Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to be coy about plans to run for President in 2024, but supporters aren’t waiting to make that case for him, labeling DeSantis as “DeFuture.”
The “Ron to the Rescue” super PAC is rolling out a new ad that spotlights how the Governor is the best answer for Republicans to what President Joe Biden has done since taking office.
The 60-second spot begins with newscasters discussing COVID-19 “lockdown” mitigation measures, over shots of barren streets from Anytown USA. The tropes of inflation, high gas prices and violent crime were introduced next, establishing the theme of America as a “nation on the brink.”
All hope was not lost, however. By the 25-second mark, a chyron reassures that a “strong leader emerges,” and DeSantis’ familiar exhortations from his Election Night victory speech ring through speakers thereafter.
“Florida was a refuge of sanity when the world went mad! We stood as a citadel of freedom for people across this country, and indeed, across the world,” the Governor thundered, with his words quickly giving way again to another chyron and the reassuring voice of an omniscient narrator.
“While our nation struggled, Florida thrived,” the text proclaimed, setting up optimistic pictures of people driving across bridges and a shot of a couple moving into what appears to be a new construction home.
“Southwest Florida is ranking all the way at the top of the list of the best, most inexpensive places to live,” assured a newscaster, setting up the spot’s close.
“Doesn’t America deserve the same? To defeat Biden and restore our country, America needs leadership. America needs Ron DeSantis,” the narrator contends.
On its homepage, the super PAC extols DeSantis as exhibiting “the bravery of President (Abraham) Lincoln, the charm of President (Ronald) Reagan, and the determination of President (Donald) Trump.” Yet despite third parties making that case, DeSantis continues to downplay interest in higher office on the record.
On Wednesday in Matlacha, the Governor sidestepped a question about 2024, preferring instead to focus on the Georgia runoff and governing Florida after his “historic victory” over Charlie Crist last week.
“We just finished this election. People just need to chill out a little bit on some of this stuff,” DeSantis said.
He has also attempted to be seen as taking the high road after attacks from former President Trump, who is officially a candidate as of Tuesday.
“I think some of this stuff gets overdone in some of the media,” DeSantis told a friendly questioner in Fort Walton Beach Tuesday, though he offered a contrast between Florida and GOP performance elsewhere in the country.
“At the end of the day, I would tell people to check out the scoreboard from last Tuesday night. The fact of the matter is it was the greatest Republican victory in the state of Florida.”
DeSantis is DeFuture 🤌🏼
Join us in this fight to make DeSantis our next president of the United States 🇺🇸#Desantis2024 pic.twitter.com/NpYK1T7fBI
— Ron to the Rescue (@Ron2theRescue) November 17, 2022
Florida is behind the Country
November 17, 2022 at 10:49 am
The young voters won’t allow deantis to win the National ticket. He cheated in Florida and got lucky
Don’t like it, move
November 18, 2022 at 8:44 am
You’re insane.
DeSatan will never be President
November 18, 2022 at 8:49 am
Its true. Any sane person doesnt want another bully for President. We dont want or need a Trump 2.0. Reemember Mike Pence? He was in a similiar situation as Desantis. The rising star. And we all know the end of that story. We need another Obama… maybe Secrretary Pete and Kamala. Or the new Governor Shapiro of PA – this guy is really good. Hes smart, articulate and cares about ALL the people not just those that look like him or voted for him. The GOP treats it like a sporting event.
November 23, 2022 at 11:40 am
Except Republicans who voted for mastriano, of course. Defuture of 2024 is ron desantis: dump trump!
Florida is behind the Country
November 17, 2022 at 11:01 am
DeSantis can never be president . We can’t elect another bully like trump. The young people will make sure of it
November 17, 2022 at 11:14 am
DeSantis is the De future.
America’s Gov offers a new generation of leadership! It’s bold and substantive. America’s Gov. is in touch with the peeps. As 60% is a landslide and reflects support from Dems, Independents, Hispanics, beyond Cubans, Women, and suburban voters. It’s a deep blue print! DeSantis is a rising tide for all, bottom up.
He will be 46 in 24. Biden turns 80 Sunday, 82 in 24. Trump is 76, 78 in 24. American people want a turn to a new generation. The youthful “viga” as JFK would say is overwhelming abs welcomed.
