Andrew Warren’s suspension draws Democrats’ denunciations
New rules from Ron DeSantis have teachers scrambling.

Key Speakers At Turning Point Student Action Summit
Gov. DeSantis' alleged 'dictator' move decried.

Democrats and progressives quickly denounced the suspension of the Hillsborough County Attorney General as evidence of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ dictatorial tendencies and willingness to abuse his powers.

In announcing the decision, DeSantis focused on Warren signing a pledge not to prosecute doctors and women involved in abortions that violated the state’s ban on abortions past 15 weeks of pregnancy, although the Governor also had other reasons.

State Attorney Andrew Warren won election twice, the reactions noted. Democrats from a House candidate to Democratic Congresswoman Kathy Castor slammed the decision. Castor called in “an extreme abuse of power” and “a new low.” She also lauded Warren as “a trusted leader … with discretion to make prosecutorial decisions.”

“The Republican agenda is clear: criminalize women’s health care, roll back our rights and feed your political ambitions rather than the people you are elected to serve,” Castor’s statement read. “I will continue to stand up to this overreach and make plain just how extreme and reckless DeSantis and Republicans have become in a state that deserves so much better.”

Charlie Crist, who is vying for the Democrats’ nomination to challenge DeSantis, called it a “flagrant abuse of power.”  

This action by Governor DeSantis is that of a wannabe dictator who puts partisan politics first,” Crist’s statement read. “He doesn’t give a damn about women or average Floridians. It’s a flagrant abuse of power.”

Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, Crist’s rival to be the Democrats’ nominee to unseat DeSantis, also called DeSantis a “wannabe dictator.”

“This is outrageous and dangerous,” she tweeted.

The Senate’s top-ranking Democrat Lauren Book also sent out a statement denouncing the action.

“Ron DeSantis is behaving more like a dictator than ‘America’s Governor,’” her statement read. “Ron DeSantis continues to make it shamefully clear that he will always put partisan politics over the democratic will of the people.”

DeSantis has suspended high-profile elected officials before. He removed Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel after the state’s worst school shooting in Parkland. Supervisors of Elections in Broward County and Palm Beach were also shown the door for failures.

None of those cases produced the statewide outrage like this, however.

For Democratic Rep. Anna Eskamani, Thursday’s move signals the Governor’s willingness to prosecute women for abortions, since Warren’s pledge not to prosecute based on the abortion ban included them.

“@AndrewWarrenFL is the ONLY State Attorney in FL to sign a pledge saying he would NOT prosecute women who end their own pregnancies,” she tweeted. “Let it be known that DeSantis not only wants to ban abortion in FL, but he wants to ARREST people who seek self-managed abortion.”

Most of the reaction to DeSantis’ announcement focused on the Governor’s citation of Warren’s stance on abortion and left alone Warren’s stated opposition to prosecuting those who violate the ban on child sex reassignment therapy and the beef some members of law enforcement have with his lack of prosecutions.

Miami Democratic Sen. Annette Taddeo, also running for Congress, said DeSantis is not behaving as leaders in democratic nations do.

“We the pple elect state attorneys & entrust them with prosecutorial discretion to seek justice & promote public safety,” she tweeted. “Only in communist countries to leaders purge duly elected officials from office to quash dissent.”

Democratic Rep. Carlos G. Smith said in a tweet that Warren was suspended for his unwillingness to send women to prison for getting abortions — and issued a call to action.

“This administration is morphing into an authoritarian regime in plain sight,” he wrote on Twitter. “We can stop this.”

Christina Pushaw, the Governor’s spokeswoman teased Thursday’s announcement on Twitter, saying “prepare for the liberal media meltdown of the year.”

DeSantis Watch, a project funded by Florida Watch PC, said Thursday’s action amounted to a suspension of democracy in Florida.

“Ron DeSantis doesn’t believe in democracy and he wants to prosecute women who seek abortions,” said DeSantis Watch Constituencies Director Natasha Sutherland.

