U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is defending country singer Luke Bryan after Bryan invited Gov. Ron DeSantis onto stage at a Jacksonville concert Friday night, in the context of Hurricane Ian relief efforts.
During a Fox News hit, Rubio said the move was not a political act.
“I don’t think Luke Bryan was taking a political position. He was in Florida. They just had a storm. The Governor’s in charge of raising that private money to help people who have been damaged by the storm, and he brings him on stage to talk about that,” Rubio said.
“I’m glad he’s ignoring all the noise around him. It’s just a bunch of left-wing loons who are going to criticize you every time you say anything nice or do anything nice around a Republican,” Rubio added. “They want the total destruction, leftists do, of anything that’s Republican.”
The Senator offered more of this ideological critique regarding Bryan bashers during the Tuesday afternoon appearance.
“He got dragged on social media by a bunch of leftists and liberals who don’t like DeSantis and don’t like Republicans. On the other hand, it’s OK to invite whatever Democrat they want on stage. Every celebrity in America for the most part is either Democrat-leaning or openly supports Democrats.”
“They just can’t tolerate any dissent,” Rubio added. “They don’t want Republicans to have anybody on their side.”
While it’s unknown if Bryan agrees with Rubio’s beliefs about Democrats, the Senator’s words do offer rhetorical cover for Bryan’s attempt to justify bringing the “polarizing” DeSantis onto stage.
“I typically don’t respond to stuff when I’m getting run down on a social platform but here’s the deal,” Bryan tweeted. “I understand Governor DeSantis is a very polarizing figure. But I grew up in a country where if a governor ask you if they can come and raise awareness to help victims of a natural disaster you help.
“I’ve generally stayed out of politics throughout my career. I knew people would chatter about this but for me the more important piece was (if) I am going to come back there a few weeks after a large portion of people have been affected by a natural disaster in a state where people have been good to me this felt right.”
Concerned American
November 1, 2022 at 5:29 pm
Everything Ron DeSantis does is self serving and political . It was pre planned . DeSantis doesn’t represent all Floridians
Tom Legend
November 1, 2022 at 5:36 pm
Rubio is a rancid pot of Cuban coffee, an empty suit, and a cold drink of piss on a winters day. Vote for Val Demings.
Brass Biscuit
November 1, 2022 at 5:48 pm
No Mr. Rubio, it is because most people aren’t favorably impressed by Mr. DeSantis’ sensational, but ultimately weak culture warring.
You wear the victim hat well, however.
Mr. Haney
November 1, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Rubio is a coward empty suit moron.
November 2, 2022 at 1:05 am
Didn’t know Bolsheviks listen to country music, much less offended by a country music artist. The more you know.
November 2, 2022 at 6:38 am
Lil Marco is a wannabe,a tropical system is headed to Florida next week 100 percent guaranteed days after the election,so vote early ahead of the storm
Lex Taylor
November 2, 2022 at 9:37 am
It is sad the Left tries to cancel people for anything and everything. Doing something for victims of a Hurricane should be seen as apolitical. But we live in a society where everything is political. All of the “sides” arguments bring us farther and farther away from people all being Americans and being able to help one another when in need.
November 2, 2022 at 9:47 am
It’s what the authoritarian Left does.
Joe Corsin
November 2, 2022 at 1:06 pm
At least you didn’t say fascist left. Very good sir. You’re smarter than 99% of Trump neanderthals.
Military Officer
November 3, 2022 at 7:24 am
Since I doubt you understand what leadership styles are – the left is not authoritarian. Lol I’m a former high ranking military officer and DeSantis and trump are authoritarian in style. So was hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte
Military Officer
November 3, 2022 at 7:36 am
It started w newt Gingrich when he was speaker of the house. He decided that they would go against anything Clinton or Dems wanted. Then Donald trump came along and he’s exceptionally bad. Some
People think his bullying is cute or what’s needed – hers the problem: he woke the ugliness bridled in so many many. Hate racism , violence , even insurrections. Good leadership matters they must set the example. Unfortunately the right has gotten so extreme and the ugliness has grown worse. It’s worse than when the confederacy was formed .
In order for this country to ther back on track and not go down a road to become a fascist country (I know right doesn’t ageee but look up the word and also see what happens to countries that go there) it truly damages it for all for a very long time.
In order to fix this. We have to end the bullying and authoritarian leadership. Cut the head off the snake as they say. Most Dems are neutral and just want civility and our country to grow.
You may not like it but if we truly want peace and civility we have to vote blue or for republicans or democrats that are civil and truly want to be in office to help. Unfortunately so many GOP candidates and current politicians are poking the fire of Dickson. It’s up to all
Civil America’s Republican, ind or democrat to stop it .
November 2, 2022 at 8:43 pm
Spoken like a true authoritarian, whether on the left or the right. To libertarians, all pigs smell the same. You’re closer to a historical fascist than those whom you attempt to cyberbully or name-call. You’re exactly what you claim others to be. Feel free to interject whatever historical villain or boogeyman of your choosing — Stalin, Mao, et al. — in what is a rather incoherent argument.
Ocean Joe
November 3, 2022 at 5:16 am
Luke Bryan is no Willie Nelson.
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