DeSantis has the substance and the youth.
The Time is now! Do for America, what you’ve done for Florida.
Donald J Trump
November 17, 2022 at 12:48 pm
Ron DeSanctimonious better not run against me or I will roast him worse than Charlie did. All his dirty laundry will be aired. The affairs, the money laundering, and the collaboration with ISIS.
Don’t like it, move
November 18, 2022 at 8:46 am
Go away mouth almighty. That’s why we want you gone, your jealous ridiculous mouth. Narcissist.
DeSatan will never be President
November 18, 2022 at 9:59 am
is this Ron? Its funny to see two bullies fight. Both Ron and Don are narcissist who bully. Neither are very intelligent either… and both act like they are rockstars at a concert. Its insane.
End of MAGAverse
November 18, 2022 at 11:22 am
Elon Musk wants to take the MAGAverse including Desantis to colonize Mars. Bye. lol
Jeff curly
November 23, 2022 at 11:49 am
Shut the f**k up. Thx.
Purge the evil
November 24, 2022 at 3:14 am
Typical. Sound like the father of the mass murderer in Colorado. Trashy.
November 17, 2022 at 11:14 am
DeSantis is the De future.
America’s Gov offers a new generation of leadership! It’s bold and substantive. America’s Gov. is in touch with the peeps. As 60% is a landslide and reflects support from Dems, Independents, Hispanics, beyond Cubans, Women, and suburban voters. It’s a deep blue print! DeSantis is a rising tide for all, bottom up.
He will be 46 in 24. Biden turns 80 Sunday, 82 in 24. Trump is 76, 78 in 24. American people want a turn to a new generation. The youthful “viga” as JFK would say is overwhelming abs welcomed.
DeSantis has the substance and the youth.
The Time is now! Do for America, what you’ve done for Florida.
Jeff curly
November 23, 2022 at 11:42 am
Spot on!
A better america.
November 17, 2022 at 11:25 am
Sorry to tell you that DeSantis is not the man! If not Biden We need a woman or secretary Pete . It will be President Harris and VP Buttigieg or President Buttigieg and VP harris secretary Pete is smarter , more articulate, even real combat experience and he cares about ALL americans. DeSantis is just in it for him and he’s a bully.
Matthew Lusk
November 17, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Tell us a little about yourself.
November 17, 2022 at 7:07 pm
Neither one is ready for prime time!
America’s Governor is a call for a new generation of Americans. It is the call for freedom, liberty, and opportunity for all. 60% landslide.
That’s Dems and Independents, plus Repub. the winning ticket.
DeSantis is the new De Future.
November 17, 2022 at 7:07 pm
Neither one is ready for prime time!
America’s Governor is a call for a new generation of Americans. It is the call for freedom, liberty, and opportunity for all. 60% landslide.
That’s Dems and Independents, plus Repub. the winning ticket.
DeSantis is the new De Future.
cassandra of the swamp
November 18, 2022 at 8:10 pm
Over 40% are going to regret voting for Rubio and Ron deSactimonious:
Retirees will be sorry when their Social Security is cut and they receive a $200 medical expense voucher to replace their Medicare. Hope they think the sacrifice was worth it to fight Socialism!!
Women will regret voting for Ron when they realize their bodily autonomy is gone and the government will now be surveilling and controlling them. Hope they think their sacrifice was worth it to get the government to control “those women’s” behavior.
cassandra of the swamp
November 19, 2022 at 11:16 am
Women will regret voting for Ron when they realize their bodily autonomy is gone and the government will now be surveilling and controlling them. Hope they think their sacrifice was worth it to get the government to control “those women’s” behavior.
November 26, 2022 at 8:10 am
Wah, Wah, Wah, you got your ass kicked by America’s Gov. use a pillow.
Win of 60%, women, moms, soft Dems and independents love America’s Gov.
Wah! It’s a Florida Sunshine coalition.
