Indiana on Friday became the first state in the nation to approve abortion restrictions since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, as the Republican governor quickly signed a near-total ban on the procedure shortly after lawmakers approved it.
The ban, which takes effect Sept. 15, includes some exceptions. Abortions would be permitted in cases of rape and incest, before 10-weeks post-fertilization; to protect the life and physical health of the mother; and if a fetus is diagnosed with a lethal anomaly. Victims of rape and incest would not be required to sign a notarized affidavit attesting to an attack, as had once been proposed.
Under the bill, abortions can be performed only in hospitals or outpatient centers owned by hospitals, meaning all abortion clinics would lose their licenses. A doctor who performs an illegal abortion or fails to file required reports must also lose their medical license — wording that tightens current Indiana law that says a doctor “may” lose their license.
“I am personally most proud of each Hoosier who came forward to courageously share their views in a debate that is unlikely to cease any time soon,” Gov. Eric Holcomb said in the statement announcing that he had signed the measure. “For my part as your governor, I will continue to keep an open ear.”
His approval came after the Senate approved the ban 28-19 and the House advanced it 62-38.
Indiana was among the earliest Republican-run state legislatures to debate tighter abortion laws after the Supreme Court ruling in June that removed constitutional protections for the procedure. But it is the first state to pass a ban through both chambers, after West Virginia lawmakers on July 29 passed up the chance to be that state.
“Happy to be completed with this, one of the more challenging things that we’ve ever done as a state General Assembly, at least certainly while I’ve been here,” Senate President Pro-Tem Rodric Bray told reporters after the vote. “ I think this is a huge opportunity, and we’ll build on that as we go forward from here.”
Sen. Sue Glick of LaGrange, who sponsored the bill, said that she does not think “all states will come down at the same place” but that most Indiana residents support aspects of the bill.
Some senators in both parties lamented the bill’s provisions and the impact it would have on the state, including low-income women and the health care system. Eight Republicans joined all 11 Democrats in voting against the bill, though their reasons to thwart the measure were mixed.
“We are backsliding on democracy,” said Democratic Sen. Jean Breaux of Indianapolis, who wore a green ribbon Friday signifying support for abortion rights, on her lapel. “What other freedoms, what other liberties are on the chopping block, waiting to be stripped away?”
Republican Sen. Mike Bohacek of Michiana Shores spoke about his 21-year-old-daughter, who has Down syndrome. Bohacek voted against the bill, saying it does not have adequate protections for women with disabilities who are raped.
“If she lost her favorite stuffed animal, she’d be inconsolable. Imagine making her carry a child to term,” he said before he started to choke up, then threw his notes on his seat and exited the chamber.
Republican Sen. Mike Young of Indianapolis, however, said the bill’s enforcement provisions against doctors are not stringent enough.
Such debates demonstrated Indiana residents’ own divisions on the issue, displayed in hours of testimony lawmakers heard over the past two weeks. Residents rarely, if ever, expressed support for the the legislation in their testimony, as abortion-rights supporters said the bill goes too far while anti-abortion activists expressed it doesn’t go far enough.
The debates came amid an evolving landscape of abortion politics across the country as Republicans face some party divisions and Democrats see a possible election-year boost.
Republican Rep. Wendy McNamara of Evansville, who sponsored the House bill, told reporters after the House vote that the legislation “makes Indiana one of the most pro-life states in the nation.”
Outside the chambers, abortion-rights activists often chanted over lawmakers’ remarks, carrying signs like “Roe roe roe your vote” and “Build this wall” between church and state. Some House Democrats wore blazers over pink “Bans Off Our Bodies” T-shirts.
Indiana’s ban followed the political firestorm over a 10-year-old rape victim who traveled to the state from neighboring Ohio to end her pregnancy. The case gained attention when an Indianapolis doctor said the child came to Indiana because of Ohio’s “fetal heartbeat” ban.
Religion was a persistent theme during legislative debates, both in residents’ testimony and lawmakers’ comments.
In advocating against the House bill, Rep. Ann Vermilion condemned fellow Republicans who have called women “murderers” for getting an abortion.
“I think that the Lord’s promise is for grace and kindness,” she said. “He would not be jumping to condemn these women.”
Republished with permission from The Associated Press.
Don’t Look Up
August 6, 2022 at 12:44 pm
If Americans want abortion rights and gun control they need to vote Republicans out of office. Republicans are America’s problem.
Impeach Biden
August 6, 2022 at 12:47 pm
If you want open borders, high crime, high fuel prices , forty year high inflation then vote Nancy, chukie, and dumb and dumber out of office.
Impeach Biden
August 6, 2022 at 12:49 pm
If you don’t want. 😄
Joe Corsin
August 6, 2022 at 1:29 pm
^ Vote RED for forced birth of meth babies and crack babies like this guy
– Vote RED for shoveling money to the rich and then blaming the Democrats for the ensuing chaos that follows
– Vote RED for false information, false claims, right wing propaganda, grifting and chicanery.
Impeach Biden
August 6, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Joe / Elliott it is you that needs to put down the crack pipe. You and your moronic rants.
Joe Corsin
August 6, 2022 at 3:21 pm
The right wing in moronic. Will grift everyone into slavery before it’s all over with. Their propaganda, rich propaganda, has softened up your feeble mind.