“Today’s announcement is all about distracting from the housing crisis in Florida, the Governor’s ambition to prosecute women who seek abortion care, and his relentless drive to use the people of our state to further his own political career. This is not freedom.”

Brandon Peters, one of two Democrats running to represent House District 22 in Levy, Gilchrist and Alachua counties, noted that the law is still the target of multiple legal challenges and called it a “gross misuse” of a gubernatorial power that should only be used to to protect citizens from corrupt or neglectful officials.

“An honest disagreement over the enforceability of Florida’s latest attack on the freedom of women does not justify autocratic behavior, especially when the law at issue is under constitutional review,” Peters tweeted.

Aramis Ayala, a candidate for the Democratic nomination to unseat State Attorney General Ashley Moody, said that she’s experienced DeSantis’ tendency to interfere. The Governor took her off a murder case in 2020 when she was State  Attorney in the Orlando area.

She said it’s DeSantis — not Warren — who is not respecting the law. She also took a shot at the top prosecutor she hopes to replace.

“If the Governor and Attorney General respected the law, they would uphold the privacy provision in the Florida State Constitution,” Ayala said in a prepared statement. “Anyone with any regard for our constitution would not suggest we have to enforce unconstitutional laws, which is exactly what is happening here. The people deserve better.”

Anne Geggis

Anne Geggis is a South Florida journalist who began her career in Vermont and has worked at the Sun-Sentinel, the Daytona Beach News-Journal and the Gainesville Sun covering government issues, health and education. She was a member of the Sun-Sentinel team that won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the Parkland high school shooting. You can reach her on Twitter @AnneBoca or by emailing [email protected].


  • Rob

    August 4, 2022 at 1:21 pm

    Dictator? Lmao. Give me a break.

    This is DeSantis delivering for Floridians once again.

    • Fran Johnson

      August 4, 2022 at 2:41 pm

      Amen, you said it. Most people who hate him, like they hate Trump too, don’t bother to take the time to read the fine print in all the bills he passed,/signed, or executive orders passed, that better Floridians. AND SORRY PEOPLE, BUT PERVERSION HAS NO PLACE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM!!! Desantis has done much conservation to protect the free beautiful lands of this state, but all you hear from SOME people is, “But, he HATES the environment.” Ugh… research already would ya? Stupid people win stupid prizes!
      God Bless Desantis! Keep making Florida a great place!!!

    • stephanie cataliotti

      August 5, 2022 at 2:21 am

      DeSantis expects Floridians to bow to him. DeSantis has a BIG wake up call to answer. What’s he going to do override every election or become the second coming of Trump. Good luck. The tide is turning and it’s not towards DeSantis. R.DeSantis was thought to be a decent guy, now he’s just another wanna be autocrat who intends to run for President. Mitch McConnel is watching and the GOP is sick of people like him. He’s putting the party under water.

      • John Doe

        August 5, 2022 at 12:56 pm

        Dream on, antifa girl. DeSantis is the best thing in Florida since the Dolphins went undefeated.

  • PeterH

    August 4, 2022 at 1:22 pm

    Join authentic conservatives at the Lincoln Project and help us win Independent voters to defeat this DeSantis authoritarian political hack from office.

    Over 3 million independent voters reside in Florida! We need their voice to turn the tide from this DeSantis daily nightmare!

    • David in Shoreline

      August 4, 2022 at 11:00 pm

      Lincoln Project, HA HA HA HA HA.

    • John Doe

      August 5, 2022 at 12:58 pm

      Lincoln Project is a Democrap groomer’s club. Ya’ll are about as “conservative” as a lime green business suit.

  • Andy

    August 4, 2022 at 1:30 pm

    Lawyers / prosecutors should not announce they are not enforcing the rule of law. I am a Democrat who is pro choice , but we have a rule of law in this country that has to be followed or our society will crumble!!! Once again the liberals in my party take the bait and cry foul! DeSantis sets you up with this stuff…

    • Bill

      August 4, 2022 at 2:13 pm

      I agree. It’s like a proverbial circular firing squad. It’s not easy being a centrist either left or right (I’d guess) these days. The fringe dwellers just can’t seem to help themselves.