November 17, 2022 at 1:37 pm
Thank you President Trump for appointing some awesome judges and keeping the Clintons out of the White House. Now, be the elder statesman of the party and help rally a generational legacy of strong leadership for America. This starts with DeSantis. We hear, and use, the “bully” comment too frequently. Strong leadership, based on strong values, requires a firm unwavering stance. We did not build this country on neutral ideology, rather by engaging in uncomfortable dialog and arriving at an opinion. It’s time to evaluate our epistemology and recognize that blind hero-worship is not the path to success for America. Are we allowing the “mainstream” to teach us how to pick leaders, i.e. media popularity and social sentiment? Think for yourselves, dig deep, and have a intractable opinion on how you define America for yourself and for our children’s future. God bless you all and God bless these United States of America. Cheers!
A better america.
November 17, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Thank God the Joe Biden appointed judged that are fair and stay w current issues that allow America to prosper as a nation.
Yes DeSantis is a bully. When he doesn’t get what he wants or disagrees w his constituents he bullies them including Disney, the AG, and even high school students. His style of leadership is that of Stalin or even Hitler.
The time is now to make sure we keep DeSantis from ever elevating himself to public office
Additionally, there is evidence that trump will get indicted and any GOP President (particularly DeSantis) will pardon him for high crimes. There has to be accountability and the GOP takes care of their own.
Jeff curly
November 23, 2022 at 11:48 am
Thank God we’ll be saying ” bi biden!” In 2024. We will defeat evil socialist bigotry from democrats.
November 18, 2022 at 1:24 pm
Klu Klux Klan Act of 1871 PAC ,is legal statutory political PAC
that should be use as a legal mean to further justice for people that are victim of Republicans racist policies and action,it was passed by Republicans,152 years ago specifically for the people that seek to violate it legal provision,if you are a lawyer or other civil rights organization,this law is your Kryptonite against right wing extremist Google Klux Klan Act of 1871
End the Madness of the Republican Party
November 19, 2022 at 11:27 am
Unfortunately the Republican party supports KKK, Nazi and any type of hate group. They are unwilling to denounce or fight against it. In fact, they use this to ignite thier base to vote for them. For tehm its not about the people they serve but thier careers and wealthy donors that keep them in office.
Jeff curly
November 23, 2022 at 11:44 am
Even though democrats were racists against people of color? Lmao.
Purge the evil
November 23, 2022 at 12:12 pm
Do you even take the time to learn history I mean come on man you just wondering through life imagining stuff because it suits your thought process
November 19, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Ural mountain, the Dems started and organized the KKK. Good going you idiot! DeSantis is the msn and the De future! Enjoy!
End the Madness of the Republican Party
November 20, 2022 at 10:52 am
Tom, Please do your research. You are corrrect it was started by Dems, however the Southern Strategy changed everything. The SS was created so NIXON could win the South. So most of the corrupt jumped over the the GOP, leaviong the Dems with minorities, blue collar and those who believed in social issues. The corruption with the GOP is thick… starting with NIXON and TRUMP was the climax of corruption. Now, the GOP is not concerend about the people but staying in office to control taxes for the rich and keep minorities down. Trump and people like him (Desantis) use hate and bullying as a means to maintain control. I think we call that facisim.
Jeff curly
November 23, 2022 at 11:45 am
So…. low taxes and $1.50 gas is facisicm?
Purge the evil
November 23, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Low taxes for the Uber wealthy. The gas prices is more complicated. And the GOP does temporary fixes to win votes but not long term solutions. What piece of legislation jas. The GOP passed on past 30 years that benefited humanity? BTW please look up fascism and you will see how it applies to desantis
November 24, 2022 at 9:36 am
Fake moniker, End madness, the southern strategy was started by George Wallace, who was a white southern racist, who was a Dem Gov. He ran in the 68 Dem primary. Don’t lie. He was vehement in his opposition to civil rights. I am a political scientist, it was the GOP, Sen Everett Dirksen and other Repub. that ensured and provided passage of the civil rights bill. Pres. Lyndon Johnson stated, upon passage we lost the south for a generation.
Yes, Nixon used the political breakdown to his advantage as it carried over. Carter and Clinton changed some of that. As usual neophytes like yourself and other 5% haters have no clue as to what you speak. It’s hysterical when morons like you and liberal haters on TV hate on Repub. you are the haters.
