Gov. Ron DeSantis still has a re-election campaign to run, but yet another 2024 poll shows a national appetite among Republicans for him to seek higher office yet.
A survey of 600 likely voters conducted from April 1-3 by Cygnal and the John Locke Foundation shows that, yet again, DeSantis is the strongest candidate by far whose name isn’t Donald Trump.
Former President Trump came close to taking a majority of the vote, pulling 45% in a crowded field. Yet DeSantis drew 26% support, well ahead of any other candidate.
Former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley drew 8% of the vote. Former Vice President Mike Pence garnered 6% support. And Sen. Ted Cruz brought up the rear, with 2% support. An additional 12% of voters were undecided in the survey.
The Tar Heel State survey tracks with other statewide polls that show DeSantis as a persistent functional alternative to Trump for a sizable minority of Republican voters.
A survey of 678 likely voters in the Texas Republican Primary, conducted from March 29-April 2 by CWS Research, showed DeSantis with 48% support in a field without the 45th President.
The poll with Trump showed him just short of majority support, with 46% backing the 45th President. Yet DeSantis was a strong second there too, with 20% support even in a Trump-inclusive field.
Closer to home, relatively recent polling suggests a Trump-DeSantis Florida Primary could be a photo finish. A February survey from the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab showed DeSantis ahead, 44% to 41%.
For his part, Trump continues to talk like a front-runner, being sure to consign DeSantis to subordinate status.
Trump told the Washington Post this week that his endorsement made DeSantis viable in 2018, and that he has “doubt” that DeSantis or any other major Republican would run against him if he runs for President again in 2024.
April 7, 2022 at 3:47 pm
Today’s Republicans make up a minority party in USA.
Ernest Olivas
April 14, 2022 at 2:14 pm
lol. we will see….
April 7, 2022 at 5:06 pm
A political party in thrall of a liar.
The founding fathers would weep.
April 13, 2022 at 2:57 pm
And yet the Democrats continue to chase their tails in the Sunshine State. Your last gubernatorial candidate flamed out in a South Florida hotel room with male escorts and meth, and your golden girl Nikki looks like she’s going to lose to the Original Bad Orange Man (Charlie Crist). But go ahead, talk trash. Lot of good it’s doing your tribe. Come November, all you’ll have left is the demented mumbled in chief and his even less popular California sidekick. Bwahahahahahaha!!!
April 8, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Wah Wah Wah, the two hater babies.
April 9, 2022 at 6:10 am
America’s Governor is clearly the conservative conscience, clear leader on issues, demonstrating accomplishment and effectiveness in impacting real people’s lives.
His examples for freedom, liberty, education independence, economic and personal business success, and job employment is second to none. His expansion of public school choice education through expanded scholarship elevates young people out of poverty.
CBS, CNN and other Corp media have failed to stop him. The Republican and independent voters admire and are responding to his leadership.
Biden, his WH staff and Jen Psaki stupidly attacked him repeatedly, this had backfired. Over Covid and now Disney.
DeSantis clearly is the leader and alternative to 45 and to Dems. His Leadership is commanding the Repub. party and public at large.
April 9, 2022 at 5:15 pm
DeSantis readily takes a knee to a remorseless liar, is an heroic slayer of straw men, and keeps at least one finger on Florida’s fear button.
Ernest Olivas
April 14, 2022 at 2:15 pm
you live in a fantasy world, obviously the vast majority do not agree with you. but stay in your bubble.
April 17, 2022 at 7:00 am
Ernest, America’s Gov the best!
Don’t Look Up
April 9, 2022 at 9:30 am
Republicans can not be trusted to behave responsibly to protect the life and safety of all Americans. Republicans are destroying individual freedoms at the State level every day….. they must never again reside in the Oval Office.
In short, Republicans have lost the trust of the American voter. Every effort must be made to expose Republican atrocities and the media is doing its job by exposing Republican motives.
April 10, 2022 at 3:25 pm
Laughing axel off.
WhAt a crock of Hunter/Joe B, Burisma and Adam Schiff on a stick.
