Gov. Ron DeSantis is ripping Joe Biden’s immigration policy in a new pitch to donors, but he also leaves out the details of his own controversial response.
The DeSantis-signed “Biden created this crisis” email is full of indictments of the Biden border policy, but absent from the missive is any mention of last week’s charter flight of migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, or this week’s apparent decision to fake a similar flight to Delaware to “punk” reporters covering the story.
While there isn’t a direct mention of the Martha’s Vineyard migrant flights, a reference to “stunts” would seem to be an allusion to the operation, with DeSantis saying the real stunts, of course, are Biden’s doing.
“The Left has been chirping about political stunts to deflect from the real issues happening at the border, but the biggest political stunt by far has been Biden coming in as president and reversing policies that worked just to virtue signal to his base,” DeSantis contends.
Much of the email offers variations on the Biden blaming DeSantis has advanced in comments to media in recent days.
“As the crisis at our southern border worsens, the Left seems to be up in arms and offended about everything except the crisis itself,” DeSantis contends. “I haven’t heard a peep about the millions of people who are being told by Biden they can just walk freely into our country. I haven’t heard a peep about these people being used and abused by the cartels.”
And DeSantis of course asserts the moral high ground, yoking Biden to Democrat Charlie Crist.
“We need leaders with integrity who are willing to put the American people above their political standings. Biden and his pocket puppets, like my opponent, wouldn’t know the meaning of integrity if it were printed on a rubber wristband or written in 78-point font on a teleprompter,” DeSantis contended.
Critics abound, of course, who say that DeSantis’ response to migration through the Mexican border doesn’t evidence “integrity,” with many Democrats saying the Governor is guilty of “human trafficking.”
DeSantis defended the migrant flight Thursday in Miami, again blaming President Biden for having “dumped people all over the fruited plain,” continuing a pattern of deflection in the wake of last week’s events.
Earlier this week, DeSantis told friendly interviewer Sean Hannity that travelers and those in Martha’s Vineyard “wanted” the plane to land.
“They said they wanted this, they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction,” DeSantis claimed.
The undocumented immigrants had “all signed consent forms to go,” DeSantis said, showing that the flights were “clearly voluntary and all the other nonsense you’re hearing is just not true.”
A press conference earlier this week was animated by questions about the Delaware trip, with DeSantis refusing to “confirm” the trip was happening as rumored. Ultimately, there was no landing in Delaware, a swerve that a DeSantis-linked source said left the media “punked.” Subsequent reporting from the Miami Herald revealed that these immigrants were stranded as a result, but a dishy source had already gloated to Marc Caputo before that piece ran.
“He didn’t tell anyone and purposely left people in the dark. So technically the media, the Democrats, everyone got punked who decided to heed some s*** on Twitter instead of waiting for confirmation from the Governor’s Office,” a source told NBC News. “The entire point of this is to put a spotlight on the border. It’s what the Governor has said.”
Meanwhile, it seems the scheme will encounter legal scrutiny: Venezuelan migrants are suing the Florida Governor in federal court in the wake of last week’s Massachusetts flight that took 50 people from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, with a brief stopover in Florida.
The DeSantis administration has been on the defensive in the wake of the legal filing.
“The transportation of the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was done on a voluntary basis,” Communications Director Taryn Fenske said in a statement to the Texas Tribune.
“The immigrants were homeless, hungry, and abandoned — and these activists didn’t care about them then. Florida’s program gave them a fresh start in a sanctuary state and these individuals opted to take advantage of chartered flights to Massachusetts. It was disappointing that Martha’s Vineyard called in the Massachusetts National Guard to bus them away from the island within 48 hours.”
Juanita Mendoza
September 22, 2022 at 3:09 pm
DeSantis men forced us to sign paperwork and we had no choice but to board the plane. DeSantis men exposed their private parts to the women. Also we were slapped and kicked. Why hasn’t DeSantis been arrested yet?
September 22, 2022 at 3:27 pm
If DeSantis were to have multiple debates with Crist, we might know more on who DeSantis really. Why won’t DeSantis have more debates? Is DeSantis hiding from more debates because he may have to answer insightful and probing questions honestly?
Crist may have not debated Nikki, but he is willing to have multiple debates with DeSantis. I
September 22, 2022 at 4:59 pm
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September 22, 2022 at 3:28 pm
DeSantis’s drilling home on this is reminiscent of American Nazi Charles Lindbergh’s hateful anti-immigration narrative as depicted in PBS’s KEN BURNS “US And the Holocaust” …… another hateful Republican with no future.
September 22, 2022 at 3:33 pm
AG, he does not need to reference it.
It is known!
What a bunch of pantyhose waist Whiners!
Great to have Joey corsin alias, and two wimps tjb and peter h. So pathetic, Wah, Wah.
Get over it. America’s Gov owns liberals Dum Dems. Losers!
Joe Corsin
September 22, 2022 at 4:14 pm
Dem dum ding dong ping pong ching chong..wtf are you talking about you nitwit. What drugs are you taking? Meth? You need hammer fist to the top of the head you bozo.
Glad I am not you
September 24, 2022 at 9:50 pm
Lay off the drugs. If you are not on drugs, may god help you.
September 22, 2022 at 5:27 pm
Radical Desantis is afraid to face Florida voters. He knows he won’t be re-elected if Floridians hear his plan to ban contraceptives and abortions from conception. He is hiding from families victimized by his sadistic abortion ban that forces 10 year old rape and incest victims to become mothers. Desantis is hiding because he doesn’t want to talk about the depravity of forcing pregnant women to go without chemotherapy and radiation while their cancer spreads, because it’s his choice that women must be close to dead before doctors are permitted to provide appropriate medical care.
He doesn’t want to explain why he believes he has a God-given right to insert himself into women’s bodies against their will. If any other man was abusing a woman like this, he would be in jail for domestic violence. VOTE DESANTIS OUT OF OFFICE!!!
September 24, 2022 at 3:31 pm
DeSantis is a low life criminal who needs to be disbarred and thrown in prison. His blatant disregard for human life is disgusting. He is not a leader but a fool who is only capable of ridiculous publicity stunts. He has done absolutely nothing to improve FL he has only made the state the laughingstock of the country. He cares only about himself and will do or say anything, no matter who it hurts, to amass money and power. Decent intelligent human beings need to band together and vote him out in November. Let’s place him on the trash heap of history where he belongs.
September 26, 2022 at 11:30 am
Why won’t DeSantis debate Charlie Crist multiple times and to larger audiences?
September 27, 2022 at 8:57 am
Why is DeSantis kidnapping migrants from Texan and not Florida? Is it because he can not find migrants in Florida? Perhaps the immigration issue is not a problem in Florida.
Next time if he does the same political theater, will he send migrants from our great state of Florida
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