Monkeypox is the latest subject about which Gov. Ron DeSantis and his potential General Election challengers strongly disagree.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist took issue Wednesday with comments made by DeSantis and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo about the disease and what he described as an “AIDS comparison” from the Governor that projected a lack of seriousness in the face of a public health threat.
“Gov. DeSantis should not dismiss the risks of monkeypox to Floridians, and to do so while making an AIDS comparison is repulsive, revealing and factually wrong,” Crist asserted.
At a press conference in Brevard County Wednesday, DeSantis drew parallels between monkeypox and the AIDS epidemic.
“We are not going to be like (Dr. Anthony) Fauci in the ’80s, claiming that families could get AIDS by sitting and watching TV together,” DeSantis said at a press conference in Rockledge, where he and state health officials were touting the expansion of opioid treatment and discussing the news of the day.
After asking the Governor’s Office for clarification of DeSantis’ reference after his remarks, the press shop sent a link to a long-form 1983 interview with Fauci where he said the “full extent of transmissibility” of the disease was not known. That interview was conducted early in the AIDS epidemic, at a time of grave misunderstanding of the disease and little governmental sympathy or recourse for its victims.
Crist drew parallels between the disengaged response of the Ronald Reagan White House to the epidemic with that emanating from the current administration in Tallahassee about monkeypox, a disease that has 500 diagnosed cases in the state thus far.
“At the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, when the federal government had an opportunity to contain HIV with an honest public approach, it was numbed into apathy and inaction by homophobia. Millions died as a result,” Crist said.
“If Ron hears echoes of AIDS, it’s because his government is failing Floridians again. DeSantis and his quack Surgeon General need to wake up and get at-risk Floridians access to the testing, vaccines, and treatment they need to address and contain this viral outbreak.”
FP reached out to the Governor’s press team for a response to Crist’s claims, but has not received a reply.
Crist offered policy recommendations in his statement, noting that while “Florida has a window of opportunity to contain this viral outbreak, largely attacking men who have sex with men,” that window could close.
“However, like all viruses, monkeypox will not stay where it started. Without government leadership and intervention, it will continue to spread across our state, impacting everyone,” Crist predicted.
DeSantis spoke at length earlier Wednesday about the need to not succumb to “fear,” in comments reminiscent of previous remarks from the Governor during various COVID-19 surges.
“You see any of these politicians out there trying to scare you about this, do not listen to their nonsense. I am so sick of politicians — and we saw this with COVID — trying to sow fear into the population,” DeSantis said in Brevard County.
DeSantis vowed anything the state does “from a public health perspective” will be rooted in “facts” and not “fear.”
Surgeon General Ladapo echoed DeSantis’ “complete answer” and suggested that “headlines” are “trying to make you afraid of monkeypox or fill-in-the-blank.”
Crist is not the only major Democratic gubernatorial candidate demanding more from DeSantis on monkeypox. Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried urged a state of emergency from the DeSantis administration, a proposal that won’t be entertained.
DeSantis asserted Wednesday that states of emergency allow governments to “abuse those emergency powers to curtail your freedom.”
Elliott Offen
August 4, 2022 at 6:35 am
DeSantis said Monkey Pox is a f@qqot disease. Says everyone should vote mini Hitler in 2024…for the sake of “baby Jesus.” Give him your money!!! He will make the rich richer and institute low wage slavery.
Toast Master
August 5, 2022 at 3:18 pm
That is also what the CDC says in their dainty euphemistic way. Right before they blast past that with their recommendation that everyone act like they are at risk, when they aren’t.
Weirdly enough this is exactly what they did during the Covid. “The old and immune compromised are at risk”, then they insisted that the entire nation hide inside, permanently mask and take a dangerous experimental drug. One which they now seem to be determined to give to young children.
I’m tired of nonsense from technocrats who never have to deal with the burdens of their ignorance and failures. More than that I’m tired of addicts like yourself who live for the next fix of contrived outrage. You are a puppet and your dealers use you to enrich themselves with money and power. Your disease costs us all dearly.
Joe Corsin
August 4, 2022 at 8:17 am
The whole GOP is a repulsive shit stain on humanity. Panders to domestic terrorists, racists, and con artists, and theocrats. Should be declared a dangerous far right party and banned.
Impeach Biden
August 4, 2022 at 8:43 am
^ The above two and Charlie Crist are probably Monkey Pox super spreaders.
