Marco Rubio is the latest Republican to roundly condemn former President Donald Trump’s indictment.
The Senator told the Fox & Friends crew Trump’s indictment was reminiscent of “Third World” countries and could set a dangerous precedent.
“I watch it happen all the time in the Third World and in developing countries,” Rubio contended. “They use prosecutors to go after candidates.”
From there, the Senator savaged Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for building a case that he argued was outside not just the statute of limitations, but the boundaries of law itself.
“We’re talking about a prosecutor who, before he was elected, promised to indict Donald Trump, who is basically using the testimony of a convicted liar to charge the leading candidate for President … on the basis of a state misdemeanor,” Rubio said.
“That has already passed a two-year statute of limitations, and the way he does it is by linking it to an alleged federal election violation that the Justice Department looked at and decided not to prosecute.”
The Senator then contended this action was not in “isolation,” but part of a trend of Trump targeting.
“This comes after the first impeachment ever of a sitting President over a phone call. The second impeachment, which is of a private citizen after he was out of office, an FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, an FBI director in the early days of the Trump administration that leaked private conversations with the President in order to get a special prosecutor appointed.”
“I mean, this is not one thing, this comes after a string of things,” Rubio continued. “I think you look at that and you say this is being weaponized, it’s being used and now the precedent is set.”
The Senator suggested other former Presidents may be next.
“Now every state and local prosecutor in America who wants to make a name for themselves is going to go out there and say, ‘Well, who can I target? Can I go after George W. Bush? Can I go after Barack Obama? Can I go after Joe Biden one day? Who can I go after to get famous?’”
Rubio added he would “be uncomfortable if the situation were reversed and this was a conservative or a Republican prosecutor going after a political figure on the other side.”
Democrats are likewise “uncomfortable,” Rubio contended, “because they understand that once you cross these lines, you know, the other side’s going to respond.”
“These are two-way streets in politics. How many norms in American politics have been broken just over the last 10 years? And every time one of those are broken, you can’t go back, it now becomes normal, and it becomes destructive and poisonous.”
Billy the Bamboozler McDivorced Thrice
April 3, 2023 at 9:56 am
What about inciting a violent riot and “I just need you to find more votes than we have?” The riot to disrupt a free and fair election was Banana Republic…the response is not. Republicans are the most dishonest people I’ve ever seen.
tom palmer
April 3, 2023 at 10:13 am
It is hard to take seriously someone bloviating about an indictment that has not been released publicly and that he has not read.
Dr. Franklin Waters
April 3, 2023 at 11:09 am
It’s exactly the opposite Little Marco.
Third World countries are the way they are because they’ve let corruption to take deep root at the highest levels. If we don’t take corruption seriously, even when it’s the POTUS, then we will find ourselves sliding down a dangerous slope that isn’t easy to return from.
Every patriotic, freedom loving American should be cheering this indictment. It shows our country isn’t going to stand for the kind of corruption that can rot a country from within.
Patrick Cook
April 4, 2023 at 11:53 am
Apparently the ‘good’ Senator was asleep when they taught about former President Nixon, who was forced by his own party to resign or be brought up on criminal charges. And the only way Nixon truly avoided charges when his successor, Gerald Ford, exonerated Nixon for his sins. Or Nixon’s Vice-President, Spiro Agnew, who actually was indicted for criminal acts and went to prison.
The party of law and order should be happy that the legal system is actually working the way that the Founders designed it to!
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