The Dems accuse the Repub. Of everything they do. They are the party of the Klan, Sen Robert Byrd was exalted leader from WV. Manchin replaced him, Biden eulogized him.
Spare me your revisionist history. Grow some balls with a real name.
I am the FP legend. I own you morons!
November 19, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Ural mountain, the Dems started and organized the KKK. Good going you idiot! DeSantis is the msn and the De future! Enjoy!
Purge the evil
November 24, 2022 at 9:55 am
Sick Fact: it’s 2022 and all hate groups, racist, bullies, mass shooters and hate crimes align with the GOP. Why is that?
Additionally, every Republican president, since Reagan has left office with a huge deficit. On the contrary, all democratic presidents left office in better shape than when they took office from the Republicans. The Republican Party is no longer about being conservative. It’s about hate, it’s about culture wars. The Policies they create are designed to win elections and cause damage to anyone that. Isn’t a white heterosexual bigoted male.
November 25, 2022 at 5:01 am
Yes your correct purge, Obama and Bidens trillions in deficits. That’s sure leaving it better. Stupid.
November 25, 2022 at 5:01 am
Yes your correct purge, Obama and Bidens trillions in deficits. That’s sure leaving it better. Stupid.
Time to purge the lies of the Republicans
November 25, 2022 at 9:19 am
Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit. Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan : The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion.
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republican’s have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republican’s accept responsibility and change for better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even with cleaning up Trumps mess, the deficit has come down.
Bottom line, Republicans are bad with handling money. They over spend and collect less because they give tax breaks to the Uber wealthy. To put it in perspective. why should an Uber wealthy Billionaire whos not working for his money. (The money is working for it self) pay less in taxes (if any at all) while the average American pays 10-15% of their income every year in taxes. And don’t get me started on how the Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare . If the wealthy had been paying their fair share on their free money, we would have a surplus, end homelessness, hunger and we all could have quality healthcare. You know the quality healthcare the US politicians get (which is better than the VA which the Republican’s don’t care about).
So Tom, Fu** Off with your lies and rhetoric. If the Republicans were honest (this would be oxymoronic), the average American would never vote for them. So Tom you can lie to yourself, lie in your post, lie to the world, but your lies as will the lies of the Republican Party are quickly catching up with them.
I knew Joe Gaylord (Republican) personally, and he would say even Desantis got in the game to quickly. Too much exposure eventually shows whos under the hood (no pun intended about the Republicans that are KKK). It happened to Trump and even Pence (rising star). Another bit of advise: Honesty is good for the soul – try it sometime.
November 26, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Thank you! They need to hear this every day.
Purge the evil
November 26, 2022 at 7:41 pm
Yes they do! We need to keep telling facts and rebutting them when they share false narratives and Misinformation. The republicans have. Gotten away w it for years. It’s time to shine a light on them
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 8:48 am
Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit.
Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan : The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion.
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republican’s have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republican’s accept responsibility and change for better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even with cleaning up Trumps mess, the deficit has come down.
Bottom line, Republicans are bad with handling money. They over spend and collect less because they give tax breaks to the Uber wealthy. To put it in perspective. why should an Uber wealthy Billionaire whos not working for his money. (The money is working for it self) pay less in taxes (if any at all) while the average American pays 10-15% of their income every year in taxes. And don’t get me started on how the Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare . If the wealthy had been paying their fair share on their free money, we would have a surplus, end homelessness, hunger and we all could have quality healthcare. You know the quality healthcare the US politicians get (which is better than the VA which the Republican’s don’t care about).
So Tom, Fu** Off with your lies and rhetoric. If the Republicans were honest (this would be oxymoronic), the average American would never vote for them. So Tom you can lie to yourself, lie in your post, lie to the world, but your lies as will the lies of the Republican Party are quickly catching up with them.
I knew Joe Gaylord (Republican) personally, and he would say even Desantis got in the game to quickly. Too much exposure eventually shows whos under the hood (no pun intended about the Republicans that are KKK). It happened to Trump and even Pence (rising star). Another bit of advise: Honesty is good for the soul – try it sometime.
Facts about the Republicans Conservatism
November 26, 2022 at 8:52 am
Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit. Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan : The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion.
