Every year, the top tech companies in the world use CES to showcase what consumers can expect to see on store shelves in the not-so-distant future.
There have been a lot of hits, but for every must-have item on the showroom floor, there’s a facepalm-worthy product that leaves people wondering, “What were they thinking?”
And no company is too big to fail. Even Apple, the most valuable company in the world, has produced some stinkers. Remember the company’s foray into gaming consoles? No? That’s probably because the PIPPIN only moved 42,000 units.
Same goes for Nintendo’s Virtual Boy, which attempted to bring virtual reality into the home with a monochrome headset powered by mid-1990s tech.
Oakley, Nike, Harley Davidson, BIC and Sony each have at least one dud product they’d prefer their customers forget, too.
Unfortunately for them, Prelaunch.com has a long memory, and it’s putting these epic failures on display at CES 2023.
Its “Gallery of Flops” will be open to all attendees, who will be able to peruse them while learning about how each company could have avoided a black eye with better planning, market research, presentation and pricing strategy.
That’s Prelaunch.com’s specialty.
The company allows creators to predict whether customers would buy their product, with over 80% accuracy. It evaluates market demand and defines the pricing strategy by analyzing conversion metrics and comparing them with a growing dataset of industry averages.
It uses this data to show products’ real potential, credibly predicting any product’s launch success and helping creators avoid wasting time and resources on unexpected failures.
Over 1,000 creators have validated their products successfully using Prelaunch.com over the past four years.
“Based on my decades-long experience with thousands of startups, I’ve noticed one clear pattern that accompanies the majority of those that failed — no data-driven decisions during the prelaunch stage,” CEO Narek Vardanyan said. “Our team at Prelauch.com decided to address this issue by developing an all-in-one platform to help founders identify the real potential of their product before making investments.”
The Gallery of Flops will be located at Eureka Park’s Venetian Hall, booth No. 60311. CES 2023 will be held in Las Vegas Jan. 5-8.