      • John Doe

        August 5, 2022 at 1:00 pm

        There is nothing “fringe” about what Gov. De Santis did. It should be standard and required whenever any elected official decides to publicly broadcast that they will refuse to obey and enforce the law.

    • Tom

      August 4, 2022 at 7:51 pm

      Andy, If you truly believe that you won’t be voting for chameleon or n fraud. They will follow soros Manchurian doctrine.

      You only have one choice and that’s America’s greatest Gov. Gov Ron.
      Rising tide for all. Law enforcement for all. Opportunity for all. Jobs for all.

      • Joe Corsin

        August 4, 2022 at 11:30 pm

        Vote RED for low wage slavery
        Vote RED for forced birth of meth babies and crack babies
        Vote RED for terrorist militias
        Vote RED for rule by the rich
        Vote RED for far right police state and religious law

        • stephanie cataliotti

          August 5, 2022 at 2:31 am

          Vote BLUE if you are a true American.
          Vote BLUE if you value your freedom
          Vote BLUE if you’d rather have the far right dictate your legal rights.
          Vote BLUE to keep your rights and not have DeSantis own the voting.
          Vote BLUE so the rich can’t undo what voted for/

  • marylou

    August 4, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    An ELECTED by the PEOPLE official, suspended by the demented deDICKtator, for SIGNING a pledge?
    Not a lawyer here, but isn’t this just a 1st Amendment Free Speech issue?

    • Impeach Biden

      August 4, 2022 at 1:50 pm

      You are not a lawyer and we have already established you know nothing about the military.

      • Joe Corsin

        August 4, 2022 at 11:32 pm

        Vote RED for abominable grifting
        Vote RED for neo nazi propaganda
        Vote RED for right wing police state
        Vote RED for low wage slavery
        Vote RED for 10 consecutive life sentences for DUI

    • Freedom4524

      August 4, 2022 at 7:15 pm

      Go live in San Fransisco marylou

    • Jerry

      August 4, 2022 at 9:56 pm

      He’s refusing to follow the law. The laws that were passed by the legislature elected by the people, signed by the governor elected by the people. And this prosecutor thinks he has the power to just nullify any law he doesn’t agree with?

      No one is saying that he can’t have freedom of speech. He can have whatever opinions he wants. But this is a prosecutor who was funded by George Soros (who does not live in Florida). And he has pledged to use his position to advance his own personal agendas in violation of the state laws and constitution.

  • Richard Bruce

    August 4, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    When I was in the USCG (Happy 232nd Birthday), and refused to enforce federal law, I would be brought before the Admiral and sent quickly to Leavenworth.

    • Fran Johnson

      August 4, 2022 at 2:46 pm

      Yes BUT, doncha know, THESE people, like Andrew Warren and Co., are ABOVE the law. THEY don’t HAVE to follow the law, even though they took an oath of office TO FOLLOW IT. WE peons are just mearly FODDER to them… a play thing to kick around. BUT THIS TIME, we are KICKING BACK..

    • Ron DeSantis is anti-American

      August 4, 2022 at 4:27 pm

      Prosecutors are supposed to have discretion in deciding who to prosecute.

      • John Doe

        August 5, 2022 at 1:05 pm

        There is a difference between “prosecutor discretion” and simply ignoring the law. Discretion would, in a case where it would be unjust in a single case, lead a prosecutor not to enforce the law. But no prosecutor has discretion to ignore a valid law and not enforce it against anybody. That would make the prosecutor the dictator, ignoring the will of our elected officials. I typed this slowly so that even you can follow it!

  • Ron DeSantis Sucks

    August 4, 2022 at 3:42 pm

    Why can the governor unilaterally suspend prosecutors? Fuck Ron DeSantis.