Yeah your right, hunters degenerate hookers, Hillary’s payoffs to Perkins coie, fake steel dossier, pelosi Jan 6 inquisition. Talk bout corrupt!
Get your ass straight moron, you got a drubbing coming in Florida and nationally in Nov. Biden is abysmal at 36% Florida, under 40% nationally approval.
Laugh my ass off, Hunter getting indicted for China. Ukraine and RUSSIA!! You sick bastards and your corrupt media said the Trump kids were the corrupt beings. What a bunch of shit heads you manchurians are.
Go blow selves while you can’t look up!
Big Bard
April 10, 2022 at 5:52 pm
This is not a forum wherein your maturity issues are processed, dude.
April 11, 2022 at 7:16 am
Shove it up pie hole “dude!
I’ll convey what I want.
Truth hurts the corrupt Manchurian haters.
What, are you a Hunter degenerate fan? Typical liberal hypocrisy.
You can go scratch too. These two puss have room for you.
April 11, 2022 at 6:34 pm
I’ve got my bibles, guns, and stuffed animals all safely secured from Hunter Biden, just as instructed to do so by hair-on-fire right wing media!
April 11, 2022 at 7:58 pm
Typical ignorance and stupidity from walpurgis.
Hunter’s a degenerate loser, feel free to defend.
You guys are ridiculous. If this was a Trump kid, all of you and media would be urinating in pants.
America’s Gov will crush the opposition in November! Don’t waste my time on street garbage.
Don’t Look Uo
April 11, 2022 at 8:07 pm
How about Trump’s son-in-law who, solely on his position as a Trump counselor, just grifted $2 billion dollars from a Saudi prince who murdered an opposition figure and cut up his body into pieces deposited throughout Istanbul…..does Kushner qualify for a “degenerate loser?”
Don’t Look Up
April 11, 2022 at 8:14 pm
How about January 6th police officer Thomas Robertson, a former sergeant of the Rocky Mount police in Virginia, faced charges including impeding law enforcement officers, obstructing an official proceeding, entering and remaining in restricted grounds and tampering with evidence. He was convicted of all charges today. Does he classify as a “degenerate loser?”
April 11, 2022 at 9:11 pm
What, What, what?
Are you mentally handicapped?
Scotty beam me up!
Dum Dum Dems.
Don’t Look Up
April 11, 2022 at 8:17 pm
Let’s see if you consider Miya Ponsetto was seen on video attacking 14-year old Keyon Harrold Jr., who was with his father, a musician, in the Arlo Hotel. Ponsetto said she thought he had her cell phone, but investigators later determined he did not. Would you consider her a “degenerate loser?”
April 12, 2022 at 5:26 pm
America’s whiner has zero appeal outside of Florida. The nominal 45th president, whom he serves, is as a cinder block on a neck chain to he and anyone who lacks the moral integrity to denounce the immaturity and dishonesty daily demonstrated by fellow Republican pols.
April 13, 2022 at 3:01 pm
November is going to be fun! Remember Comrade, sideways for attention, longways for results!
April 12, 2022 at 7:00 am
No, I consider you mentally ill.
You need professional help.
Apparently, only you know of Kushner, no other media or substantive authority is aware. Regardless, your lies fail to change the point.
Hunter Biden is a degenerate, Period. You are mentally deficient. Enjoy each other. Nothing like collusion with enemies, you all told us that.
Don’t Look Up
April 12, 2022 at 10:06 am
The Kushner investment firm story is everywhere in recent days. Get your head out of the Fox hole and you might learn something you insipid moron!
Have you addressed GOP Reps. Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene appearance at an event organized by a white nationalist? Certainly these two Republicans are “moral degenerates?”
April 12, 2022 at 11:00 pm
No, I consider you mentally ill.
You need professional help.
Apparently, only you know of Kushner, no other media or substantive authority is aware. Regardless, your lies fail to change the point.
Hunter Biden is a degenerate, Period. You are mentally deficient. Enjoy each other.
April 12, 2022 at 11:07 pm
You are a total degenerate loser like your whore degenerate hunter. No credible media source has reported kushner. It’s total fake news.
