Justifying migrant flights, Ron DeSantis now claims Martha’s Vineyard community ‘virtue signaled’
DeSantis rallied voters down the stretch.

DeSantis 2
"I've got enough refugees coming in from blue states fleeing that bad policy."

Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to litigate his case against Martha’s Vineyard, contending the community “virtue signaled” and thus earned it the recent migrant flights paid for by the state of Florida.

During a “Don’t Tread on Florida” event in Port St. Lucie, DeSantis again contended the community must have wanted the migrants’ presence given its policies.

“No human is illegal. All are welcome on the island,” DeSantis continued. “They had a social services office that said everyone can come. That’s what they said. That’s what they virtue signaled.”

DeSantis repeated another claim that isn’t true, though the audience didn’t mind.

“Martha’s Vineyard said that they are a sanctuary,” DeSantis reiterated, a claim described as “misleading” by independent fact checkers given the whole island is not a sanctuary, just individual communities.

“They should go to sanctuary states and jurisdictions. We’re not a sanctuary state in Florida. I couldn’t accommodate it if I wanted to,” DeSantis joked. “I’ve got enough refugees coming in from blue states fleeing that bad policy.”

DeSantis justified the expenditure of state funds by making an emotional appeal about cities near the Mexican border.

“Think about it: These border towns are poor, most of them are poor. And they’re getting overrun with thousands of people. They don’t have the infrastructure,” DeSantis contended, though it is uncertain why Florida taxpayers would have any concern about border town “infrastructure.”

DeSantis has for weeks offered quotable comments defending the stunt, increasingly shifting the blame to Martha’s Vineyard for the state’s decision to induce Venezuelan migrants to board a plane from Texas to Massachusetts under false premises.

The Governor blamed Martha’s Vineyard “advertising” for the migrant flights in comments to Fox News’ Sean Hannity last week.

“They said they wanted this, they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction,” DeSantis said on Sept. 20 on the same platform.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has been the Northeast Florida correspondent for Florida Politics since 2014. He writes for the New York Post and National Review also, with previous work in the American Conservative and Washington Times and a 15+ year run as a columnist in Folio Weekly. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Julio Gomez-Lopez

    November 5, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    DeSantis men molested us, beat us, and one rape! We had to sign the papers!

    • JoAnn Carlini

      November 5, 2022 at 7:52 pm

      Ron Desantis is a cold hearted, inhumane jerk.
      His “know it all” attitude has turned me and many others I know against voting for him.

      • T Zinn

        November 5, 2022 at 7:54 pm

        Exactly he’s worse than trump in so many ways. And trump is really bad. Most of the people that support him either don’t pay attention or they have evil in their own heart

      • Impeach Biden

        November 5, 2022 at 7:57 pm

        What is your solution JoAnn? Look at the homeless problem we already have in this country. We are being invaded by ILLEGALS!!! Over 5 million since Dumb Biden took over. We simply cannot feed, clothe, house, educate, and provide medical for these people. Over 150 countries are represented by this current debacle.

        • Charlie Crist

          November 5, 2022 at 8:12 pm

          GOP only cares about billionaires and cutting social spending. Nothing else. What is GOP solution to homelessness? None..

          • D J Murphy

            November 6, 2022 at 9:13 am

            Duh? Close the border! DeSantis is great! Best we ever had.

          • Dana Thompson

            November 6, 2022 at 3:10 pm

            And what is Biden doing? He’s going after little guys making under 75,000.00 / year! He’s sending our goods, food, formula, to the southern border but Americans can barely get by on the short supply in stores. How’s his foreign policy going? The inflation? The diesel fuel, the oil reserves, the National debt, the illegals with sickness, and drugs. At least come legally, not a million unregistered, undocumented people in our communities? Would you like to be the 76 year old lady that gets shot by an illegal with a rap sheet? Or would you like to continue seeing our kids die from fentanyl?!? What are you thinking, abortion! When Roe V. Wade is taken to the limit to killing a born baby ? No! That’s sick! THAT was NEVER my interpretation of it. If mom or baby in danger, a very early termination was once again taken to the extreme by Democrats, that Republicans stepped in to say “ Whoa, WHATT??!!” A patriot doesn’t mean automatically every person wants Trump for God’s s as God sees us but you don’t! Let’s stop the hate and divisive policies and behaviors that are going to kill this world. It’s already happening! We just want change from the ridiculous people currently in office. Biden just called Harris “ President “ REALLY?!?!?!

