vague about whether he has received the COVID-19 booster shot.
In Sarasota Friday, the Governor was asked whether he had gotten the booster, a question he evaded previously, and he suggested yet again he may not have gotten the shot.
“So that’s something that I think people should make their own decisions on. I’m not going to let that be a weapon for people to use. I think that’s a private matter,” DeSantis said before turning the question as a cudgel against the Joe Biden administration.
“The FDA recommended against boosters for people in my age group, and the CDC overrode that,” DeSantis continued. “And I think that was based on politics.”
The Governor said two top Food and Drug Administration (FDA) people resigned because of that.
“Many people didn’t hear about that. You know why? Because it didn’t fit the narrative. If you had a President of a different party, that would have been hair-on-fire stuff.”
DeSantis’ vaccination status got new scrutiny this week. Former President Donald Trump addressed politicians and COVID-19 booster vaccines Tuesday, with comments some interpreted as a slam at DeSantis.
In an interview with Dan Ball of One America News, Trump defended his pro-vaccination stance, needling politicians who wouldn’t say if they had gotten booster shots.
“Well, I’ve taken it,” said Trump, as quoted by Mediaite. “I’ve had the booster. Many politicians — I watched a couple of politicians be interviewed, and one of the questions was, ‘Did you get the booster?’ – because they had the vaccine — and they’re answering like — in other words, the answer is ‘yes’ but they don’t want to say it. Because they’re gutless. You gotta say it — whether you had it or not. Say it. But the fact is that I think the vaccines saved tens of millions throughout the world. I’ve had absolutely no side effects.”
Trump did not mention DeSantis by name, but certain headline writers (notably the left-of-center Daily Beast website) framed the remarks as Trump “roasting” DeSantis.
Florida’s Governor left himself wide open to this interpretation when he refused to divulge whether he got the shot in an otherwise friendly interview on Dec. 19.
“I’ve done whatever I did, the normal shot, and that at the end of the day is people’s individual decisions about what they want to do,” DeSantis said when he was asked if he had received a booster shot by host Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures.”
Last month, Florida Politics asked DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw about DeSantis’ comments. She responded by saying she is “not able to speak to his private medical decisions.”
This was a shift for the DeSantis administration, which confirmed the Governor got the original Johnson & Johnson vaccine last spring. The Associated Press reported in April that DeSantis had received the single-dose vaccine. The information was confirmed after the fact by the Governor’s Office.
Ron Ogden
January 21, 2022 at 9:24 am
MSM types like Gancarski dislike few things more than they do dealing with politicians who are as adept at word games as they are. DeSantis can go toe to toe with them, which makes them doubt they can be effective at doing the Dem party’s business of undermining him. Thus stories like this.
Concern Citizen
January 21, 2022 at 9:42 am
Does DeSantis have a pair? Look like he doesn’t. Perhaps, Dr. Fauci should sell him a pair. If this is such a private medical matter, should we be not talking about cancer? Can’t have it both way Governor..
January 21, 2022 at 10:06 am
Are you conflating not talking about boosters and his wife’s cancer? Seriously?
January 21, 2022 at 11:04 am
You suck!! Read below.
Concern Citizen
January 21, 2022 at 3:42 pm
What sucks Tiny Tom the Troll is that close to 70,000 Floridians have died from Covid and our great Governor doesn’t have the courage to say that he had the vaccination. I am calling him a hypocrite and a man without a pair who will not promote vaccination as a PREVENTATIVE method. If vaccination status is such a private medical issue, why is DeSantis talking about the medical issues of his wife.
Oh, I know why, he afraid of losing votes to the anti vaccination folks who have made vaccinations a political issue and not a health issue.
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 10:14 pm
YASSS….now you’re getting it. Both are private medical matters regarding potentially life saving treatments but he’s only commenting on one. Can’t have it both ways. Or can you? Maybe I should buy a pair of DuhSantis flip flops.
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 2:00 pm
DeSantis supporters heckled AG when he asked Ronnie questions at this campaign headquarters in Mandarin. If hiding behind your base is “going toe to toe” then Ronnie would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.
January 21, 2022 at 4:36 pm
Troll non concerned, Fauci over 800,000 Covid deaths. Biden over 400,000 Covid deaths. Trump 0ver 300,00. Biden, Fauci more.
You are a liar btw, Florida is just over 60,000 not 70,000. You are an extremist liar. You cheap troll liar.
Frankie go wash your car. I don’t support any type of harassment but AG, Peter and Joe Henderson are out of line on how they treat the Gov. AG takes Frauds fake lies press releases and makes them news.
You all are a joke.
Concern Citizen
January 21, 2022 at 5:07 pm
Tiny Tom the Troll the snowflake … talking about harassment, let’s talk about DeSantis’s propaganda spokesperson, Christina Pushaw. She is the queen of hate and lies. Just look at her tweets.
Your statement about Biden and Dr.Fauci is nonsense. Look at the people who are anti vaccination and not following preventative methods for Covid because they have made it political. Biden/ Dr. Fauci can’t make them get vaccinated according to folks like you but he can take the blame for their deaths because the won’t follow intelligent guidelines to prevent Covid.
January 21, 2022 at 6:11 pm
Dumb ass.
You pathetic troll.
Yes, struck a nerve with you.
Biden and Fauci have Over million Covid death on there watch.