    • Freedom4524

      August 4, 2022 at 6:59 pm

      Go back to New York

      • Ron DeSantis Sucks

        August 4, 2022 at 7:41 pm

        I’m a native Floridan. The people coming here from other states are the problem.

    • John Doe

      August 5, 2022 at 1:08 pm

      This isn’t the first time a Governor has suspended a prosecutor, fool. DeSantis didn’t make the rules, he’s just following them. The final say will be up to the legislators, too, so this isn’t DeSantis being a dictator. Learn the facts swamp jumper.

  • Tom

    August 4, 2022 at 4:42 pm


    Thank you Fran, Richard, Andy and Rob.
    Yes, great examples.

    The mental soros manchurians are hysterical.
    It’s called the Florida constitution, it’s a direct authority. Shut the hell up you neophyte jack asses, clueless Soros Manchurians.

    America’s Gov the best? Protecting Florida even for you Manchurians!

    • Ron DeSantis is anti-American

      August 4, 2022 at 4:48 pm

      I know you’re basically a troll, but the Florida Constitution should not grand the governor this power… it should be amended. How would you like it if a Democratic governor decided to suspend any district attorney who refused to enforce certain gun laws? Ron DeSantis is a tyrant.

      • Tom

        August 4, 2022 at 5:22 pm

        That’s the point fake moniker.
        U moron, ass, soros Manchurian.

        Prosecutors are to up hold law, so if any prosecutor is unfit they are susceptible to dereliction.

        Discretion means indictment charging, not ignoring, voiding law. He replaced him with a outstanding judge, former prosecutor.

        Gov Ron is a former assistant U S attorney. Naval officer attorney for seal teams.

        It is insulting to listening to you soros idiots. He knows the law.

        My goodness you people are berserk.
        DeSantis ain’t gov cuomo, who grabs grabbing some P,usage, Ass and Breasts.

        • Freedom4524

          August 4, 2022 at 7:14 pm

          OOps – not you – the troll above you

        • Ron DeSantis is anti-American

          August 4, 2022 at 7:35 pm

          Considering DeSantis was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, and considering the great shame of what took place there, I don’t hold the fact that he served as a US attorney for the Navy as evidence of much of anything. Besides, I didn’t say that DeSantis doesn’t know the law, I just said that that particular provision is stupid and should be amended.

          Am I missing something, or, if the prosecutor had simply refused to charge anyone related to abortion without saying why, this would be OK? If so, then he’s being punished for his political speech. The DA has committed no crime or done anything to warrant suspension.

          Honestly, Tom; and you’re so dimwitted, I dunno why I’m even bothering asking you this, other than that it makes you angry and thus entertains me greatly… why do want to be ruled by a tyrant like Ronnie so badly? Is it because you’re too stupid to make your own decisions for yourself? You can answer honestly.

        • Ron DeSantis is a fascist

          August 4, 2022 at 7:36 pm

          Considering DeSantis was stationed at Guantanamo Bay, and considering the great shame of what took place there, I don’t hold the fact that he served as a US attorney for the Navy as evidence of much of anything. Besides, I didn’t say that DeSantis doesn’t know the law, I just said that that particular provision is stupid and should be amended.

        • Ron DeSantis sucks

          August 4, 2022 at 7:36 pm

          Also, I missing something, or, if the prosecutor had simply refused to charge anyone related to abortion without saying why, this would be OK? If so, then he’s being punished for his political speech. The DA has committed no crime or done anything to warrant suspension.

        • Ron DeSantis sucks

          August 4, 2022 at 7:37 pm

          Honestly, Tom; and I dunno why I’m even bothering asking you this, other than that it makes you angry and thus entertains me greatly… why do you like being ruled by DeSantis so much? Is it because you’re afraid to make decisions for yourself? You can answer honestly.

          • Jerry

            August 4, 2022 at 11:04 pm

            After watching how power-hungry liberals were during the pandemic, you have nerve to accuse DeSantis a tyrant.

