Even though former President Donald Trump dismissed rumors of a schism with Gov. Ron DeSantis as “totally fake news,” a political organization working against the Governor’s re-election continues to bet otherwise.
On Friday, Remove Ron released its third ad in a series “skewering Trump” regarding DeSantis’ alleged insubordination.
“Magic Words” mocks Trump, arguing DeSantis is unwilling to bend the knee and endorse another Trump term.
“What’s the matter, Donald? Is it something Ron said? Or perhaps something Ron hasn’t said yet?” a voiceover asks.
“Rumor is, you’re still waiting for those magic words from Ron,” the narrator continues. “But after all this time, if Ron weren’t thinking of challenging you for President, don’t you think he would have told you by now?”
The ad comes as Trump continues to remind national audiences that he made DeSantis a national figure. Trump said early Thursday he has a “very good relationship” with DeSantis. Then he continued that narrative on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show later that night.
“I get along great with Ron,” Trump said. “Ron was very good on the (Robert) Mueller hoax. He was right in front along with Jim Jordan and all of the rest of them; they were fantastic. Republicans really stuck together. It was a great thing, and Ron was one of them.”
“Ron wanted to run, and I endorsed him. and I helped him greatly, and he went on,” Trump continued. “He’s done a really terrific job in Florida. Ron’s been very good, he’s been a friend of mine for a long time.”
“It’s totally fake news,” he added, referencing rumors of friction between the two. “I think Ron said it last week, he said it very publicly, ‘The press is never going to get in the middle of my friendship with Donald Trump. We’re not going to do that stuff.’”
Those comments came in the wake of widely reported tensions between the two, including claims it would be “too much to ask” for DeSantis to preemptively endorse another Trump term in 2024, while he lamented a “dull” DeSantis and alluded to “gutless” politicians who wouldn’t say whether they had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
January 21, 2022 at 3:35 pm
DeSantis won by less than 32,000 votes, against a Democrat that lost the race in Feb, 9 months before the election. Over 8 million votes. Now he has allowed 64,000 to die of Covid and is firing doctors that recommend the vax. There is nothing he can do right for anyone but those idiots who believe in FREE-DUMB, because that is what they are. This is a very small group of the trumplicans and QAnon.
Biden received 7% of his votes from moderate and conservative Republicans because they did not want trump or anyone like him.
The never-trumpets are already organized in FL to get rid of DeSantis, the Authoritarian, and all his cronisHe has cost the state taxpayers millions in lawsuits against all his un Constitutional laws. We have to pay $675/hr for DeSantis legal friends to handle the suits even though we have thousands of lawyers on the FL taxpayer payroll.
I live in a very large HOA of Republicans. They came out in force after the election for DeSantis. When he started with the Americas First demon sperm doctor as the Surgeon General, we hear from 2 or 3 GQPs. Today he gave a speech and was purposely spreading FAKE Covid info. He told the people that nurses do not want to take the vax because they are worried about the harm if they get pregnant. Even the local news stations are disputing him after they show one of his pressers. He has a mental problem, it’s called trumpism.
January 21, 2022 at 6:22 pm
Rass blow it out of your ass!
You moronic idiot, nothing you say matters.
DeSantis won cause he promised and delivered on public school voucher scholarships. He received 44% of Hispanics and 18% of African Americans vote. . Gillium was a joke and it played out true later. Niki fraud is a racist stalker. All People’s support America’s Gov.
January 22, 2022 at 5:31 pm
DeSantis ordered Florida flags at half staff, not for military or first responders, but for right wing performance artist Rush F. Limbaugh. Understandable, as he has relied on the “dumb ‘em down, rile ‘em up” tactic utilized by the late whining clown.
Ron Ogden
January 25, 2022 at 8:53 am
I remember being in school and some third grader kid would get into a fight with a sixth grader and the sixth grader would knock him down and sit on him and the stupid kid would just lie there in the mud kicking and screaming and crying, and his arms and legs would just go like a bug on a hotplate and all the girls would stand there staring at him with their hands up to their mouths, and I always wondered what happened to those stupid third graders, and then I found the anti-Trumpers on FLAPOL.
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