America’s Governor found an analogue to the Great Communicator in describing his battles with corporate media.
During an interview Sunday night on the Fox News Channel‘s “Life, Liberty, and Levin,” Gov. Ron DeSantis mentioned former President Ronald Reagan in describing his ongoing battles with the media, noting that things had only gotten worse with the “lowest common denominator” media since that bygone era.
The Governor told host Mark Levin during an exclusive interview that “the corporate press has always had a liberal bias,” a conclusion Levin did not argue with.
“I mean, you remember President Reagan and he was just he could beat them so they couldn’t touch him, but they tried,” DeSantis related, before saying that it had only gotten worse since the 1980s when Reagan ruled the White House.
“But I think now what you have is, yes, they’re motivated by the left of course, but they’ve detached from facts entirely and it’s all about the narrative, whatever narrative they can spin, and they know a lot of these narratives are bogus, but what will happen is by the time we debunk it, some people will probably have believed it, so they can just get that first shot out,” DeSantis lamented.
“The next day, day after that people realized that they weren’t right, but, you know, 10% believed it, then they think that kind of the damage is done. So I think it’s kind of been just lowest common denominator, just letting ideology take over basic ethics,” DeSantis continued.
“But here’s the flip side of that when they attack me are voters, they view that as confirmation that I’m doing a good job, because they’re like, if he wasn’t effective, they would not be coming after him the way he did.”
DeSantis has complained often about the corporate press, including during a recent roundtable decrying so-called defamation from the media.
“We’ve seen over the last generation corporate media outlets, legacy media outlets increasingly divorce themselves from the truth, and instead try to elevate preferred narratives and partisan activism over reporting the facts. When they depart from the truth, a lot of times the truth’s on the cutting room floor, and the narratives they’re supporting and furthering actually damage a lot of people with lies,” DeSantis contended.
February 26, 2023 at 9:03 pm
Sounds like DeSantis is talking about Fox News the King of false narratives and pushing mistruths. Incredible!
tom palmer
February 26, 2023 at 9:23 pm
February 27, 2023 at 4:49 am
I touched Reagan and one day I’ll touch you Ronny lol
Rob Desantos
February 27, 2023 at 1:47 pm
Desantos doesn’t remember the 80s very well. Reagan worked the media masterfully and they loved him for it. He’s gonna need to grow thicker skin fast if he expects to be a national player.
Mr. Haney
February 27, 2023 at 2:53 pm
DeSantis is a coward. That much is obvious.
tom palmer
March 1, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Regan was a great communicator; DeSantis is poor at it.
March 2, 2023 at 8:48 am
This guy has a lot of nerve comparing himself to Reagan. He is the farthest thing from him
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