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republican’s have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republican’s accept responsibility and change for better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even with cleaning up Trumps mess, the deficit has come down.
Bottom line, Republicans are bad with handling money. They over spend and collect less because they give tax breaks to the Uber wealthy. To put it in perspective. why should an Uber wealthy Billionaire whos not working for his money. (The money is working for it self) pay less in taxes (if any at all) while the average American pays 10-15% of their income every year in taxes. And don’t get me started on how the Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare . If the wealthy had been paying their fair share on their free money, we would have a surplus, end homelessness, hunger and all could have quality healthcare. You know the quality healthcare the US politicians get (which is better than the VA which the Republicans don’t care about).
So Tom, Go pound sand – the lies of the GOP have to stop!! If the Republicans were honest (this would be oxymoronic), the average American would never vote for them. So Tom you can lie to yourself, lie in your post, lie to the world, but your lies as will the lies of the Republican Party are quickly catching up with them.
I knew Joe Gaylord (Republican) personally, and he would say even Desantis got in the game too quickly. Too much exposure eventually shows whos under the hood (no pun intended about the Republicans that are KKK). It happened to Trump and even Pence (a rising star). Another bit of advice: Honesty is good for the soul – try it sometime.
Here are some facts
November 26, 2022 at 9:02 am
Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit. Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan: The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was more than $175 billion.
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked to around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republicans have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republicans accept responsibility and change for the better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it by about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even after cleaning up Trump’s mess, the deficit has come down.
The bottom line, Republicans are bad at handling money. They overspend and collect less because they give tax breaks to the Uber wealthy. To put it in perspective. why should an Uber wealthy Billionaire whos not working for his money? (The money is working for itself) pay less in taxes (if any at all) while the average American pays 10-15% of their income every year in taxes. And don’t get me started on how the Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare. If the wealthy had been paying their fair share of their free money, we would have a surplus, end homelessness, and hunger and all could have quality healthcare. You know the quality healthcare the US politicians get (which is better than the VA which the Republicans don’t care about).
So, Tom, Fu** Off with your lies and rhetoric. If the Republicans were honest (this would be oxymoronic), the average American would never vote for them. So Tom you can lie to yourself, lie in your post, lie to the world, but your lies as will the lies of the Republican Party are quickly catching up with them.
I knew Joe Gaylord (Republican) personally, and he would say even Desantis got in the game too quickly. Too much exposure eventually shows whos under the hood (no pun intended about the Republicans that are KKK). It happened to Trump and even Pence (a rising star). Another bit of advice: Honesty is good for the soul – try it sometime.
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 9:42 am
I am curious why Florida politics takes days to review comments when they are facts about the Republicans. Is this just another conservative firebrand to push false narratives of the GOP?
November 27, 2022 at 10:16 am
Cause you are a disingenuous and fundamentally flawed corrupt liar. Everything you shared in multiple mental messages terms are lies.
You clearly run false flag media propaganda, probably stationed on South, and N Korea border.
Commie bastard. No balls, just women’s ovary!
Republicans lie.
November 27, 2022 at 10:23 am
Hey Tom. Oh I think the Korean and even Russian propaganda is something that the GOP is good at I’m just a real American not influenced by anyone and I live in Palm Beach Florida so I’m your neighbor.
November 27, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Fake moniker, Palm Beach was carried by DeSantis and the GOP. Dem counties turning red. That’s how F’d you and the Dems are. Fake moniker, full of Obama.
I have repudiated all your toilet paper charges. The FP Legend kicks your ass like DeSantis does! 60%!
November 27, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Fake moniker, Palm Beach was carried by DeSantis and the GOP. Dem counties turning red. That’s how F’d you and the Dems are. Fake moniker, full of Obama.
I have repudiated all your toilet paper charges. The FP Legend kicks your ass like DeSantis does! 60%!
Republicans lie.
November 27, 2022 at 9:57 pm
Tom are you drunk again? Have you paid your child support yet? Your months late – the kids need food
November 28, 2022 at 8:58 am
Fake moniker, You ain’t my neighbor, perverts not allowed by me. You cannot help me, you couldn’t help a drunk bent over bimbo take her pants off you idiot. I have brass balls, your cheap shots fall short.