Joe Corsin
August 4, 2022 at 9:07 am
Try to say something worth a fk at least once a day. Neo nazi humor does not count…
Toast Master
August 5, 2022 at 3:25 pm
I’m tired of addicts like yourself who live for the next fix of contrived outrage. You are a puppet and your dealers use you to enrich themselves with money and power. Your disease costs us all dearly.
Mother Superior Slapshot, Saint Peters School for Perpetual Little Boys
August 4, 2022 at 2:02 pm
Dear Mister Impeach Biden, you went right there, didn’t you, you little tiny man. You made a claim that was meant to imply that three people with whom you disagree must be homosexuals, as if that would be something to be ashamed of. Therefore you sound like a tiny little man, bless your heart.
You cant
August 4, 2022 at 4:39 pm
Thats Funny. You should call rush on his show and tell him that one
Oh wait lol
Richard Bruce
August 4, 2022 at 9:19 am
The outrage machine is full speed ahead. Monkeypox is not deadly, and just a nuisance. No emergency other than desperation in rallying the Democratic grievance base.
Sausage B. Dammt (think about it)
August 4, 2022 at 9:21 am
“‘If Ron hears echoes of AIDS, it’s because his government is failing Floridians again.'”
That’s equivalent to saying, “If I hear Beethoven’s Ninth being played it’s because the stage curtain didn’t open.” Charlie has never been an icon of logic, but this is a fresh low.
Everyone knows and most admit that monkeypox is particularly prevalent among, as the media likes to phrase it today, “men who have sex with men.” But 21st Century “science” is only allowed to posit certain socially-acceptable theories, and anyone who doesn’t toe the philosophical line is condemned by the left as “straight white males,: which is the worst curse they can come up with.
Bob Dobbs
August 4, 2022 at 10:05 am
It isn’t AIDS because Monkeypox is treatable and preventable.
DeSantis is saying he isn’t going to let the fearmongering control-freak quacks run the show on this one. It is the doctors that give the advice and the ELECTED officials that are accountable for policy.
August 4, 2022 at 1:51 pm
So, one million Americans dead from Covid-19 was the result of fear mongers running the show? Isn’t one million dead fearful enough for you, or are you incapable of comprehending that volume of death? How about the death toll in Florida under DeSantis?
You clearly lack the ability to think on your own. Good for you that you have DeSantis to think for you.
dana galen
August 4, 2022 at 11:43 am
Much ado about absolutely nothing. People, like Charlie, are always looking for a fear mongering opportunity that benefits no one but himself. Very sad that the party of “science” uses illness of any scope, or size to get votes. The victim mentality is alive and well and always will be, in the Democratic Socialist party.
Elliott Offen
August 4, 2022 at 10:35 pm
^ Shill for the rich. Will be enslaved one day by GOP hogs. Smartest people in USA will move overseas…back to the old country…and watch you idiots on TV! 😆
dana galen
August 5, 2022 at 10:32 am
Pete Mitchell
August 4, 2022 at 11:13 pm
22.35 MILLION people in Florida and they’ve identified 500 cases.
Imagine being a millionaire to the tune of $22 million and you lose 100 crispy $1 bills. Well not exactly lose them, you sort of misplace them for a bit and then you find them again, still worth a $1 each just not as fresh and crispy.
That’s what we’re talking about. Get a grip Charlie.
August 7, 2022 at 5:22 pm
You people have absolutely zero respect for life. You’re sick, cultist freaks.
David in Shoreline
August 4, 2022 at 11:15 pm
Thank you Governor DeSantia for protecting the freedoms of the citizens of Florida.
August 6, 2022 at 6:49 pm
I lived in NYC in the decade of the 1980s. That was the beginning of the AiDS Epidemic. Twelve men I knew in the Art World died of it. I visited one of them in the hospital shortly before he passed. It was real. It was horrific, and those who were slowly dying were tragic figures one encountered in elevators as they went to and from their doctors.
The current Monkey Pox Virus is treatable and preventable, but it is horrific, painful, disfiguring, and traumatic. The Governor is irresponsible about this due to his inherent bigotry against people who don’t look and act like him. He is a danger to the Citizens of this State. He should be ordering testing and vaccinations for prevention. He is not an epidemiologist.
Just a comment
August 6, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Are we really going to talk ass rash
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