A new survey of the Florida Democratic Primary race for Governor shows U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist ahead of Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried 42% to 35%. But Fried’s campaign is promoting the poll as evidence of Crist’s inability to “break through” in the contest.
The poll, commissioned by the Fried campaign and conducted by Public Policy Polling Aug. 8-9, shows 23% of Democratic Primary voters were “not sure” who they would support, with two weeks until Election Day and mail ballots already sent out.
Fried’s campaign released a memo saying the results show her gaining ground on Crist, as compared to a PPP poll from April, and asserting she “is poised to pull even with Crist by this weekend.”
“Compared to an April PPP, Crist is losing both vote share and topline, this despite every possible advantage, including almost universal name ID, establishment endorsements, and a 3-to-1 advantage on TV,” the memo from Fried campaign manager Matthew Van Name states.
“This is likely why Crist dropped his ‘nice guy’ act to air desperate and embarrassing negative commercials. This poll was commissioned at the height of his expected TV spending and he’s still losing vote share.”
A survey in the race by St. Pete Polls on Aug. 3 showed Crist with a 56%-24% lead, with 20% undecided.
The Fried memo claims her campaign can see a Fried “breakout,” and claims she’s leading or tied in key areas of the state.
“Nikki is now beating Charlie Crist in the Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Gainesville, and Ft. Myers media markets, is tied in Miami and Pensacola, and has plenty of room for favorable growth in the Orlando, Tampa, and West Palm Beach markets,” the memo states.
“These leads are huge for us as in-person Early Voting began today in some major Florida counties and almost 400,000 Florida Democrats have already cast mail ballots.”
The memo also says the campaign “expects the vast majority” of the 23% who are still undecided to cast their vote for Fried.
The PPP poll included 664 likely Democratic voters, 47% reached through landline phones and 53% reached through text messages, and has a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.
William J Nelson
August 10, 2022 at 9:49 am
Fried is the one being dishonest. she is desperate. And most of us in Florida have already voted, mostly for Crist. Crist is the one to beat DeSatanis. He will dominate the moderate swingvote and also get all the left votes as if their lives depend on it. also, 7% deficit at best for Fried means she still loses, and the main reason is that he’s not electable.
Joseph Kreps
August 13, 2022 at 2:22 pm
Crist is a 3 time loser. He killed our chances against Scott and Rubio and has done more damage to the Florida Democratic Party than anyone. He is the Republicans best friend.
August 13, 2022 at 2:52 pm
obviously Crist can beat Desatanis and Fried cannot. winning big with mods is the key and Crist is perfect for that. Crist list to Scott by 1% because of a big nation wide red wave. This year Dems have a slught advantage but Florida is tough and requires Crist to swipe 10% of ghe gop vote which he can do.
William J Nelson
August 10, 2022 at 9:58 am
Fact checked this article more. Crist is not spending much at all on TV, he has a 20 million ad buy scheduled against Desatanis once he clinches the nomination. Fried did get a surge after the abortion ban but Fried has been putting out lies that Crist is not pro choice. So maybe she cut his lead from 20% tom 10% but remember this poll she claims is real is her own internal poll and that could be completely fake.
Joseph Kreps
August 13, 2022 at 2:24 pm
The only thing that is fake is Charlie. He is a champion flip flopper.
August 10, 2022 at 10:05 am
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William Nelson
August 10, 2022 at 10:06 am
Just reviews Crist’s last 100 or so tweets. Not a single attack on Fried. her tweets are just the opposite using old photos from when Crist was a Republican. Crist is focused on DeSatanis and playing it cool. he knows he has the nomination. also this PPP poll is real but it’s an internal poll performed for and by leftist progressives. did they even poll anyone over 60? Fried’s campaign manager seems like an angry Berner and is putting out the lie that Crist is not pro choice. Crist has countered that on his first day he will abolish any abortion bans. I remain confident Crist will beat Fried by at least 10% probably around 15%.
August 10, 2022 at 10:08 am
I also don’t want to hear about how my family was dealing and my emotional condition
Craig V Mitchell
August 10, 2022 at 10:11 am
Her own poll shows her behind with two weeks left. Polls commissioned by campaigns always have to be taken with piles of salt. More likely she loses by 20.
Anna R. Roark
August 10, 2022 at 11:55 am
Anna R. Roark
August 10, 2022 at 11:59 am
William J Nelson
August 10, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Yes, Fried is lying. There is no peak of Crist TYV spending because it hasn’t really begun yet. and most of us Floridians have already voted. Fried is most popular with the bernie crowd and feminists, maybe some Jewish voter too, but Crist is most popular with anyone over 50 which in florida might be the majority, plus Crist polls well with young people too, surprisingly. Fried has closed the gap a bit but Crist had a 20% lead on her just a few weeks ago so the gap isn’t going to close nearly enough, and she knows it. also Fried makes it count like a negatyive that every democratic leader has endorsed crist. she is just jealous. she wanted all their endorsements.
Joseph Kreps
August 13, 2022 at 2:30 pm
Crist is a Corporate Demercrat who is e3ndorsed by the same. His PAC is chock full of big contributors who expect big favors.
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B.J. Nelson
August 13, 2022 at 5:16 pm
Sorry, but Crist will be the nominee than k God as he is the only one who can beat DeSatanis which is the only thing that counts. Plus he know how to govern the state as he was an excellent governor before. Florida is a tough state for dems now and they need a strong unifying moderate who people like and trust, plus a little wind at their backs and to not be pigeon-holed as “liberal” which to DeSanatis’s Russian troll type operatives mean “communist”. also DeSatanis has attacked the big corps, so good, g,lad to have them on our side, especially Disney . To win in Florida dems need all the libs plus 50% of the money and 75% of the moderates. Crist can deliver that. Not Fried. So you can like Fried better but to beat DeSatanis you have to go with Crist.
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