Planned Parenthood Votes is launching a $50 million 2022 electoral program, “Take Control,” to help elect champions for sexual and reproductive health care and rights.
Planned Parenthood Votes also launched a 2022 electoral website. Take Control/Toma el Control will serve as a hub for information about Planned Parenthood Action Fund-endorsed candidates, key races, and how to get involved with Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations this cycle.
In Florida, Planned Parenthood Votes has endorsed for re-election U.S. Reps. Kathy Castor, Al Lawson, Lois Frankel, Darren Soto, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Frederica Wilson. Planned Parenthood Votes has also endorsed state Sen. Annette Taddeo in her bid to defeat incumbent U.S. Rep. María Elvira Salazar.
“This is an election about power and control,” said Jenny Lawson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes. “The Supreme Court and anti-abortion rights politicians have stripped people of their constitutional right to abortion and the ability to make personal health care decisions.
“Should these out-of-touch politicians gain or stay in power, they will continue doing everything they can to ban all abortion, throw health care providers and pregnant people in jail, and endanger the health and lives of pregnant people across the country. This is not what the American people want. This November, voters are going to take control by electing reproductive health care champions, up and down the ballot, who trust us to make our own decisions about our bodies, our lives, and our futures.”
Nationally, Planned Parenthood advocacy has targeted nine states for investments: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Part of that investment includes the Black, Latino & People of Color Youth Organizing program. While the program will operate in the nine target states, efforts there will be a laser focus on efforts in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina.
Meanwhile, local Planned Parenthood advocacy groups will run “robust” electoral campaigns in Florida, California, Colorado, Maine and Ohio.
This is the first election in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and the fight for abortion rights is resonating with voters, polls indicate.
According to a USA Today poll, abortion rights are the second most important issue in the Midterms for voters. Abortion rights are a Top 5 issue for voters in a new Gallup poll. A recently released KFF poll finds that 74% of U.S. adults report abortion access as important to their Midterm vote, and 43% say the Supreme Court decision will make them more motivated to vote, up 6 points since May.
A University of North Florida poll released this week found that abortion rights were one of the most important problems facing Florida, but it was far outweighed by the cost of living. Forty-three percent of those who responded to the poll listed the cost of living as the most important problem, followed by 8% and 7% for jobs and the economy.
Margaret Sanger
August 17, 2022 at 11:17 am
do any of you know that planned parenthood, was started by Margaret Sanger. she wanted birth control against blacks, whom she regarded as idiots,, her words, not mine… so, keep on getting abortions, since those unborn black babies would have been democrat voters and possibly criminals. so keep on aborting , dummies
Don’t Look Up
August 17, 2022 at 11:59 am
If Americans want women to control their own bodies, qualified teachers to replace DeSantis’s culture wars in classrooms, intelligent teacher-student conversations concerning the social issues facing Americans in the 21st century, non-bullying discussion about classroom students who are different, common sense gun regulations, and a new honest approach on how best to address climate change……AMERICANS MUST VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE. REPUBLICANS ARE AMERICA’S PROBLEM.
Joe Corsin
August 17, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Vote RED for forced birth of meth babies and crack babies
August 17, 2022 at 7:46 pm
This is the kind of horror that the barbaric and cruel pro- forced birthers plan for Florida: A Louisiana woman who was happy and excited to be expecting a baby was told at 10 weeks pregnant, “It was an abnormal ultrasound, and they noticed the top of the baby’s head was missing and the skull was missing, the top of the skull was missing,” she said. The fetus was diagnosed with a fatal condition called acrania, which would cause her baby to live for only a few minutes after birth. Because the fetus’ condition is not a threat to the woman’s life, she was denied an abortion based on Louisiana’s short list of exceptions. She will be forced to carry the fetus to term and deliver the child, just to bury it shortly afterward. If she can arrange for funds, transportation, childcare, and a place to stay for a week,she may travel to Florida, where Desantis is expected to demand a Catholic Church based ban if re-elected.
There is nothing pro-life about these people. Vote out Republicans to protect women and families from these immoral ghouls.
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