            Our senile president tried to make anyone homeless who didnt agree to receive an experimental vaccine. Parents who speak at School Board meetings are viewed as domestic terrorists by our justice department. You got government collusion with social media companies to suppress conservative speech on the internet. You cheer as the constitutional rights of J6 protesters are being violated. We can go on and on and on with liberals who are drunk on power all over the country.

            But you think DeSantis is the tyrant?

          • Tom

            August 5, 2022 at 7:35 am

            Thanks for referencing me multiple times! That is why I am FP legend!
            You are a Soros Manchurian.

            America’s Gov is following the Florida constitution. It’s the constitution stupid! Warren is a disgrace period! Just like all you Manchurians stupid!

            Heads exploding. LMAO.
            America’s Gov wins!
            Chameleon and fraud no chance.

          • Tom

            August 5, 2022 at 7:35 am

            Thanks for referencing me multiple times! That is why I am FP legend!
            You are a Soros Manchurian.

            America’s Gov is following the Florida constitution. It’s the constitution stupid! Warren is a disgrace period! Just like all you Manchurians stupid!

            Heads exploding. LMAO.
            America’s Gov wins!
            Chameleon and fraud no chance.

        • Ron DeSantis sucks

          August 4, 2022 at 7:38 pm

          Honestly, Tom; and I dunno why I’m even bothering asking you this, but why do you like being ruled by a tyrant so much?

          • Tom

            August 4, 2022 at 8:18 pm

            DeSantis is anything but a tyrant.
            He has prospered Florida during a terrible, once in a 100 yr pandemic.
            Florida is recognized as the right stuff because of him.

            You and millions have a job cause of him. Thousands of school kids didn’t commit suicide cause of him. Thousands have their businesses cause of him. Thousands have lives cause Of Gov. Ron, including u ungrateful Manchurians.

      • Freedom4524

        August 4, 2022 at 7:13 pm

        Go back to New York

    • Joe Corsin

      August 4, 2022 at 11:34 pm

      ^ Far right trailer park hog… terrorist…foul mouthed neo nazi redneck.

  • Jon

    August 4, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    Prosecutorial discretion is for the purpose of determining if all the elements of a crime have been met to secure a conviction, not so that the prosecutor can cherry-pick which laws to enforce.

    • Ur Wrong

      August 4, 2022 at 7:40 pm

      The prosecutor is not obligated to bring anything to trial. They exercise discretion all the time.

      • Tom

        August 4, 2022 at 8:34 pm

        Not when crimes are committed you soros Manchurian minion! It’s over for you soros Manchurian nation.

        • Ur Wrong

          August 4, 2022 at 8:41 pm

          What the fuck is a “soros Manchurian minion”?

          • Tom

            August 4, 2022 at 11:20 pm

            You my ass wipe!
            Soros owns Dummycrats.

          • Tom

            August 4, 2022 at 11:20 pm

            You my ass wipe!
            Soros owns Dummycrats.

          • Joe Corsin

            August 4, 2022 at 11:34 pm

            He’s a neo nazi troll…

  • Ron Ogden

    August 4, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    Andy Warren is also the point man in a Soros-funded effort to unseat the Sixth Circuit State attorney, Bruce Bartlett, as part of the same leftwing effort that has critically damaged law enforcement in leftish American cities like LA, San Francisco, New York and Philadelphia.
    A NY Post article referred to a Soros-backed group this way: “Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability, which (as The Post reported) got $3 million and aids advocates who “address the harm of policing.”
    Pinellas and Pasco Counties know the great benefit to a safe society found in the hard work of dedicated law enforcement officers and the danger a progressive public defender presents in this fall’s election
    Andy Warren is a Soros’ puppet. Everyone in Hillsborough County should congratulate DeSantis for strong, determined and beneficial leadership.

