Rep. Keith Truenow responded to a recent Orlando Sentinel article criticizing his bill (HB 1105) to disband the Lake County Water Authority, pitching it as an attempt to eliminate “duplicitous government.”
The Feb. 4 article by Kevin Spear, casts the Lake County Water Authority as a “venerable and independent guardian of Central Florida waters” and asserts that Truenow’s bill is motivated by “contentious dealings” he has had with the water authority.
According to the article, Truenow and the Lake County Water Authority often sparred over “pollution flowing from ditches at Truenow’s large, turf-grass growing operation north of Lake Apopka.”
Truenow has said the measure was not filed on behalf of any person or special interest. Additionally, in a statement provided to Florida Politics, Truenow pushed back against the assertion that the bill stemmed from a personal vendetta.
“I want clean water. I want clean lakes. What I don’t want is taxpayers paying double for it. This bill eliminates duplicitous government. The County and State can perform the same regulatory function as the Water Authority I am working to disband,” the Tavares Republican said.
“And just another example of how wasteful the Water Authority is, they are using taxpayer money to the tune of almost $100,000 attacking me in an attempt to try to save itself. If that doesn’t prove how wasteful the agency has become, I don’t know what will.”
Truenow’s bill has advanced through two committees with bipartisan support. On Jan. 19, it was approved by the House Local Administration & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee with a 15-1 vote. It subsequently cleared the House Ways & Means Committee with a 12-3 vote.
The House State Affairs Committee will hear the bill on Tuesday. If approved, it will be ready for a vote on the chamber floor. There is no Senate companion.
tom palmer
February 6, 2022 at 7:09 pm
Follow the money
February 7, 2022 at 8:29 am
And the pollution
February 7, 2022 at 10:03 am
A $23 million dollar budget boondoggle from the taxpayers of Lake County. This iincompetent bureaucracy has existed since 1953. What used to be pristine clear waters are now opaque. Look at the pollution in Lake Harris and Lake Apopka – they have done a terrible job. Disband them and let the State of Florida and EPA take over their job.
February 7, 2022 at 11:11 am
The data and the facts say otherwise; where is your proof?
February 8, 2022 at 7:30 pm
You are incorrect: the data and facts do not say otherwise. Here are the references:
The history of LCWA is here: https://www.lcwa.org/information/general_information.php
Pollution of Lake Harris is here: https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/harris_little-harris-tp-tmdl_0.pdf
tom palmer
February 7, 2022 at 9:11 am
I don’t think he should be allowed to claim the agency is spending $100K to oppose his bill without offering proof.
February 7, 2022 at 9:32 am
Why does he want to bypass the taxpayers? Let them decide on a referendum
February 7, 2022 at 10:12 am
how can he claim he wants clean water when everything in the news article is fact . have you ever seen the ditches by his sod farm leading back to the Apopka / Beauclair canal .and yes please show me the proof of them spending $100,000 of my tax Dollars .
February 7, 2022 at 11:22 am
ya that will work , just look at okeechobee ,cross barge canal , indian river , starving Manatees west coast fish kill ya let the state take over
February 8, 2022 at 10:25 am
I have been heavily involved in the attempts to present information to this Authority that WILL reduce or eliminate the pollution issues. The attempts have fallen on deaf ears. Regardless of how hard we have tried to help; we get little or no response by this authority. I am a native Floridian and desperately want to see clean water. I am thankful to see the attempt to dissolve this redundant, inept waste of taxpayer money. Florida has MANY other resources to address and fund the clean up of, and origins of pollution. If you believe this gentleman is pollution? Then report him to the DEP. But do not let that retract from the validity of this claim. I support it 100%.
February 8, 2022 at 7:33 pm
Agree 100% with you, Mike. LCWA is a $23 million annual boondoggle financed by Lake County taxpayers. The state can and should provide the regulation. That $23 million could go towards roads and infrastructure that has sorely lagged behind population growth in Lake County.
February 8, 2022 at 8:02 pm
“The NuRF began operating March 2 of 2009 and in 7 months removed 68% of the targeted phosphorus pollution from 2.8 billion gallons of water flowing north from Lake Apopka into Lake Beauclair and the rest of the Harris Chain of Lakes.” (Tom Benitez). LCWA has continually done its duty of protecting and restoring the county’s water resources. Sod farms like Rep. Truenow’s are responsible for the pollution in lake Apopka and the Harris chain, and LCWA is tasked with cleaning up the mess. Also, look at your property tax report for the year, as you may be surprised how reasonable the amount paid to LCWA actually is. Disband Rep. Truenow’s Lake Jem Farms, not the LCWA.
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