The re-election campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis is fundraising off claims that California Gov. Gavin Newsom has an “obsession with Florida.”
The aggravated email to supporters came less than 24 hours after Newsom pledged a six-figure donation to Democratic nominee Charlie Crist, in what the Crist campaign believes is a sign of early national enthusiasm for denying DeSantis a second term and a potential presidential run thereafter.
“Gavin Newsom’s obsession with Florida and Governor DeSantis continues to grow as he pledges $100,000 to Charlie Crist — the man who has already declared he doesn’t want your vote,” the email contends, before issuing a specific call out to the city of San Francisco.
“It seems like Newsom has done his job encouraging filth and debauchery on the streets of San Francisco that he’s now set his sights on our state. … Charlie has made it clear that if you want Florida to turn into a crime-ridden homeless encampment and open-air drug market where drag shows and vaccines are required at school, he’s your guy.”
DeSantis’ team expects more Democratic Governors to follow suit: “Gavin isn’t the first and he won’t be the last blue state governor to come to Charlie’s aid.”
Shortly after the nomination was decided, Newsom pledged to help.
“Time to make Ron DeSantis a one-term governor. I’m pledging $100k right now,” Newsom tweeted. “Who will join me in helping Charlie become the next Governor of Florida?”
Newsom has already messaged against DeSantis once this cycle, taking a page out of the Florida Governor’s playbook with an ad buy on Fox News, attacking DeSantis’ Florida as not being so free after all.
Polling in Newsom’s home state shows DeSantis, despite being nearly 3,000 miles away, is a figure of fascination with Golden State Republicans, 31% of whom say they would vote for him in a GOP Primary. It appears the antagonism has mutual benefit, with Newsom atop a diffuse presidential field on the Democratic side in 2024.
August 26, 2022 at 12:47 pm
Very well said, the filth, debauchery and disgusting life style is non human.
Newsom fears DeSantis as does the WH.
America’s Governor has demonstrated that you can govern effectively.
Newsom’s bubble gum contribution is meaningless. Just cheap tricks.
Meanwhile Californians flee the flee bag state to come to Florida.
Charlie Crist
August 26, 2022 at 1:05 pm
Meanwhile, California does much more for the nation than Florida..which for every one dollar it contributes to the nation..it gets $4.50 in return from the fed. That means that Florida is a grifter state.. grifts the fed, grifts tourists, and even grifts it’s own people using rent schemes and low wages. Every capitalist crook in the GOP uses Florida as their own personal outhouse. The rich wipe their azz with morons like you and laugh all the way to the bank. Only because stupid people here in Florida is the GOP able to continue this degeneracy.
August 26, 2022 at 3:09 pm
California gives more cause they have mass population. Your class warfare, like Mary falls on deaf ears.
You demonstrate the debauchery, you degenerate scum of the earth.
I like the Gov whiz kid, whiz upon you and other sick demented soros Manchurians.
Unlike haters like you, mary who and others I earn well over six figures, so you are demented.
You wouldn’t say it to my face but I’ll say it you yours. . Fake moniker, you are a Pathetic incest driven psycho.
How’s banging your mother snd sisters? Try your dad next.
Any time you want to meet just let me know scum bag.
Charlie Crist
August 26, 2022 at 3:52 pm
^ Ladies and gentlemen the GOP’s finest right here. Dangerous lunatic, rambling mad man, probably deranged terrorist. Needs medication, hell.. needs euthanasia!!!
James Madison
August 27, 2022 at 11:03 pm
Your first statement says it all. Cali has a population of 40 million. Florida is 20 million. That means Cali is the MOST POPULAR STATE IN THE NATION. You are so stupid to you haven’t a clue what that means. Here are a few fun facts. Cali’s GDP is the 4th largest on the planet. Larger than ALL red states put together. Cali pays more into the federal system than they take from the federal system. The top 10 states that take more from the feds than they pay into th feds are ALL red states. That means blue states carry all red states. Without blue states, red states would NOT exist. I can state more instances but you would not understand because the top least educated states are all red states. The most educated states are blue states. The most unhealthy states are red states and the most healthy states are blue states. So tell us why Florida is better than Cali?
August 28, 2022 at 6:53 am
Totally mental, you must have vested interests in debauchery James Madison. No one ever said California isn’t a mass production state. We are talking bout newsoms incompetence.
Cali had turned into a sewer. Newsom is tyrant. People’s freedoms were trampled. They could not even go to the beach. The San Fran and L A states attorneys were recalled.
Go enjoy your debauchery.
August 26, 2022 at 2:12 pm
If California were a Country and it’s GDP was compared to other countries around the globe…..California has the sixth largest economy on planet earth.
Without the revenue California furnishes to the National treasury….. most red state economies could not survive. Most red states, including Florida, are nanny taker states……dependent on Federal Government for handouts.
James Madison
August 27, 2022 at 11:05 pm
Sorry Peter, I posted something similar before I read your post. I was not trying to highjack your point.
August 26, 2022 at 2:42 pm
“obsession with Florida” : hahaha! coming from a guy obsessed with PRONOUNS! Hilarious! Floridians would benefit from desantis becoming a little more obsessed with Florida, instead of himself—and PRONOUNS! hahaha!
August 26, 2022 at 3:12 pm
Mary who, go abort with your bloody hands a full term birth. You despicable wench.
Charlie Crist
August 26, 2022 at 3:56 pm
^ Tom needs heavy Fat Cammack face sit, face scrub, bare azzh🍩le smother job. Yeah Fat Cammack teach you a lesson about the GOP…teach you using monster azz cheeks!😆
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