President Joe Biden offered high praise to Gov. Ron DeSantis on the response to Hurricane Ian.
“What the Governor’s done is pretty remarkable so far,” Biden told pool press.
That came during a presidential visit to Lee County where both the Democratic and Republican leaders broadcast unity in the face of storm recovery.
But the notes carry particular weight barely a month before DeSantis stands for re-election. He faces Democrat Charlie Crist in the Nov. 8 General Election.
Many wondered how cozy DeSantis and Biden could be. The Governor frequently uses the currently unpopular President as a foil in press conferences, and speculation abounds on a likely 2024 presidential run.
But many also questioned if working too closely in concert could hurt DeSantis with his conservative base. Comparisons have been made to former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s praise of President Barack Obama’s response during Superstorm Sandy just before the 2012 election, where Obama secured re-election over Republican Mitt Romney, despite many pre-storm polls predicting trouble.
Along that line, Biden notably offered the strongest praise to an issue where DeSantis defies national Republican orthodoxy — on climate change.
“First of all, the biggest thing that the Governor’s done, and so many others have done, they’ve recognized this thing called global warming,” Biden said. “The world is changing. It’s changing, and we have to change the way with the zoning codes.”
DeSantis ran for Governor in 2018 on a pro-environment agenda, earning endorsements from the Everglades Trust and remaining closely allied with groups like Captains for Clean Water, which is based in Southwest Florida.
Biden’s comments may help burnish DeSantis’ bipartisan credibility despite polls showing the Republican incumbent as a divisive figure. It also should help waive off some criticism of DeSantis in recent days, as the timing of mandatory evacuations came under scrutiny, and after philanthropic efforts to help survivors in the Florida Heartland became disrupted because of a gubernatorial visit.
The political balance of DeSantis’ conservative ideology and pro-environmental stance works in Florida, which has the longest coastline of any state besides Alaska. But that position could also complicate any potential run for national office in 2024 or beyond in a competitive Republican Primary.
Could the praise from Biden lift DeSantis in November but also sabotage any potential challenge to Biden’s own re-election in two years?
That possibility might offer insight into another aside captured on camera during Biden’s visit. While touring the area with Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy, Fox News reports Biden told the official “No one f***s with a Biden.”
Joe Corsin
October 5, 2022 at 6:34 pm
Now that Trump is out of the way… there’s love here once again. Still his supporters must be annihilated for their sedition, treason, insurrection, and irresponsibility in electing such a crook.
David in Shoreline
October 5, 2022 at 8:57 pm
Biden is an old senile man and quite possibly the worst President in American history. But I understand why DeSantis has to meet with him, to help reinforce the federal response to hurricane Ian. It won’t diminish my support for America’s Governor. (Now I don’t want to see any hugs….)
Hey Biden did get one thing right, Governor DeSantis is remarkable.
Charlie Crist
October 5, 2022 at 9:02 pm
Trump was the worst..made the USA the laughing stock of the world. I see how everyone scapegoats Biden after Trump train wreck. After last 20 years of GOP nightmare, I’d be surprised if Republicans ever get back in the Whitehouse. Just too dangerous for America and the planet. GOP should stick to county government and that’s it. Let the dopes that elect them deal with their disorder… nobody else.
October 6, 2022 at 3:27 pm
Under trump, Middle East peace treaty, Putin quiet, china quiet, rocket man quiet, secure border,low gas prices,no inflation,wages went up for all groups of people,low unemployment, first president in 40 years to not start a war,I could keep going….under joe bin lyin… well basically the exact opposite.. pull your head out of NPR’s butthole and uncross your eyes
Paul Correa
October 9, 2022 at 4:24 pm
One of Trump’s supporter is going to get re-elected as governor, thank goodness, and if he makes it to the White House will clean up the mess our senile, corrept fool of a POTUS has made.
October 9, 2022 at 4:27 pm
And under Trump we had the lowest Misery Index (Inflation + unemployment) of any POTUS ever. Even if you don’t think the election was stolen (did you see ‘2000 Mules’?), people have a right to their opinion, just as I suppose those who pushed the Russia Hoax lie did for years, which was basically a Deep State coup attempt.
October 9, 2022 at 4:28 pm
As Obama said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to screw things up.’
October 5, 2022 at 10:08 pm
This hurricane annihilated any tiny chance of Charlie Crist being able to pull an upset win. DeSantis dominates the headlines and now even Joe Biden has to admit praise. Two recent polls show DeSantis with a commanding lead. The media is trying to attack him on is the timing of evacuations in Lee county. However, he and everyone else was following what the National Hurricane Center kept saying for a week….that the storm was going to hit Tampa. So that criticism isn’t going to stick. I mean practically every scientist was saying this was going to be a Tampa storm of the century. So if you are angry in Lee County that the evacuations didnt happen sooner, blame the scientists and their 100% reliance on computer models.
The only place DeSantis might be vulnerable is on the homeowner insurance issue. But that won’t be anywhere near enough to swing the election.
This race is over.
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