          • K WOOD

            November 6, 2022 at 11:51 pm


          • marylou

            November 7, 2022 at 9:56 pm

            * Dana Thompson

            Despite what anti-abortionists are telling you, doctors are not killing born babies. That is illegal, but more importantly, who would even want that, what would be the point?

            Only four doctors provide abortions very late in pregnancy, and they are only done when something tragic happens – like to save the life of the woman and/or the fetus, or when the fetus is not viable, or a fetus has a serious condition like no arms and legs, or is headless.

            Some women have been denied abortions when they found out that their fetus has a tragic condition such as missing a skull or brain. Antiabortionists will tell people that the pregnancy should be completed and let the baby die after born.

            Easy for them to say. What about the family? What does the woman tell her existing children—every day? How does she answer strangers who ask her the due date or tell her she must be so happy to be expecting.

            Can you imagine a family having to go through this for months. Families are suffering. They already have baby names, cribs, and toys. Self- righteous, judgemental “pro-life” extremists have no right to try to make them feel guilty.

            Some women have abortions because, if born, their baby will be in constant pain, with tubes and needle sticks and other procedures all day, every day until they inevitably die in a NICU. Would you want that for your baby?

            Doctors are afraid to provide abortions even when the woman is the actual process of dying from the pregnancy. They have to consult lawyers as the woman gets closer to death. Sometimes the doctors are too late.

        • C. Novak

          November 5, 2022 at 8:34 pm

          INVADED by ILLEGALS!!! A headline direct from tuckered carlson!!! Perhaps “impeach biden” should share some of his wealth and expertise to help solve the problem from 150 COUNTRIES? (can you name 50 of them “dumb impeach”?).
          Instead of talking like the school playground bully try offering some constructive ideas to solve our homeless problem. Or are you only good at name calling? All those homeless people also lack medical care and food. They are probably on a waiting list of hundreds for their chance to get help from social services since republicans have cut those programs to the bone. We have to also hope they are not addicted to painkillers/opioids because funds to help them are gone 10 days into the new fiscal year.
          Do you understand why people flee their own countries to come to ours? People without hope have nothing to lose by coming to America. They desperately hope we will give them a chance to make a better life here, not accuse them of every vile act fox news can throw at them. They are also the people who will labor 18 hours a day at any crap job to provide for their families and realize what used to be the American Dream…

          • Impeach Biden

            November 5, 2022 at 9:37 pm

            You must watch FOX. How do you even know I watch it? Maybe I’m a Sunny Hostin fan except she called my wife a cockroach. Of course I could name 50 countries. What else you got?

          • Former Republican

            November 6, 2022 at 5:44 am

            This publican is definitely bias and right winged. It’s intent I’m sure is to motivate the GOP voters . What happened to real

        • T Zinn

          November 6, 2022 at 5:03 am

          You blame Biden yet it has nothing to do with him. Other countries are in peril and the people want a better life. They risk it all and they work harder than Americans.

          What’s the GOP solution to immigration they refused to do anything . And even w homelessness Biden is doing more the help people . The GOP a wants tax cuts and people to work two Jobs to survivor while the wealthy get richer. And btw DeSantis allowed Florida prices to sky roxket as he brags about a surplus of funds . Funds he got from Biden then doesn’t use for Floridians or to improve Florida

        • Former Republican

          November 6, 2022 at 5:07 am

          The cost of living in Florida is because of DeSantis his wreck less spending and not controlling cost of housing , electric and insurance. Your blaming the wrong guy. I used to be a Republican but I saw every time they were in control they made things worse. Bank crisis housing crisis wars and huge deficits

      • Gladys Kravitz

        November 6, 2022 at 4:27 am

        You are probably just a fat old wicked rich democrat spewing these lies from Me Martha’s Vineyard.

