Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to defend his decision to have migrants flown from Texas to Massachusetts, blaming “advertising” in Martha’s Vineyard for his location decision.
The Governor told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Thursday “they have a social services office there that says, you know, everybody is welcome, refugees welcome, all this other stuff. That’s what they were advertising.”
The Governor has taken to Hannity’s show before to offer unique defenses of the flights of two planes and 50 undocumented immigrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, which critics have called “human trafficking.”
“It’s only when 50 get put into Martha’s Vineyard, which wasn’t saying they didn’t want this. They said they wanted this, they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction,” DeSantis said on Sept. 20, describing the migrants as “basically destitute” and “put in a situation where they could have succeeded” by being flown to Massachusetts.
“Not only did they not welcome them, they deported (sic) them the next day with the National Guard,” DeSantis said.
The undocumented immigrants had “all signed consent forms to go,” DeSantis said, showing that the flights were “clearly voluntary and all the other nonsense you’re hearing is just not true.”
The migrant flights seem to have paused in the wake of Hurricane Ian, but not without some attendant drama along the way regarding a second scuttled flight to President Joe Biden‘s home state.
A press conference earlier this week was animated by questions about the Delaware trip, with DeSantis refusing to “confirm” the trip was happening as rumored. Ultimately, there was no landing in Delaware, a swerve that a DeSantis-linked source said left the media “punked.” Subsequent reporting from the Miami Herald revealed that these immigrants were stranded as a result, but a source gloated all the same.
“He didn’t tell anyone and purposely left people in the dark. So technically the media, the Democrats, everyone got punked who decided to heed some s*** on Twitter instead of waiting for confirmation from the Governor’s Office,” a source told NBC News.
Linwood Wright
October 27, 2022 at 9:44 pm
Ron DeSantis is a human trafficker and belongs in prison.
October 27, 2022 at 11:51 pm
You are a fucking idiot Linwood.
You must be related to Joey corsin.
You mean Biden, whose allowed 5 million illegals in to the country, illegal invasion.
How stupid are you Linwood? Oh yeah you are a dummycrat, a lot!
Shut the hell up, you sell out. 5 million illegals, invasion.
Linwood Wright
October 28, 2022 at 3:27 am
You just saw a picture of DeSantis and just had to come here didn’t you. I bet you also look at Play Girl magazine.
Scott safarty
November 5, 2022 at 7:23 pm
Bahahaha well-paid TOM
Mr. Haney
October 28, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Stifle moron
October 27, 2022 at 11:51 pm
You are a fucking idiot Linwood.
You must be related to Joey corsin.
You mean Biden, whose allowed 5 million illegals in to the country, illegal invasion.
How stupid are you Linwood? Oh yeah you are a dummycrat, a lot!
Shut the hell up, you sell out. 5 million illegals, invasion.
Linwood Wright
October 28, 2022 at 3:29 am
The way you write, I can tell that you have the intelligence less than that of an ape. Unwashed, uncouth, uncivilized. You belong in a zoo.
October 28, 2022 at 7:52 am
Wah, Wah, Wah!
Linwood the moron!
You socialist.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:03 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 28, 2022 at 4:59 pm
You, corsin and Haney can kiss my ass! Bastards.
October 29, 2022 at 6:45 am
Hey chill out MAGA rat Tom. When someone confronts you about your lies and bs you can’ t TAKE it JUST LIKE YOUR HERO TRUMP.. MAGA Toad DeSantis just got punked and as usual went on Fox to lie his way out of it. Keep up the good work of showing what a moron cracker you and the rest of the MAGA mob are.
October 29, 2022 at 9:48 am
Joe the A hole.
What? What?
Are you demented like Biden & Harris?
Go ride on the yellow bus with Harris.
They’ve destroyed the economy.
America’s Gov wipes the floor with you Dum. Dem, Dummycrats.
Big time blow out coming. Wiping the floor with you. Dems lost for another generation. Enjoy!
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 29, 2022 at 9:48 am
Joe the A hole.
What? What?
Are you demented like Biden & Harris?
Go ride on the yellow bus with Harris.
They’ve destroyed the economy.
America’s Gov wipes the floor with you Dum. Dem, Dummycrats.
Big time blow out coming. Wiping the floor with you. Dems lost for another generation. Enjoy!
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:04 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 29, 2022 at 7:25 am
Then where does Biden and Dems belong? Dems let crime rage in a lot of dem cities. Where were you then. Biden’s border a mess. His invite. Come one come all. At least DeSantis showed Dems true bad feelings.
November 1, 2022 at 10:35 am
FBI stats would disagree with your assessment. Serious crime, in general, is much worst in Republican lead cities, county and states.
Real Tom Legend
October 27, 2022 at 9:48 pm
” I gave Ron DeSantis advice and he took it. I told him to call Charlie Crist a chameleon and now he does.” – Delusional Narcissist Tom
Juanita Mendoza
October 27, 2022 at 10:32 pm
We were kicked and had our genitals inspected by DeSantis men before we got on the plane. We were forced to sign paperwork and we didn’t know where we were going. When we got off the plane we were subjected to vulgar obscenities and slaps.
October 27, 2022 at 11:55 pm
Not kicked enough Juanita.
Did they grab your breasts?
I was told you would be pushed out over Illinois, it’s a blue state sanctuary illegal state. Dam!
