Miami’s Freedom Tower has been a lot of things.
It was a newspaper’s headquarters at first. Then the federal government used it to process refugees during the Cuban Revolution and it later became a memorial to those same refugees. Most recently, it’s been used as an art museum and offices for Miami Dade College.
Jessica Marino is a Miami native and organizer for Planned Parenthood. She said it was ironic to stand in front of the same tower that represented so much hope and promise when her grandmother first saw it on her way into Miami from Cuba 70 years ago. To her, it symbolized the struggle so many immigrants went through in their search for freedom and the promise of America.
“I grew up on the promise that America was a beacon of hope for my family and others like me, a place of refuge from countries that would not let us be ourselves and live the way we want to live. It would be different here is what they told me,” Marino said. “The leaked opinion from the Supreme Court, which contains some of the most radical language we’ve ever seen from the court, is a slap in the face to my family and to everybody who sees the United States as a place to live in the pursuit of happiness and freedom.”
Late Monday, POLITICO reported it received a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito indicating the Supreme Court intended to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, two landmark cases establishing a woman’s constitutional right to access an abortion. Alito’s opinion suggested that right might not be guaranteed for long.
The decision would overturn a legal precedent half a century old.
“That should scare the shit out of you,” Rep. Michael Grieco told a crowd rallying in front of the Freedom Tower. “You should be scared that you could wake up every day and the law can change overnight by people who are not even elected by Americans. They were appointed by others. We went to bed last night thinking the world was one way. And a lot of us woke up and the world was very different.”
Grieco said the leak proves there is no such thing as a “settled law,” which creates an unstable and inconsistent legal environment. He said the court chose a “nuclear option” and it was time to respond in kind.
The rally was organized by Nikki Fried‘s gubernatorial campaign. Fried said she vehemently agreed the time for niceness has passed.
“We never thought this day was coming. So what do we do with it?” Fried said. “We stand up. We make sure that we are standing on shoulders of the women that came before us and we are fighting for the next generation of women to make sure they have access to affordable reproductive health care.”
May 3, 2022 at 5:20 pm
Liberals want to give your children hormone blockers, shame them for their skin color, allow them to be groomed by pedophiles and give control of them over to the state. They openly support this evil.
You are watching the death spiral of the Democractic party.
Gov. Desantis wins by a landslide!
tom palmer
May 3, 2022 at 7:37 pm
It is amazing that the GOP politicians have this creepy fixation on other peoples’ private sex lives and lie about other stuff.
Matthew Lusk
May 6, 2022 at 11:14 am
murder is a public interest.
Matthew Lusk
May 6, 2022 at 11:15 am
Gay is not OK. God said so.
The Huns
May 4, 2022 at 5:48 am
For decades a powerful minority of bored Americans have been enthralled with the anarchist idea of this special-to-one-gender-only right called abortion. It doesn’t exist. It never did. Abortion is murder: murder of the most innocent, murder of the most helpless, brutal murder and complete oppression of a single class of human being–the unborn. It is utter barbarity. You would be horrified if a kitten were destroyed as millions of children in the womb have been destroyed. People who advocate for abortion are Huns. Utter barbarians–glorying in their barbarity.
Matthew Lusk
May 6, 2022 at 11:13 am
killing inconvenient babies – health care? Totally opposite things. Miss-labeled things on purpose -the same as a lie.
May 6, 2022 at 2:48 pm
No, what scares the sh*it out of Liberals and the left is to return abortion and other laws to the power of the people – State level.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states.
You don’t like the laws in your specific state then you have two options. Crying and whining about it is not an option.
First, VOTE. Vote for state representatives that align with your political beliefs. Let them write and pass bills that you align and agree with and have the governor sign the bill into state law.
Second, move… Pack you stuff up and move to a state that aligns with your political leanings and beliefs. You probably won’t be missed…
Simple… The hair on fire yelling is not working as this is not as much of a wedge issue as it once was…
May 6, 2022 at 4:52 pm
It’s not POWER TO THE PEOPLE , if it was, the state government would respect the local governing bodies like cities and school boards.
What scares the shit out of liberal is a radical right that think they are centrist.
Most moderate conservatives don’t like what the right is doing right now, in fact most are starting to think “oh shit, I thought it was all political theater, but these assholes are actually starting to pass stuff I don’t agree with”. At least the ones aware.
And there are so many other implied constitutional rights that would unravel with the overturning of Roe v Wade, and it seems that’s the radical right’s (that want to be called centrist) goal at this point. And then we have a these formerly implied rights that are hodge podge between states? Yeah, that’s a good way to compete with global economy and mobility.
If we really wanted to be POWER TO THE PEOPLE we would not longer have a Republic or Representative government – we would have a popular vote democracy on all issues.
And lastly, why don’t you leave. The state was fine before it went Red being a swing state. I’m sure you won’t be missed.
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