Some prominent Florida Democrats were quick to condemn the selection of Neptune Beach Republican Rep. Cord Byrd to the Secretary of State position.
Republican support manifested, meanwhile, including from a spokesperson for the Governor and some other Northeast Florida conservatives.
Among those Democrats sounding dissonant notes about the Byrd selection: Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.
“The Secretary of State should serve the people of Florida, but Cord Byrd today was appointed because he will serve only Ron DeSantis. This reckless appointment should make every Floridian question Ron DeSantis’ commitment to free, fair, and democratic elections,” Fried tweeted from her campaign account.
Rep. Angie Nixon, a Duval Democrat who has clashed frequently with Byrd in recent Sessions, maligned the selection as an assault on minority groups and democracy itself.
“Florida’s top elections official should be a consensus builder whose sole focus is running free and fair elections for every citizen of our state. Cord Byrd is not that person. He is unqualified in both his credentials and his temperament, has proved time and again he will put partisanship ahead of good policy, and is unfit to lead the elections department of a diverse state of more than 20 million people,” Nixon said.
“The idea that he will now be in charge of the Governor’s Elections Police force should be a frightening thought for every Floridian, no matter who you are or where you come from. This is another glaring example of Ron DeSantis’ attempt to weaponize government against his political opponents and we will not be silent in the face of the attacks on Black and Brown communities we know are coming.”
Rep. Anna V. Eskamani posted to Instagram in frustration.
“Terrible appointment — not only is it an ‘award’ to Rep. Byrd for voting w/the Governor (including on UNCONSTITUTIONAL MAPS!) but Byrd has supported partisan bills that place barriers to voting and has verbally assaulted Democratic members in the legislature too,” the Orlando-area Democrat posted.
“If the Governor’s goal is to be as extreme as possible (which clearly it is, LOL), he is 100% exceeding, and already appointed Rep. Byrd’s partner (who has expressed QAnon beliefs!) to the State Board of Education,” she added.

It wasn’t all jeering or brickbats for Byrd though.
The Republican Party of Florida predicted “Secretary Byrd will ensure election integrity, fight big tech censorship, and stop the de-platforming of political candidates! We look forward to his continued leadership.”
Speaker-designate Paul Renner raved about the selection: “Cord is an excellent choice to represent Florida and lead this important department. I look forward to working with him to keep Florida’s elections secure and a model for the rest of the country.”
DeSantis Press Secretary Christina Pushaw added a personal endorsement of the pick on Twitter.
“In the state house, Rep. Byrd has been a staunch advocate for election security and sponsored legislation including Anti Riot Law, Parents’ Bill of Rights, (and) Banning Sanctuary Cities,” Pushaw lauded. “Thank you for your service!”
Duval County GOP Chair Dean Black, running for the state House in a seat encompassing much of Byrd’s old district, lauded Byrd as “an ally of freedom to the people of Northeast Florida and we know he will continue to serve our state well!”
Kiyan Michael, running for state House in HD 16, which also includes some of Byrd’s former district, likewise was happy with the news.
“No one is more qualified for this important job than my friend Rep. Cord Byrd,” Michael said.
Waaa Waaa Waaa
May 13, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Elections have consequences don’t they you cry baby democrats.
Impeach Biden
May 14, 2022 at 7:16 am
Nikki Fried takes a shot at Ron DeSantis. Wow. That’s all she has done since she was elected, and it hasn’t worked. She has used her position as Ag Commissioner to further her political ambitions which are about to come to an end. Thankfully. Good riddance.
Not a Serious Candidate
May 14, 2022 at 10:44 am
Fried’s PAC contributions in the first 10 days of May.
6 donors for $100.
5/2/2022 $20.00 Trabert, Kathryn Ann
5/4/2022 $25.00 Messenger, Roger
5/4/2022 $10.00 Brenner, Barbara
5/9/2022 $25.00 Harrison, Sarah
5/9/2022 $10.00 Dirska, alfred
5/10/2022 $10.00 Werlin, Caryn
May 14, 2022 at 12:46 pm
The Democrats are stinking hypocrites on their way to Hell. They do not serve the American people at all. Just look at the border. That’s where all of our baby formula is and that’s why Americans all around the country cannot get baby formula for American babies. Moreover the Democrats have an extremely filthy scheme to turn American into a dictatorship. They are invading us with illegal aliens from the south, as of all of these people needed asylum, which is a lie straight from the Devil. They don’t check any of them. Not a single one. And they couldn’t care less about who needs a silent. This is not about the Democrats caring for anybody but themselves. The are actually now engaging in a war against America and this is how they’re doing it:.
1) Gross Nazi style this information, including a denial of their disinformation and false accusation of disinformation on their opponents. Such lying is the height of depravity.
2) intentionally bringing in millions of illegal aliens and intentionally distributing them around the country such that they could take over the electorate of a swing States and put the government of the United States of America permanently in the hands of lawless, vile Democrats.
3) providing for these people by printing trillions of dollars of worthless money that causes massive inflation. Nancy pelosi, who in truth is a dimwit, understood it partially when she said it’s not going to cause us to go into debt any further. The reason why it’s not is because they’re going to double the national debt but because the value of the dollar will be half what it was, the federal government will not be in debt for anything more in terms of value of the dollar then it was before. However, every single American’s life savings will be half of what it was before in terms of value. It’s absolutely no different than if the Democrats went into everyone’s savings account and stole half of their money, because it’s exactly what they are doing.
4) the shutting down of America’s energy industry was a tactic to accelerate this massive inflation for just the purpose stated above.
So when the Democrats accused a republican appointment to Secretary of State of not being for the American people, these Democrats are vile, disgusting adversaries and enemies of the American people who are telling lies just like the Nazis and that kind of a wicked level. America is starting to wake up, though it is probably already too late. We will be national socialists very soon because this takeover will not be able to be stopped before the end of Joe Biden’s term.
Just a comment
May 15, 2022 at 1:10 am
Vitamin water might substitute
Freshly Fisted Tom
May 15, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Dems whine about everything. You’d think they were Ron DeSantis.
Dom M
May 15, 2022 at 4:20 pm
Wow. Do any of you actually believe any of this stuff? A quick 2 second search will tell you where the baby formula Shortage is coming from. Spoiler alert it isn’t the democrats or the presidents fault.
Are you mad about the problems at the border? Then Surely you’ll be upset to know that Steve bannon used your donations for his border wall effort to enrich himself, then was pardoned instead of punished, WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE?!?
Also, was there some election fraud In Florida I’m unaware of? DO ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY PROOF OF FRAUD? NO? THEN SHUT UP! I think if you did your homework, you’ll find that 95% of the fraud that actually happened was people voting for Trump twice. Is there something in the water that makes people over 55 stupid in Florida or is the my pillow guy sharing his crack with all of you? All the information available to humans nowadays and you choose to get yours from Fox News ENTERTAINERS, that lie to your face and you’re too ignorant to see it.
Next time you lose an election blame it on your TERRIBLE candidates. Not the election process. Even further, I can’t wait to see when Ron deathsentence starts punishing people and businesses you like and I KNOW you’ve been watching your Disney stock drop, cut off your nose to spite your face.
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