Republican Sen. Rick Scott has amended his plan to overhaul how the federal government works after Democrats, including President Joe Biden, repeatedly invoked it to accuse Republicans of looking to cut Medicare and Social Security.
Scott unveiled his original plan last year when serving as chair of the campaign committee for Senate Republicans. It called for all federal legislation to sunset in five years, and if a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.
His revised plan specifies exceptions for Social Security, Medicare, national security, veterans benefits, and other essential services. The change comes as Democrats work to drive a wedge between GOP lawmakers and their base of older voters who rely on government programs for income and health insurance.
Biden held up a pamphlet of Scott’s original plan when he visited the senator’s home state of Florida last week, saying “I know that a lot of Republicans — their dream is to cut Social Security and Medicare. If that’s your dream, I’m your nightmare.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has also been highlighting Scott’s proposals to criticize the GOP’s budgetary demands. And Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell has consistently sought to distance Senate Republicans from Scott, telling reporters this week: “Let me say one more time, there is no agenda on the part of Senate Republicans to revisit Medicare or Social Security, period.”
Scott’s new plan takes a shot at his critics, saying in bold typeface: “Note to President Biden, Sen. Schumer, and Sen. McConnell – As you know, this was never intended to apply to Social Security, Medicare, or the US Navy.”
Scott explained the changes he made in a Washington Examiner op-ed that lashed out at Biden as well as McConnell.
“I have never supported cutting Social Security or Medicare, ever. To say otherwise is a disingenuous Democrat lie from a very confused president. And Sen. Mitch McConnell is also well aware of that. It’s shallow gotcha politics, which is what Washington does,” Scott wrote.
The White House wasn’t buying Scott’s explanation, though. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said cutting Medicare and Social Security was a “longstanding passion” for Scott.
Elliott Offen
February 18, 2023 at 7:57 pm
He’s revealed himself to be a crook, liar, and straight shill for the rich and the big companies. No putting that back in the bag. Conservatives have been destroying the nation with their voting choices for 23 years. It’s all over.
Mac Wiseman
February 18, 2023 at 8:00 pm
Its kind of anoying that there are so many meek mild Mitt Romney Jeb Bush type of RINO’s which we never hear from. Rick Scott speaks truth to power because he has Big Brahama Bull balls and never was convicted of $hit. Come on panty waist liberals and tell us all again how he took the 5th numerous times. I stand by my truthfull statement: Rick Scott was never convicted of $hit. Neither was Matt Gatez, neither was Donald Trump.
Y’all leftists kind of $uck at producing conviction results. Don’t ya?
Let me answer for you all.
Elliot; “well Mac is a +urd and besides Rick took the 5th many times and did blah blah blah blah many times.” “Oh and I want to endorse two obsure weirdos for POTUS avd VPOTUS nobody has ever heard of.”
Ocean “well Mac is a childish +urd and blah blah blah and blah blah blah blah.”
cassandra: ” Well Mac is a stinky +urd and a nasty wasty leftist nonsensical blather and blah blah blah, blather blather blather blather and further more…uhh did I say Mac is a +urd?….Oh OK then: studies and polling indicate blather blah blah about Ron in High School blah blah blah and Ron did this, that, and the other thing proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by blather blather blather.”
Mac speaking now: I just love you guys – so predictable – so wrong – so lame – typical leftists!!!!! I “totally got y’all” and you know I did!!!!!
Mac Wiseman
February 18, 2023 at 8:03 pm
Oh somehow I forgot to weave in “Balloon Boy Biden” into my rightous rant above. There ya go…took care of that!!!!
February 18, 2023 at 9:11 pm
Wrong, Mackie. I have **NEVER** used the ‘+’ word. Never.
Ocean Joe
February 21, 2023 at 11:31 am
Mac, don’t worry what others think.
Do work on your humor.
Scott is a liar, he got caught, he changed his plan.
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