The Democratic National Committee is pouring some green into stanching the “red” tide from Miami-Dade County that propelled President Donald Trump to win Florida in 2020 by an even larger margin than when he won the presidency.
Last week, DNC officials announced the investment described as “six figures” as new reports circulated that liberal grassroots organizations are scaling back operations in the state in favor of more competitive states. That could endanger the state’s position as a critical swing state and put Florida solidly in the red state column, observers say.
“That would sort of be a self-fulfilling prophecy,” said Aubrey Jewett, a University of Central Florida political professor.
DNC officials say they are investing so the Florida Democratic Party can scale up organizing at the earliest point in the year, earlier than it’s started in a decade, ahead of a major election.
“The DNC is proud to make these latest investments in the Florida Democratic Party to expand organizing and voter outreach efforts on the ground,” said Jaime Harrison, DNC chair. “With a Senate race, governor’s race, and dozens of seats at the state and local level on the line in the Sunshine State, the DNC is committed to helping build the critical infrastructure Florida Democrats need to win up and down the ballot this year and beyond.”
Specifically, the DNC’s grant will go to hire a new Spanish language voter director and organizing staff just for Miami-Dade County.
Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz cheered the news.
“The DNC’s investment in our program is proof of their continued support of Florida and the operation we are building for this year and beyond,” Diaz said.
The Democrats have faced a drumbeat of bad news in its ability to swing the state blue — even if Florida is famous for political victories that just squeak by.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, who won in 2018 by just 0.4 of a percentage point, is now considered a fundraising juggernaut rolling to a second term and a serious contender for the presidency. And the number of registered Republicans late last year, for the first time in the state’s history, erased the Democrats’ statistical advantage.
Jewett said focusing on Miami-Dade County is a smart strategy for Democrats to turn the tide, considering the results of the 2020 election. Statistics show a significant reason that Trump’s margin of victory increased in the state — so it wasn’t even close — is because Hispanic voters in South Florida swung Republican in much larger numbers than before.
Jewett said Republicans’ performance that also defeated two Miami-area incumbent congressional Representatives was more than just getting boots on the ground and going door-to-door with Spanish language outreach despite COVID-19, which hobbled much of Democrats’ efforts.
He said Trump’s campaign was able to craft a message that resonated, particularly with those voters.
“It was basically painting (Joe) Biden and really all Democrats … as socialist and that Trump would stand up for capitalism and a free market,” Jewett said. “A lot of those Hispanic voters come from countries where socialism is a real threat, not just the political label that we in the United States often throw around.”
Jewett said the Democrats must find a message to win those voters back.
“I think they’ve got to try,” he said.
Marcus Dixon, Florida Democratic Party Executive Director, says the party is ready to reach out in person.
“It is more important than ever that we are meeting voters where they are,” Dixon said.
Impeach Biden
May 2, 2022 at 4:13 pm
The Dems are gonna have to explain defund the police, high crime in big cities, no cash bail, high inflation and high energy prices among others. Will they blame it all on Putin. The Red Storm is coming
I feel it
May 2, 2022 at 4:17 pm
COVID took out half the red storm and lack of money is going after the other.
You are all so right. I feel so owned as a Lib
Impeach Biden
May 2, 2022 at 4:51 pm
So how do you and your party defend what has been going on for the last 15 + months? I’m surprised you even admit to being a liberal with all of the buffoonery going on with your leader’s decisions.
Really easy
May 2, 2022 at 5:38 pm
Well I have not Done anything. That’s how I defend it. Conservatives like to own themselves to own the libs.
It’s like “defund the police” maybe you would have them if you payed your taxes. lol
Impeach Biden
May 2, 2022 at 5:53 pm
Care to compare property tax bills? Yours not your parents. 🤣
The one percent
May 2, 2022 at 10:18 pm
“Care to compare property tax bills”
Only if you care to compare housing affordability lol
Fred Tabor
May 2, 2022 at 5:40 pm
The radical right money funding the Big Lie, the ongoing coup, and the unprecedented power grab we are seeing by Republicans at every level is an existential threat to democracy. As Fiona Hill said, Russia is our ghost of Christmas future.