Impeach Biden
August 6, 2022 at 4:01 pm
The Joe and Elliott show with their ridiculous “slavery” comments. People from all around the world all colors, religions, sexes, etc are flooding through what was once our Southern Border. Do you think they come here to be slaves? You want to see modern day slavery go to Doha, Dubai, the UAE and see who is building all those fancy buildings. Nothing like that exists in this country.
Joe Corsin
August 6, 2022 at 7:30 pm
There are worse countries than USA and there are better countries than USA. The number of countries that are better will continue to grow because the USA only governs for the rich. This is gonna create more and more problems as time goes on. Your feeble mind can’t understand that. For instance, in 1997 a fast food worker in the south could make $7.25 an hour. In 2019 that was worth around $11.61 adjusted for inflation. However in 2019, there were entry level hotel jobs for $10 an hour which was worth about $6 an hour back in 1997. The economy was booming before the pandemic and average workers were making shit. So people here are being ripped to shit by the rich. This has future consequences like weak economic mobility and concentration of wealth in fewer hands. You mentioned people wanting to come here but one day soon it’s not gonna be worth it. And by that time, the people already here will be about as well off as a Mexican before they decided to come. All you care about is NOW…that’s your problem. You can’t figure what the future might be like if we continue down this path.
Sometimes both
August 7, 2022 at 12:11 am
Meth is more of a Republican thing not crack lol
August 7, 2022 at 12:09 am
So your saying I should vote them out if I want those things?
Better keep them in then lol
Ron Ogden
August 6, 2022 at 3:37 pm
“Indiana becomes first state to approve abortion ban post Roe”
–which has WHAT to do with Florida Politics?
“Religion was a persistent theme. . .” Isn’t it usually a persistent theme when people of moral conscious fight to stop wanton murder?
August 6, 2022 at 6:57 pm
“stop wanton murder”
Men have given themselves the right to self defense. Men can shoot people who enter their homes, or who throw popcorn at them. Women are being forced to provide housing and life support services to “potential” people, at the cost of endangering the woman’s life — as all pregnancies do. Women are being denied self defense and stand your ground rights that men take for granted. Abortion is not murder at all. It’s equality.
Ron Ogden
August 6, 2022 at 8:08 pm
Abortion is murder. Somebody dies. It’s just that for some, murder is equality.
August 6, 2022 at 9:23 pm
No! It’s stand your ground, self defense. Men have those rights and it’s time for women to be treated the same. If it is self defense when a man shoots someone who throws a little popcorn in his direction, it’s surely self defense for a woman to protect her life when a “potential” someone is actually inside her body! Thousands of people die each year because they need transplants, yet you aren’t required to donate blood or marrow, or a kidney to save them. Murder? Would you be one of the men crying and screaming if the government ordered mandatory donations? What if they decided you need to be available for mandatory life support services? Go eat a couple fertilized eggs and pretend it’s fried chicken while you think it over.
Ron Ogden
August 7, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Women ARE treated the same. If someone attacks you, you have the right to defend yourself. And, if you are smart, you will have a gun and know how to use it. But that is NOT the case with abortion. You got pregnant. The baby is there because of you. The baby does not have any INTENT to harm you. You have no right to stand in the middle of a highway and shoot at cars on the grounds they are trying to run you down. You have no right to get pregnant, when it is simple not to, and then claim the baby is a threat to your happiness. No! Your own irresponsibility is the threat to your happiness. The baby is BLAMELESS.
Just a comment
August 6, 2022 at 4:14 pm
Go Green. I picked red with lava
August 8, 2022 at 12:58 pm
Ron Ogden: Sorry this is very long, but you should be aware that:
A woman is not a public highway, not a public utility, and women will not allow government intrusion into their personal health and life decisions. Abortion rights have allowed girls and women to live their lives as equal human beings– in the way that’s best for them: school, career, family, decreased poverty and abuse by partners. Despite Alito’s false statements (lies), the positive results of women having abortion rights are verified.
Bodily autonomy is the most fundamental right. Once that door is open, everyone (women and men), is at risk of having their rights taken away by the government. Government surveillance of women is already happening. What rights will the government take away next?
Regarding irresponsibility: are men irresponsible because they have a front door on their house–even though they know that someone can get in through it? What if a non-invited person only needs a couple dollars from you, but is otherwise “innocent” with no intent to harm you?”? Are you obligated to let them stay (nine months!), just because you were aware of the risks and possible consequences of having a front door?
At this time the only thing that we seem to agree on is the need for contraceptives. It is not yet simple to avoid pregnancy, and most women do use contraceptives. For those who don’t, or don’t always, there are many reasons, including beyond their control. Some reasons heard too often: abstinence only education that doesn’t provide information on contraceptive access/use and teaches shame and myths instead, thinking sex and birth control are sins–who wants to sin or admit sinning? kids thinking they need parent’s consent, thinking BC causes cancer and sterility, thinking/knowing mom “would kill me if she found my bc pills”, didn’t expect sex to happen, boyfriend forgot condom but girl thinks she’s obligated, incest, rape, “God’s will” if become pregnant!, condom broke, birth control failed, no transportation, schools not teaching “consent” to girls–and boys.
No one delivers free contraceptives to the house or school for teens or low/no income women. While waiting for progress, if men don’t want women to get an abortion–get a vasectomy. Then you can be in control!
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