I love extremist Dems deciding who the GOP will nominate. DeSantis is the dominator! Pence, Lmao. His generation shift is key within party, and greater in general election vs Biden. Newsom doesn’t have balls to run against Gov Ron.
Palm Beach is red now, the Dems are being forced out. DeSantis, GOP converted Palm Bch, you all gone.
I meet all my obligations as a man, Dad as my word is honor in all things.
As usual, I get incoming from all angles, I am the FP legend. For 4 yrs I’ve schooled neophytes such as you and others. I own you all as the list of fools is lengthy.
I predicted 60%, as I dominate FP.
60%, the Florida sunshine coalition is the new mojo. Dance craze, anyway, still rock and roll to me. Enjoy political oblivion losers, For a generation. See ya.
November 27, 2022 at 10:16 am
Cause you are a disingenuous and fundamentally flawed corrupt liar. Everything you shared in multiple mental messages terms are lies.
You clearly run false flag media propaganda, probably stationed on South, and N Korea border.
Commie bastard. No balls, just women’s ovary!
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 9:43 am
Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit. Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan : The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion.
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 9:44 am
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republican’s have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republican’s accept responsibility and change for better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even with cleaning up Trumps mess, the deficit has come down.
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 9:45 am
When will Republicans stop lying?
November 26, 2022 at 8:48 am
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Tom: I am going to help you correct your misinformation. Now let’s take a closer look at each president’s impact on the federal deficit.
Fun Fact: Republicans weren’t very conservative when it came to spending only when it comes to freedoms.
To verify the numbers, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which has an interactive database for these kinds of figures.
Here’s what I found out (not Shocked):
President Ronald) Reagan : The federal deficit went from about $78.9 billion at the beginning of Reagan’s presidency to $152.6 billion at the end of it. At points between 1983 and 1986, the deficit was actually more than $175 billion.
George H.W. Bush 41:The deficit was around $255 billion at the end of Bush’s term. The deficit spiked at around $290.3 billion the year before he left office.
(Bill) Clinton got it to zero. This is true. During his presidency, Clinton managed to zero out the deficit and end his term with a $128.2 billion surplus. This is the guy the Republicans impeach not for an insurrection, but for having an erection w Monica. Another fun fact, more Republican’s have committed acts of sexual immortality than Democrats. And Democrats unlike Republican’s accept responsibility and change for better.
(George W.) Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.4 trillion.” This is in the ballpark. Ignoring the fact that he actually started his presidency with a surplus, Bush left office in 2009 with a federal deficit of roughly $1.41 trillion.
(Barack) Obama halved it about $600 billion. Obama left the presidency with a deficit of approximately $584.6 billion, which is more than halving $1.41 trillion. The deficit was even lower in 2015 at around $441.9 billion.
Trump’s got it back to over a trillion.
Since Biden has been in office, even with cleaning up Trumps mess, the deficit has come down.
Bottom line, Republicans are bad with handling money. They over spend and collect less because they give tax breaks to the Uber wealthy. To put it in perspective. why should an Uber wealthy Billionaire whos not working for his money. (The money is working for it self) pay less in taxes (if any at all) while the average American pays 10-15% of their income every year in taxes. And don’t get me started on how the Republicans want to steal your Social Security and Medicare . If the wealthy had been paying their fair share on their free money, we would have a surplus, end homelessness, hunger and we all could have quality healthcare. You know the quality healthcare the US politicians get (which is better than the VA which the Republican’s don’t care about).
So Tom, Fu** Off with your lies and rhetoric. If the Republicans were honest (this would be oxymoronic), the average American would never vote for them. So Tom you can lie to yourself, lie in your post, lie to the world, but your lies as will the lies of the Republican Party are quickly catching up with them.
I knew Joe Gaylord (Republican) personally, and he would say even Desantis got in the game to quickly. Too much exposure eventually shows whos under the hood (no pun intended about the Republicans that are KKK). It happened to Trump and even Pence (rising star). Another bit of advise: Honesty is good for the soul – try it sometime.
November 27, 2022 at 2:39 am
DeSantis’s 60% kicks your ass!
Selective facts, fake numbers, equals dishonesty. Both sides have plenty to go around on lack of effort to reign in spending. Your suggestion that Dem deficit spending is less of a concern compared to Repub. is hysterical.