You are a liar, period! Full stop
Low 60,000 in Florida Covid, may they Rest In Peace. Not 70,000 liar.
You are clueless, hopeless and hapless. That’s all you do is talk bout race. You and the Dummycrats are possessed with race to your detriment. Get this straight you idiot. Gov Ron is wonderful to all peoples.
All people’s prosper in Florida.Period full stop! Go flush yourself moron non concerned.
January 21, 2022 at 10:53 am
Who cares.
Its a personal decision. Talk with your doctor, do your own research. Do not listen to the media or politicians for your healthcare decisions.
If you want mandatory vaccines forced by the government. Get out. You can leave. Go move to Austria where they do that 1984 crap. We aren’t going to do that in America. This is a free country.
Concern Citizen
January 21, 2022 at 3:46 pm
It was a question. Not a mandate. You state that we should not listen to politicians…does this include DeSantis?
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 10:16 pm
Too bad we didn’t do that with polio. Could’ve wiped out these mouthbreathers early.
January 21, 2022 at 11:02 am
Another non issue posed by some random query. I watched the presser. Gov encouraged all to consider options in vaccines. Made it clear they are available to all. Also raised the point that fda was overridden on the booster issue. Two staffers quit, I’d remind all Biden still does not have a fda commish in place, over year in. Disgraceful.
This is a non issue just like Frauds fraud twisted bout non expired tests, which were granted extension as requested. Why didn’t the Feds extend them automatically?
Media and FP has become a anti Gov crusader. Moron extremist haters like non concerned citizen show their pathetic self. If not him Alex or Peter h fill in. Come on, make this bout Hitler & Goebbels you pathetic non concerned human.
Go flush yourself.
Frankie M.
January 21, 2022 at 2:04 pm
It’s amazing how neutral Ronnie is about people getting vaccinated but he can’t stop pushing those monoclonal treatments like he’s hosting an infomercial. Does he own stock in them or something? Meanwhile we keep getting updates on his immunocompromised wife’s chemotherapy but Ronnie’s too scared to tell us if he got a jab in the arm. If you’re scared just say you’re scared. Maybe we should ask his wife if Ronnie got the shot?
January 22, 2022 at 12:23 am
Gov.DeUseless is a Gutless Politician.
As Trump put it correctly. Gutless to say he took the Booster before anyone did in FL.
This coward wants keep his sheeple convinced that he is some big shot pushing back against CDC. He is is PoS.. So is little Marco and Medicare Fraud Rick
January 22, 2022 at 8:28 am
You kwkross are the garbage pile.
Frankie full of his hate. concerned citizen just a racist. 3 loser Manchurians.
DeSantis wipes the floor with all of you, Alex, peter h, wanda, Morton, J D, and others. Just a like.
Frankie M.
January 22, 2022 at 9:40 am
Does all this talk about CRT & vax got you feeling triggered? Do you need a hug?
January 22, 2022 at 10:18 am
No, your idiocy along with others allows me to suffer you and your Manchurians gladly. You all win the idiot prize Frankie car wash, peter h Elmo, socialist Alex, non concerned citizen, J D, wanda, science disbeliever, and more.
January 22, 2022 at 10:20 am
Hardly, I suffer you and the Manchurians gladly.
Ocean Joe
January 22, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Tom, you are making great progress. I read through the comments and you didn’t call anybody mentally ill. I think if we continue, we may be able to prepare you for the day your hero and your other hero finally square up and you are forced to make a choice between a failed casino operator and a phony anti-vaxxer who obviously got all the shots.
Here’s the bad news: the number of unvaccinated folks in the hospital for covid is still overwhelming, the proportion vaccinated relatively low. That is based on mainstream media, so you are free to disregard it and focus on your Q-stuff.
January 22, 2022 at 10:41 pm
Just for you Ocean Joe.
I still owe you a beverage sometime.
It can turn in a moments notice,
Enjoy the good will while it’s offered.
I suffer the Manchurian nation gladly, you all make me the legend!
Just saying.
January 22, 2022 at 10:24 pm
Ocean you are a has been apologist for all Manchurian causes. Yes, peter Elmo h, socialist Alex, Frankie wash the car, non concerned illegal citizen, Morton, J D, N Fraud, day dream science disbeliever, rass, many others all qualify for mental review. Sorry, I suffer Manchurians gladly. Ocean Joe, when you and the rest of Manchurian nation complain bout Covid you just draw incompetent Attn to Biden. Biden is a total failure. He will never recover afghan or economic destruction. Independents and Hispanics have abandoned him.
Conversely, Florida is number one in sales tax revenue , real estate revenue, continued job growth, new jobs created. Florida under America’s Governor is a economic renaissance. A bright light in a media liberal driven Covid foggy state of affairs. DeSantis is hope and clarity in a state of Orwell govt advocates. He’s anti Fauci and Pelosi. DeSantis is the real deal, he plays chess, Fraud others play checkers.
WH is very real, after the Gov re elect. Biden is negative in 45 states, Florida only 38 approval, he’s done. This ensures Gov Ron’s re-elect.
As previously said, I’d buy you a beverage
January 25, 2022 at 5:02 pm
DeathSantis does not need Booster.. He is loaded with Horse Dewormer and some good old Bleach.. Like most of his ilk.
January 25, 2022 at 7:55 pm
Fng idiot kwkross shoe polish!
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