        • Mark Knopf

          November 6, 2022 at 7:20 am

          Yes. I’m sure you are at least mostly correct!

    • Ron

      November 5, 2022 at 9:10 pm

      You wish puto!

      • Julio Gomez-Lopez

        November 6, 2022 at 9:49 am

        Mama la verga!!!

  • T Zinn

    November 5, 2022 at 6:28 pm

    DeSantis is evil and I just wish there won’t so many primitive thinking people in Florida.

    • Impeach Biden

      November 5, 2022 at 8:00 pm

      Can we erect a tent city on your front yard and house some illegals? Maybe you can feed them as well? You seem like a caring person.

      • C. Novak

        November 5, 2022 at 8:37 pm

        See above “impeach”…

      • Nan

        November 5, 2022 at 9:12 pm

        What a dumb statement! DeSantis was in Congress ..what was his take on immigration? Did he have a solution? DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump..because he is way smarter and more polished. Least of Florida’s worries will be immigration of DeSantis is electec…he will kill democracy!

      • B C

        November 5, 2022 at 10:07 pm

        I live and vote in Florida. Our current governor has no right spending MY MONEY to send anyone anywhere from any other state. I am voting Blue. He is an ass.

        • Former Republican

          November 6, 2022 at 5:37 am

          Even worse he took money Biden gave him for Floridians and used it for his stunts. DeSantis has doen that w other monies too and not used it for its intended purpose. He lies and skirts tha law

        • Prentice

          November 6, 2022 at 8:29 am

          You rather your money be used to support those that he sent to Martha’s Vinyard?
          Would cost a lot more money than a plane trip!

        • Denise

          November 6, 2022 at 9:09 am

          So DeSantis has no right? Well tell bc what give biden the right to spend the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$that he has spent allowing all the Illegals to fly given money to given phones to etc and do not use the word president because we all know he is not running the country.

          • Former Republican

            November 6, 2022 at 9:20 am

            Denise you are quite confused. Man Fox News knows how easy people believe false narratives esp if they have predisposed toxicity

        • Jenaay

          November 7, 2022 at 12:14 pm

          I am right there with you. He is dangerous and self centered ,disrespectful sob. Why is it that Rep. Keep saying the illegals are the ones bringing in the drugs…dumb asses. They cross and get searched before being sent to the immigration holding camp. Second…they do not take your jobs… they do the jobs that help produce get to your store, you don’t want that job do you folks ?
          They also put them roofs on your house…why because you all do not want to be in the hot sun…do you !?? They are not the only ones committing crimes…our crime rate without them is way bigger ..oh and the fentanyl issue is being produced here as well as meth. Can’t stress how many meth houses are here in Pasco County Florida. It is sickening…he should focus on cleaning up them places and finding rehab solutions that do not cost an arm and a leg. If not able to do that then put the cops in areas known to that area as an issue that needs to be fixed. De Santis is a self centered idiot..just as bad as the Chump.

      • Altheimer

        November 5, 2022 at 11:09 pm

        How is that a sane response?

    • Rosa vicente

      November 6, 2022 at 5:34 am


  • tom palmer

    November 5, 2022 at 6:54 pm

    Come let us rationalize together

  • Rubio Canvasser

    November 5, 2022 at 7:17 pm

    Tom is next👹

  • T Zinn

    November 5, 2022 at 8:11 pm

    Well we know your not a caring or person that loves God. It’s sad you’re stilll very primal they part of the human alewives that can’t evolve

    • Impeach Biden

      November 5, 2022 at 8:23 pm

      I’ll take your word salad as a no then.