Juanita Mendoza
October 28, 2022 at 5:39 am
I call MS-13 hackers to come find you. Butcher you and then they call me back and I come take your house. Live in it.
October 29, 2022 at 6:52 am
We are saving that treat for you and the rest of the MAGA morons. Have fun in Illinois we know just how to greet you
October 27, 2022 at 11:55 pm
Not kicked enough Juanita.
Did they grab your breasts?
I was told you would be pushed out over Illinois, it’s a blue state sanctuary illegal state. Dam!
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:03 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
David In Shoreline
October 27, 2022 at 11:25 pm
Governor DeSantis took affirmative action to call attention to the nation’s border crisis. I thought Democrats supported affirmative action. Joe Biden’s reckless disregard for the security of our border will ultimately lead to his impeachment. Won’t be long now, January is just around the corner and I suspect the incoming House doesn’t care too much for Biden.
A. M. Charlebois
October 28, 2022 at 7:33 am
And yet in the year 2000 when GWBush was in charge double numbers to what is coming into our country now arrived. Hypocrites are the GOP! It is a fact and the facts are only important to those who believe in truth. Truth does not allow for any lies, election, Q, the people’s papers, alternate electors , or any of that bs! Most investigated election ever 2020 and GOP lost because we don’t like lies!
October 28, 2022 at 8:13 am
Immigration is a sixty year old problem that neither party has been able to solve. What desantis did was waste taxpayer money on a political stunt for fox news. Call it what you want but the facts are what they are.
October 28, 2022 at 9:20 am
Still wondering why DeSantis needed to go to Texas to find migrants. I guess Ron and Christina Pushaw could not find migrants in Florida or he doesn’t have the balls to send Cuban migrants to MV.
If he want to highlight the immigration issue he could have used his campaign money and not the money of hard working Floridians. It is sad when you need to kidnap people to get noticed for your presidential campaign.
BIC Furniture
October 28, 2022 at 12:28 am
Great, Informative article. Nice Reading. Thanks.
October 28, 2022 at 9:44 am
Best Governor in America managed to expose hypocrisy, dereliction of duty, and forced the biased fake news to report the truth. Next stop the Hamptons and Delaware and a double digit win for DeSantis November 8th!
Joe Corsin
October 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm
DeSantis is a human rights violator and empty suit. Claims victories whenever the wind blows. Charlie Crist annihilated him during the debate. Just go ahead and bare your genitals to him while you are at it. And for what? For nothing!!!
tom palmer
October 28, 2022 at 10:21 am
Nothing’s ever DeSantis’ fault, according to him. Pathetic. I only wish we had better choices in this election.
Virginia D
October 28, 2022 at 10:23 am
What a strange comment DeSantis made on TV! He knows refugee resettlement offices plan in advance for the arrival of refugees, providing job assistance and information; DeSantis simply dropped a busload of people in a parking lot without proper clothing or food.
Ocean Joe
October 28, 2022 at 10:41 am
Don’t understand why anybody thinks it’s OK for people to be toyed with like this. We (Americans) claim the moral high ground, but are willing to let a governor reach outside his state and authority to play games with the lives of others.
We once herded Japanese and German and Italian Americans into camps under the claim of national security, which was wrong.
We are all responsible for our governor’s nonsense, just as we share the blame for W Bush’s invasion of Iraq on fabricated info.
At some point, Desantis will be able to openly campaign for president, but he is showing his lack of compassion right now.
October 28, 2022 at 2:25 pm
All you neophytes are hilarious.
Linwood, Virginia, Ocean, pathetic corsin, tjb, AM, Bill, and others. We will ship you to Martha’s.
Get real, 5 million illegal invasion.
Biden, Harris have destroyed America.
The fraud warnock and Fettermann and wife will lose, he’s a 1/2 alive. Conspiracy in play on cover up of big neck candidacy. Hearings to follow in Senate.
You are looking at a major Florida and U S shellacking for Dummycrats. Enjoy Biden’s visit, all 10 of you. Get some ice cream. Everything is ok, fine in America, thanks to Biden/Harris.
Enjoy the shellacking.
You guys have no clue how messed up the Dum party looks.
Mr. Haney
October 28, 2022 at 4:53 pm
You’ll always be a typical loser coward Republican traitor.
October 28, 2022 at 5:11 pm
You are always on knees sucking Corsin, mr Haney! And Arnold the pig.
John lunetta
October 29, 2022 at 9:16 am
Hey tommy boy you sound like your going to blow a gasket. Tom ,Thumb up his ass.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:02 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 28, 2022 at 5:02 pm
Jealous degenerate Bastard Joey Corsin.
Yes the FP legend Tom did recommend chameleon. He used it, tell nail,
Snail. LMAO
October 28, 2022 at 5:02 pm
Jealous degenerate Bastard Joey Corsin.
Yes the FP legend Tom did recommend chameleon. He used it, tell nail,
Snail. LMAO
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:02 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 29, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Wow Tom cool your jets, do you think your the only person that knows what should and shouldn’t be.
People are allowed to have different opinions other than yours. But dragging them thru B###S just makes you seem pretty stupid and sets up your arguments as a joke.
November 1, 2022 at 10:38 am
Why is Tom, the alledge legend, still allow to be on this site?
Scott safarty
November 5, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Bahahaha well-said TOM
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