Grow up child. You know Joe Gaylord, meaningless ad I know of him also. Congress controls spending. Hence balanced budgets in late 90’s. Reagan’s tax cuts spurred 5%,6% and 7% growth. H W Bush raised taxes in which helped leas to balance in 90’s with controlled spending. W has 9/11 and the financial meltdown, which blew deficit. Trump had Covid spending in 20 and dud not try limit all at large spending as well. He was a big spender.
Your gross exaggerations of limited info to try to make your points is deceitful. You can’t find me. Glossing over Obama and Biden is juvenile. Biden has seen a strong decrease in excessive Covid spending. He’s blown it up with $500 billion in college school debt proposed, amongst other reckless spending.
They both spend recklessly, shut the hell up.
Why are there so many primitive thinkers?
November 27, 2022 at 5:22 am
Tom, your anger issues it in and of itself demonstrate that your mind is not matured. So it makes perfect sense for you to rant at other people. I’m sure it’s frustrating to have a permit of mine and not being able to express yourself intellectually, and logically, and more so honestly. Because you’ve gotten lost in your reality, the reality that is far from the truth.
Purge the evil republicans like this guy
November 27, 2022 at 5:18 am
Tom you’re a loser – accept that !!! You can’t handle the truth. Your wife even knows you lie desantis like pence enjoyed his fame . Too much exposure and w Florida he bragged about a surplus. And the reality was he got federal funds that were to be use for Floridians and he didn’t use it for them ge used it to collect political stunts .
You’re one of these people who doesn’t like to face the facts. A narcissist maybe? Even when packs are laid out in front of you, you refuse to accept that you’re part of the problem.
Regardless of what you perceive of his as intelligence, the mindset you have is extremely primitive. The Republicans under the current status, will never be honest, and allow mankind to evolve.
November 27, 2022 at 9:56 am
America’s Gov proves he is the whiz kid Gov! Joey Corsin chinese bot now running false flag accusations to save cause. Your dime store and cheap petty attacks demonstrate your desperation.
The new generation JFK call, DeSantis at 44 now, 46 in Nov of 24 will overwhelm the geriatric geezer at 82, Nov of 24. He will bring “Viga” to our country, and the peeps will love him!
DeSantis saved Florida and will save America from the leftist extremists like self.
Note: The balanced budgets in the mid 90’s, came from the GOP Congress, first in 40 yrs as they reduced spending. Bill Clinton to his credit found commonality with Speaker Gingrich. It was a win for America! Unlike more recent incompetent Dem POTUS’s.
To be clear, DeSantis’s 60% is landslide of epic proportion. It is the Florida rainbow coalition. For the ages! Florida is off the map for a generation for Dums!
You are talking to a FP legend, I don’t hide behind fake monikers.
November 27, 2022 at 9:56 am
America’s Gov proves he is the whiz kid Gov! Joey Corsin chinese bot now running false flag accusations to save cause. Your dime store and cheap petty attacks demonstrate your desperation.
The new generation JFK call, DeSantis at 44 now, 46 in Nov of 24 will overwhelm the geriatric geezer at 82, Nov of 24. He will bring “Viga” to our country, and the peeps will love him!
DeSantis saved Florida and will save America from the leftist extremists like self.
Note: The balanced budgets in the mid 90’s, came from the GOP Congress, first in 40 yrs as they reduced spending. Bill Clinton to his credit found commonality with Speaker Gingrich. It was a win for America! Unlike more recent incompetent Dem POTUS’s.
To be clear, DeSantis’s 60% is landslide of epic proportion. It is the Florida rainbow coalition. For the ages! Florida is off the map for a generation for Dums!
You are talking to a FP legend, I don’t hide behind fake monikers.
Florida has a lot of stupid people tat voted for dessatan
November 27, 2022 at 6:01 am
I agree . Tom has uncontrollable anger issues. He’s so hell on a fascist government, which is why he props up to DeSantis ! Boolean seems to be the trademark of the republican party. If I don’t get what I want, I will either call you names or I’ll punish you. The makings of a dictator.