      • C. Novak

        November 5, 2022 at 8:39 pm

        “Salad”?? Another seminal quote from “impeach”.

  • Denise

    November 5, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    If we can not take care of our own homeless why in the world would we want to take care of the rest of the world ?. USA has enough problems without inviting illegal immigrants to be taken care of here. Biden and his cronies are destroying us and hurting the immigrants in the long run. Florida is not a sanctuary state and DeSantis did no wrong moving them on. I fully support him

    • C. Novak

      November 5, 2022 at 8:48 pm

      desantis is still scrambling and providing any reason he can think of (coherent or not) for blowing millions of taxpayer $ on his private charters to Martha’s Vineyard when it could have been used here in Florida to help our own. Even though he had to send his minions to texas to find those ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS…
      By the way denise it is people like you with no compassion who are destroying us. Be sure to pray for us all when you go to church on sunday, good christian that you are.🙏😑

      • Gladys Kravitz

        November 6, 2022 at 4:32 am

        Did you want him to use the bus to send Andrew Gilliam to Wilton Manors instead?

        • Former Republican

          November 6, 2022 at 6:19 am

          Listen to yourself. I swear the toxicity and gaslighting of the GOP Is insane. Your life is absolute chaos

          • Mark Knopf

            November 6, 2022 at 7:28 am

            Listen to yourself, Mr. former Republican. You are just playing the blame game. Take some accountability that Martha’s Vineyard is deceiving when they put out there that they are sanctuary and everyone is welcome. It’s an outright lie. Quit throwing blame and take credit for their lies!

    • Ocean Joe

      November 5, 2022 at 9:27 pm

      He is the governor of Florida, not Texas.
      These people were not in or connected to Florida.
      He paid people with Florida taxpayers’ money to lie to these refugees to entice them onto a plane.
      If you’re OK with that, then could you at least stop waving the Bible around?

    • T Zinn

      November 5, 2022 at 10:21 pm

      Denise. What have you done to help homeless? Do you really care or just trying to be a hater of people different? What about Canadians ? One was illegal that broke into nancy pelosi home and tried to kill her husband. So many domestic terrorist!!! Did you know DeSantis also hired illegals to help w the hurricane cleanup? Quite hypocritical . Show some compassion.

      • Denise

        November 5, 2022 at 10:31 pm

        Sorry I am not a bleeding heart for people who do not do things the right way. These people can come into the country the right way like so many before them. To just swarm like ants is wrong because this way has brought all the drugs with them via c artels. You people don’t even worry about the deaths of ours from the drugs or those that die from the hands of illegals or the rapes. These people are not like us. And in time something really bad will come from over 5 million of them being here

        • T Zinn

          November 6, 2022 at 4:39 am

          The fact is you have no heart and I can bet your life has been full of toxicity which is why you support someone as toxic as DeSantis. He’s the bully who’ laughs at you but wants your vote. It’s sad because Denise you will always be sad and have toxicity in your life because you chose it.

          • Denise

            November 6, 2022 at 7:46 am

            You don’t know me so do not judge me! I have been a nurse for 50 years raised 3 children buried 2 buried 2 husband’s and now raise 2 grandchildren. I am not a bleeding heart I have been a hard working woman who can hold my head high never taking anything from the government except my social security which I earned.i am sorry for that must cross the border looking for more but they will bury those of us that struggle every day to survive. I just want them to do it legally.