Our level of inequality has now overtaken Russia’s. Our billionaires refuse to pay taxes, relying on middle class welfare to pay for the entire operation of the government from helping Ukraine to building bridges. They are destroying national parks to privatize them to remove timber and minerals to earn more money, like the Russian oligarchs have stolen Russia’s assets and left a kleptocracy that doesn’t even have a competent military. That is autocracy.
Given the policies the billionaires and corporations favor, and that GOP (and Manchin and Sinema) must vote for, they can’t possibly win if people understand the truth, and that is where chaos, racism, and hate come into play. The elected toadies throw distractions in the way like we’re in a video game – CRT on your left, oh no, there is a trans child trying to get on the soccer team! – wait Blacks think their lives matter, swerve over there to run them over, quick, it’s legal now.
The GOP legislators stymie every good policy the real voters of Florida pass, which we have to do through constitutional amendments that then immediately attack with legislation – they’re attacking the $15 minimum wage we passed, the ability of felons to vote after they’re out of prison and off parole we passed; the marijuana amendment. Floridians are the people passing the amendments at margins larger than DeSantis won by, but they don’t care.
Don’t judge Florida based on our legislature, the curated result of decades of gerrymandering, suppression, and voter purges- they’re just GOP Stepford Wives. Currently, all Republicans must toe the autocratic line or be booted out, in case you’re wondering why they are all voting for crazy things and many are acting completely unhinged. A vote for any Republican at this point is a vote for autocracy. It makes the choice pretty simple – democracy or autocracy? If democracy doesn’t win this year, they will be set up to steal the Presidency in 2024, and have Congress, state legislatures, and their hand-chosen radical right SCOTUS majority bless it with white christian nationalism.
Please wake up before it is too late.
May 2, 2022 at 6:50 pm
LMAO, Fred your party the Dum Dems support all those elite Manchurians.
What a sack of garbage.
So only if the Dums are in majority or occupy WH, democracy is ok, saved.
What a crock of Adam Schiff on a 4×4 pole. Save it pal. I am a FP legend, your Adam Schiff pile don’t work.
You have political annihilation coming. Enjoy.
tom palmer
May 2, 2022 at 7:11 pm
GOP has to explain the Jan. 6 insurrection, the voter fraud involving ghost candidates, their economic ignorance and misinformation about economics, voter supression and more
May 2, 2022 at 4:45 pm
Hmm, typical sympathizer professor.
Everyone knows it’s camouflage. Come Labor Day, all resources will be other states.
1. Biden’s a 100 pound anchor. At 36% approval in Florida, he is abysmal.
2. His issues are horrendous. He’s worse on economy and illegal Immigration.
Low 30’s.
3. America’s Gov very strong with Hispanics.
Mid to high 50’s. Independents high 50’s.
4. Party registration is lopsided and getting worse for Dums. 125,000 edge now for GOP, Dums lost 300,000 edge . It’s almost 500,000 party Swing.
5. The Dums have the worst candidates to offer.
6. DeSantis owns the Political narrative. Drop the mic.
America’s Gov, Rising tide for all. Not a few like the Dums.
tom palmer
May 2, 2022 at 7:14 pm
Meanwhile, the Democrats seem to be a day late and a dollar short on their belated South Florida strategy. Hiring a Spanish-speaking organizer? That’s about 50 years overdue.
tom palmer
May 2, 2022 at 7:19 pm
Oh, yeah, and no one in the Democratic Party leadership ever endorsed the defund the police narrative. It’s the GOP’s big lie. There was a reaction against the militarization, similar to the LEAA grants in the 1960s that provided APCs other equipment to every jerkwater police department in case a hippie ever wandered into town.
May 3, 2022 at 6:25 am
You lie Palmer. The AOC and squad, and other Dem, Dums endorsed defund the police.
Charlotte Greenbarg
May 3, 2022 at 7:24 am
When the left gets caught in lies, they just lie more. It’s the economy, stupid. Socialism is the result. The left’s game has been exposed.
It's Complicated
May 3, 2022 at 9:37 am
A “six figure investment” will barely be noticed in a media marketplace like Miami-Dade. The Democratic Party is doing this to avoid being accused of simply giving up in Florida.
Democrats are in trouble in with Hispanics in Miami-Dade due to a tangible track record of striving towards progressive socialism. Actions speak louder than words.
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