November 28, 2022 at 6:03 am
Yeah right, DeSantis voters consist of
the new Florida sunshine coalition which he produced. It’s voters, consist of women, moms, minorities, independents, Hispanics, and other patriotic people’s.
DeSantis 60% is epic, makes mockery of the left wing extremists. Facts are funny things. Floridians know better.
November 28, 2022 at 6:03 am
Yeah right, DeSantis voters consist of
the new Florida sunshine coalition which he produced. It’s voters, consist of women, moms, minorities, independents, Hispanics, and other patriotic people’s.
DeSantis 60% is epic, makes mockery of the left wing extremists. Facts are funny things. Floridians know better.
Florida has a lot of stupid people tat voted for dessatan
November 27, 2022 at 6:14 am
Corrections: * hell bent…
* bullying is a trademark…
November 27, 2022 at 8:20 am
DeSantis kicks your ass everyday.
You are clueless, no balls, just a fake moniker making crazy charges that are non substantive.
DeSantis has all the political momentum, he dominates both, ex potus and this incompetent old geezer Biden.
Your rants are hysterically stupid. Non sensual and demonstrate desperation and deception.
Known fact that Florida’s surplus came from state tourism tax and enormous sales tax revenues as people’s fled the blue state tyrants.
Pence? We are talking about America’s Gov. as everyone else is secondary.
60%, you ignoramuses are finished in Florida!
Kiss my ass!
November 27, 2022 at 8:20 am
DeSantis kicks your ass everyday.
You are clueless, no balls, just a fake moniker making crazy charges that are non substantive.
DeSantis has all the political momentum, he dominates both, ex potus and this incompetent old geezer Biden.
Your rants are hysterically stupid. Non sensual and demonstrate desperation and deception.
Known fact that Florida’s surplus came from state tourism tax and enormous sales tax revenues as people’s fled the blue state tyrants.
Pence? We are talking about America’s Gov. as everyone else is secondary.
60%, you ignoramuses are finished in Florida!
Kiss my ass!
Florida has a lot of stupid people tat voted for dessatan
November 27, 2022 at 10:07 am
Tom, I am beginning to think you have homosexual thoughts about Ron. Was it when he dawned his princess boots you thought Ron loves to dress in drag too! I won’t kiss you it ass mutt I’m sure he will kiss desantis ass. Oh wait, you already do
November 27, 2022 at 12:16 pm
Go suck on obummer!
November 28, 2022 at 6:05 am
Still sucking on him??
Republicans are corrupt
November 28, 2022 at 8:31 am
Smart but temporary . He’s asked t corrupt millionaires, and he’s doing their bidding. They pumped money into them to use Florida as a test case. Unfortunately, Florida got a lot of the complainers from New York during Covid. But that was a temporary high.
The young voters are going to absolutely crush him a national level. There was low turn out of dems and young people during mid terms.
Just like wen pence was national favorite we all saw what happened with him. DeSantis this week in debates, and he also does not have charisma to carry the country. Florida was an anomaly.
But if it makes you feel better, you can think whatever you want but supporting bullies is still supporting bullies. And eventually the bullies fall.
November 28, 2022 at 9:12 am
Fake moniker, Classic political neophyte explanation. U are Meaningless, clueless and empty. DeSantis controls the agenda, will offer a populist agenda in second term, inauguration which will pull in more Dems, moms, independents, and minorities.
It’s a Reagan, Trump blend on issues, message, with a DeSantis vision and doctrine! America’s Gov is the right stuff, the real deal.
Populist, of the peeps, for the peeps, and bottom up. The Florida sunshine coalition is a national plan.
Do for America, what he’s done for Florida! Rising tide for all! Done.
November 28, 2022 at 9:12 am
Fake moniker, Classic political neophyte explanation. U are Meaningless, clueless and empty. DeSantis controls the agenda, will offer a populist agenda in second term, inauguration which will pull in more Dems, moms, independents, and minorities.
It’s a Reagan, Trump blend on issues, message, with a DeSantis vision and doctrine! America’s Gov is the right stuff, the real deal.
Populist, of the peeps, for the peeps, and bottom up. The Florida sunshine coalition is a national plan.
Do for America, what he’s done for Florida! Rising tide for all! Done.
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