        • T Zinn

          November 6, 2022 at 4:42 am

          Also Denise the immigrants DeSantis sent off using tax payer money for a publicity stunt did come here legally seeking asylum from a dictator regime. Again they were legally allowed to be here. By sending them to Martha’s wonneyaed he put them at risk of missing court dates which then would have made them illegal. Why don’t you just understand DeSantis is toxic and a danger to all Floridians , Americans and humans in general

  • Barry

    November 5, 2022 at 9:36 pm

    DeSantis has wasted my taxpayer $ for a political stunt. He is actually nothing but a stunt man dressing as a governor. He claims Florida is a free state while shutting down LGBTQ teachers from speaking about their personal lives at work, telling kids to take off their masks stating it was political theater, taking away a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body, going after the 2nd largest taxpayer who publicly criticized his actions against the LGBTQ community and seriously gerrymandering the state districts to the point the district I live in was solidly Biden in 2020 which he would have lost under the current districting. He’s an embarrassment who hopefully will be gone when he makes a futile attempt to become POTUS.

  • Denise

    November 5, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    To barry..sounds like you must be a floridian like all these other complainants typing away. IF you are all that unhappy with DeSantis I am sure there are plenty of blue states that will be happy to absorb you and you ideals of perfection in the democratic way of thinking so why don’t you just pack it up and move on out. In fact ask DeSantis for a ticket bet he won’t mind sending you on your way

    • Barry

      November 5, 2022 at 10:00 pm

      I’d rather just vote him out of office…which I did today. Hopefully enough Floridians will come to their senses and do the same.

  • Phoenix

    November 5, 2022 at 9:57 pm

    He’s an immigrant himself. You voted him into office. He doesn’t care about the people in the state. Look at his rigged maps to divide the minorities, so he and his cronies can stay in power. Don’t think it’s evil, as much as it is politics. Dems or GOP are suppose to govern for all the people in his or her state. Not just their party.

    • It's Complicated

      November 8, 2022 at 2:31 pm

      1) DeSantis was born in Jacksonville and raised in Dunedin. Not an immigrant to Florida. That is the actual definition of “Florida Native.”
      2) The Congressional District maps proposed by the EOG conform to the Florida Constitution FAIR Districts Amendment (which was passed with money and sweat equity supplied by Democrat Party shill groups). Parts of tThe Congressional maps initially passed by the Legislature do not conform to the Florida Constitution. You should go read the Constitution… cool stuff there. Cannot imagine what they were thinking when they passed it, honestly.
      3) Telling Leftists they cannot undermine constitutional rights at the local level, groomers they cannot corrupt little children in public schools, public universities and employers they cannot require people to accept blame for the DNA they received from parents, and voters they need to show ID to vote – is partisan, then Democrats are in big trouble in the court of public opinion.

  • Nunya

    November 5, 2022 at 10:00 pm

    I’ll take illegals over MAGAts ANYDAY! I was not only born but also raised in FL and it’s never been worse. MAGAts transplants are killing this state along with the obese little DICKtator.

  • Debe

    November 5, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    DeSantis is a Trump wannabe and actually worse. U can not trust him

  • M

    November 5, 2022 at 10:43 pm

    I’m just floored at all the tearing apart of people by the Republicans, Trump still isn’t out of the woods yet for his games with secure documents, who knows what kind of deals he’s made with Russia, China & North Korea!!?? Where is the government that cares about the people?? The people who live here rightfully? This whole picking sides has become despicable & America no longer has a “dream” its more like a nightmare!! Why fis DeSantis need to go to Texas to get the immigrants anyways??!! Then spend $$$ to fly them to where they weren’t wanted!!?? Our government is falling apart so quickly, we will be rushing to other countries ourselves just to be able to survive!! So many complain about Biden yet Trump setting up the take down of the capitol is just fine, right??!! My gawd people…get an independent in there!!

  • Bz

    November 6, 2022 at 1:17 am

    Desantis is the best. Vote red because blue is insane

    • 👹Rubio Canvasser👹

      November 6, 2022 at 6:07 am

      After 30 years of American Capitalism and healthcare being a luxury item thanks to people like Rick Scott, everyone is now insane. Need to launch a nuclear weapon straight up into the air and back down..