You are completely mentally handicapped. Media, Dums do desperate and untrue.
April 13, 2022 at 8:17 am
Don’t Look up:
Have you disclosed the new supreme justice and her consistent rulings on lowering child porn cases? How bout the porno guy who raped 2 family members, what a sicko. She gave him the lightest of sentences. You really want to go there, fake moniker ?
Mental ill Loser!! Please call Hunter. Loser!
Don’t Look Up
April 13, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Do you think Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows is a good model for America’s youth? Days before the 2020 election he realized that his vote in Virginia was a throw away so he found a trailer park in North Carolina, registered to vote from one of the trailers he never owned and to this day never lived in. Now …. in March the owner of the trailer notified the board of elections and sure enough Meadows …… a miserable hateful fraudulent Republican voted from this address and complained about election fraud.
Fun Fact:
Today ….. North Carolina purged Meadows from future election rolls and referred his crime to the election Board.
Another “only the best people will serve in my administration” corrupt Republican will face justice.
April 14, 2022 at 7:40 am
Meaningless tidbits from from fake tidy moniker reporting fake huff post meaningless nothings.
You engage in non substantive topics.
You have no depth, no knowledge or understanding. You attempt to engage in cheap non gotcha” efforts that are juvenile. Meaningless, you walpurgus, and moron Clayco.
You engage in meaningless, non substantive diversionary tactics, does not work with me idiot. Typical dum down of a Manchurian Dem, per Soros.
April 13, 2022 at 8:12 am
Huff post is a 4th string rag that only mentally Manchurians such as yourself study. It has no honest street credibility. Scurrilous and scandalous. A talking points of lies, gave us the fake mueller probe.
When someone like self has a fake moniker it demonstrates the crawling you engage in to slander. Call your degenerate hunter. Loser.
April 13, 2022 at 3:05 pm
I didn’t realize HuffPo was still in existence!
I thought Mrs. Count Chocula had cut her losses… Speaking of losses, CNN+ looks like it’s going to get smothered in its crib by the new CEO. I’m guessing Chris Wallace is having second thoughts on his recent career move.
April 13, 2022 at 4:12 pm
More fake news! Not a single word of your post is accurate.
April 13, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Peter h, the ignorant predator child advocate on behalf of Lincoln interjects. Everyone knows cnn is done, ratings abysmal. People aren’t responding to masturbater theatre with Jeff Toobin, is horrendous. Only Bill Clinton, and Hunter watch.
Go away h. You can’t play with me,
Dum, Dem Manchurians are going to get shellacked. DeSantis wins with 55% if n fraud. 53 1/2, if crispy crist runs. Marco over Dum Dum Demings.
Newly released Dem Quinnipiac poll this evening has POTUS at 33%. In Florida probably 30%. 40 to 60 house seats flipping, 6 to 8 Senate seats. Biden is abysmal. The worst POTUS since Hoover in 1920’s. Fake moniker is pathetic among walpurgis.
April 14, 2022 at 7:22 pm
Chris Wallace, the classic elitist swamp creature. Born a Wallace, raised by William Paley, CBS founder who married Mike’s ex wife, his father.
Whining now and crying in his Fox pillow. What a pathetic liberal Democrat.
Huff post is liberal used toilet paper.
It’s pathetic founder, Arianna Huffington darling. Peter h can use his Lincoln tiki torches to burn it.
Get ready for the major ass kicking.
Consumer Inflation 8.7% and wholesale inflation 11%, out of control 40 yr highs. Gas and oil, out of control per AOC, Biden green policies. Sw border invasion, over 2 million illegals entered. Wait til he lifts rule 42 on the border crossing.
Quinnipiac/CNBC, Dums pollster apologists can’t do so anymore. Biden’s dropped lower, into the 33% to 36%, overall. On economy he’s in mid 30’s. It’s over. This is the worst presidency since Herbert Hoover in the 1920’s, the Great Depression.
Just abysmal. 40 to 60 House seats.
April 17, 2022 at 8:12 am
What you got Clayco Carl?
You hiding at?
Loser, like the rest of the Manchurian nation?
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