  • Freedom4524

    August 4, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Notice this biased “journalist”, trained in Vermont, quoted only liberals exclusively – no supporters of law and order or supporters of Governor DeSantis are mentioned, but she did manage to help 4 liberals currently campaigning to turn Florida into a San Fransisco, New York City, Los Angeles or Portland, by quoting them exclusively. Why do you think everyone is moving here Anne? Because they are fleeing over 64,000 homeless in Los Angeles and other cities where they are shooting up and defecating in the streets in front of children getting off of school buses and beating women and store owners to death. They are also escaping the policies created by “Attorneys” like Andrew Warren. I believe there are openings for snake attorneys like Warren in California or New York – and all of you who support any one who believes they are above the law – I hear these hellish cities will embrace you with open arms – so MOVE – get out of this state if you just can’t stand to live in a state where Freedom loving Americans are moving as fast as they can.

    • Freedom4524

      August 4, 2022 at 7:18 pm

      Actually she quoted 5 liberals running for office.

  • Jerry

    August 4, 2022 at 10:36 pm

    Why don’t you so-called journalists do your job and investigate why this prosecutor was taking money and getting support from groups funded by George Soros?

    • Ron DeSantis sucks

      August 4, 2022 at 11:07 pm

      Why do successful men like Soros trigger you so much? Are you that racist?

  • David in Shoreline

    August 4, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    Doing the people’s work, every day. God bless Governor DeSantis.

    • Joe Corsin

      August 4, 2022 at 11:35 pm

      Fuck mini Hitler

      • John Doe

        August 5, 2022 at 1:13 pm

        You’d love to you Monkey Pox spreading little boy lover.

  • Beth

    August 5, 2022 at 2:46 am

    DeSantis is nothing but a roly poly wanna be dictator who conducts himself like a schoolyard bully. He is too stupid to address the real issues in FL, just like trump he can only create chaos to hide his total incompetence, ignorance, corruption, and lack of leadership. He does not believe in democracy and is a complete disaster as a person and a politician. He will do or say absolutely anything in return for money or power. It is time for sane, intelligent voters to end his ridiculous childish reign and elect an adult to run the state. Say good riddance to this fool in November.

  • Jeff M. Hardison

    August 5, 2022 at 7:46 am

    Actually, the man is the state attorney. There are judicial 20 circuits in Florida. He is the elected person who leads the office for prosecution of state laws (statutes). Ashley Moody (Republican) is the current Florida attorney general. Hillsborough County (Tampa is the county seat) is so big that it is one judicial circuit within itself. It is up to the voters of the 13th Judicial Circuit (Hillsborough County) to elect their state attorney. It is up to the voters in Florida to elect their governor. As for DeSantis doing what he did to this state attorney, I think he went far too far. That type of governor is not one I am going to vote to elect or reelect.

  • Tiddley Winkerton

    August 5, 2022 at 3:51 pm

    The weasel minion Warren thought he would make Lord Soros proud by taunting Desantis like a bratty petulant child – “Na Na Na Na NaNa I just wont enforce the law and you cant make me”.
    Now he has outted Lord Soros at exactly the wrong time with Congressional elections already taking place in some states. Lord Soros is not amused and has likely already issued orders for the elimination of the bratty petulant weasel minion.
    Warren most likely knows Lord Soros has issued “the final orders” for what will look like an accident to occur and will be going into hiding over the weekend.

  • Tom

    August 6, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    America’s Greatest Governor is principled leadership. Unlike the vile Dums
    you associate with. DeSantis saved Florida and the peeps know it.

    Jeff, you sound like you are crying.
    When this Soros Manchurian anti christ prosecutes and convicts a minister, he’s gotta go. When he thinks he can void state law, he’s gotta go.

    Stop crying all you pathetic Soros Manchurians.

    America’s Gov is the whiz kid!
    He will get 60% of independents, 55% of Hispanics, 97% of and Repubs. and 40% of Dems.


  • Jane

    August 8, 2022 at 1:17 am

    Andrew Warren, Is marked for death

Comments are closed.


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