    • Former Republican

      November 6, 2022 at 6:17 am

      Bz the only people that think DeSantis is fret is other toxic people . I couldn’t imagine how toxic your life must be all the bullying and trashiness . You don’t even have goood reasons it’s just because you love toxicity

  • Concerned Floridian

    November 6, 2022 at 5:16 am

    The GOP only cares about the Uber wealthy. What’s messed up is the people that support DeSantis and the GOP will
    Be really upset when they take their social security from them, their parents and grand parents . They already have it on the table

    • marylou

      November 6, 2022 at 12:41 pm

      Social Security and Medicare: Republicans are “threatening to force the U.S. government to default on the federal debt, likely triggering a global financial crisis … unless Democrats agree to cutting these vital programs.”
      —Bloomberg Government, “Entitlement, Spending Cap Plans Linked by GOP to Debt-Limit Deal,”


  • Joe m.

    November 6, 2022 at 5:21 am

    He used Florida money to pay for a cruel political stunt , he has no boundaries to his cruelty . None. He’s worse than trump and even more

    • Impeach Biden

      November 6, 2022 at 7:58 am

      How much money has Air Biden and Air Kamana Wanna Lei U spent flying ILLEGALS all around the country? Why do they fly to these remote airports in the middle of the night? Two weeks after they arrive they get Medicaid. Go to your city council and ask them to erect a tent city. Why is theirs pushback from these so called “Sanctuary Cities”? It’s all BLUE BS that is getting called out not only by DeSantis, but by the Red Tsunami coming Tuesday. Better run for Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago and other BLUE utopias.

      • Joe Corsin

        November 6, 2022 at 9:47 am

        We’re coming for your money buddy. Coming for every penny. You will give it.

      • Former Republican

        November 6, 2022 at 8:08 pm

        First of all everyone of them was here legally. Secondly Biden has us jurisdiction . DeSantis used money from Biden to kidnap children just for a political stunt

  • Former Republican

    November 6, 2022 at 5:32 am

    Florida needs to clean out the trash and start sending the ones that moved here supporting DeSantis yo another country. The GOP complains about everything and have extremely toxic behavior. I can’t imagine their households . Btw Barry is one of many Floridians that has decency the maga republican trash needs to go.

  • Tom

    November 6, 2022 at 7:15 am

    DeSantis wins with 60%, go suck on Obummer and alzie Joe! Crisp is a chameleon and fraud.

    Illegals who invade are illegal and committing a crime, and invading.

    Shut the hell up you handwriting whiners and losers! You don’t invade a country illegally and think you are justified. You don’t get to decide period!

    • Denise

      November 6, 2022 at 7:53 am

      Thank you! Well said

    • T. Dupont

      November 6, 2022 at 9:35 am

      Tom, please leave this country immediately. YOu are not an American but a cowardly fascist.

    • Brass Biscuit

      November 6, 2022 at 5:57 pm

      Ron DeSanctimonious.
      WWE beef?

      • Brass Biscuit

        November 6, 2022 at 5:59 pm

        Reply to (terribly upset)

  • Tom

    November 6, 2022 at 7:15 am

    DeSantis wins with 60%, go suck on Obummer and alzie Joe! Crisp is a chameleon and fraud.

    Illegals who invade are illegal and committing a crime, and invading.

    Shut the hell up you handwriting whiners and losers! You don’t invade a country illegally and think you are justified. You don’t get to decide period!

    • Charlie Crist

      November 6, 2022 at 9:43 am

      👆 This ape needs a smack. Yeah good hard smack in the face, head, and chest. Flying kick to to balls.

    • marylou

      November 6, 2022 at 12:56 pm

      Misusing Florida taxpayer money to fly people out of Texas is committing a crime! Do you have any other states in mind that you’d like DeRanged to spend your tax $$ on, Tommie??

  • Tom

    November 6, 2022 at 7:15 am

    DeSantis wins with 60%, go suck on Obummer and alzie Joe! Crisp is a chameleon and fraud.

    Illegals who invade are illegal and committing a crime, and invading.

    Shut the hell up you handwriting whiners and losers! You don’t invade a country illegally and think you are justified. You don’t get to decide period!

    • Charlie Crist

      November 6, 2022 at 9:46 am

      Quit telling everyone to shut up you bar room drunk azzhole. If you’re caught at the bar you’ll be beaten. Talk like this in public and you will be kicked around in the streets like a soccer ball.

      • Tom

        November 6, 2022 at 2:05 pm

        Corsin Shut the hell up, you degenerate mommy banger.
        DuPont I am the legend of FP, you csn wash my car, cut my lawn as I own you soros Manchurians. DuPont you do not know who you are messing with. I am a citizen, you are likely illegal.

        Society is fed up with Soros open borders, you are clueless. Many impeachment’s coming Biden/Harris, Mayorkas, and Garland.

        Illegals do not get to decide. DeSantis can send 1000 more! The monies are budgeted.

        Consequences coming to those who advocated this lawlessness.

        Mary lou, I’m not a fan.


        • Brass Biscuit

          November 6, 2022 at 6:02 pm

          Need a new spittle rag? Did ya get any on ya?

        • Tom

          November 6, 2022 at 7:54 pm

          Brass biscuit, you need Kahones operstion. Grow some pussy.
          You are pathetic.

        • Tom

          November 6, 2022 at 7:54 pm

          Brass biscuit, you need Kahones operstion. Grow some pussy.
          You are pathetic.

        • Former Republican

          November 6, 2022 at 8:33 pm

          Your new name is buff. You missed a spot in the car.

          • Tom

            November 6, 2022 at 9:17 pm

            Buff my car with your ass, you degenerate.

            Former Republican, go shine Charlie chameleons shoes, wipe his ass and pet him when you guys get ass kicked! Tu.

            Crispy lost to Marco, Scott and now DeSantis! Enjoy the beat down.

          • Tom

            November 6, 2022 at 9:17 pm

            Buff my car with your ass, you degenerate.

            Former Republican, go shine Charlie chameleons shoes, wipe his ass and pet him when you guys get ass kicked! Tu.

            Crispy lost to Marco, Scott and now DeSantis! Enjoy the beat down.

      • Tom

        November 6, 2022 at 2:05 pm

        Corsin Shut the hell up, you degenerate mommy banger.
        DuPont I am the legend of FP, you csn wash my car, cut my lawn as I own you soros Manchurians. DuPont you do not know who you are messing with. I am a citizen, you are likely illegal.

        Society is fed up with Soros open borders, you are clueless. Many impeachment’s coming Biden/Harris, Mayorkas, and Garland.

        Illegals do not get to decide. DeSantis can send 1000 more! The monies are budgeted.

        Consequences coming to those who advocated this lawlessness.

        Mary lou, I’m not a fan.


    • marylou

      November 6, 2022 at 1:08 pm

      The governor of Florida doesn’t get to decide what goes on in the state of Texas! That’s a violation of DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!!


  • Former Republican

    November 6, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    Fun fact: the billionaires promised DeSantis money and an election if he commuted certain questionable acts. Like redistricting, going after Disney, gays, women, intimidating voters, doing the immigration stunt… Ron’s a pasty for the real

  • GOP are Fascist

    November 8, 2022 at 3:50 pm

    Ron is a smug arrogant bully who raised money from Billionaires if and only he played the game of corruption. He endorses fascism. Think about he has already given everyone a taste… If you dont agree with him then he punishes you. Disney, School Boards, Atty General. The fact is the GOP has allowed the murder of students with their gun laws. And as far as the dont say gay, gay teen suicide will now become front and center when they have no where to turn. Obviously bigoted parents cant love their own children. No abortion, we will have increased poverty. Do you notice most people in the GOP support Putin and anti Law Enforcement if they go after trump. I am concerned the GOP is suppressing, intimidating and yes even stealing votes. They never have a real plan except taxt the middle class and cut taxes for the rich.

Comments are closed.


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