Make America Great Again Inc.’s latest ad criticizing Ron DeSantis’ support for slashing Social Security and Medicare benefits – something that 88 percent of voters are opposed to – went viral Friday.
Last month, The Daily Beast reported that DeSantis was struggling to be personable with supporters and staff alike; two sources told the outlet that the Governor was once spotted on a private plane eating a cup of chocolate pudding with three fingers. When interviewed by Piers Morgan, DeSantis didn’t deny the allegation. Instead, he challenged opponents that if “pudding fingers is the best you got, bring it.”
The ad – which aired on Fox News, CNN, and Newsmax – has taken over the internet. The single Tweet has already garnered over 3.4 million views 4.5 million views.
As of Friday night, when someone types in “Ron DeSantis” into Google – the first suggestion is “pudding.”
The ad has been covered by media outlets across the political spectrum including: Bloomberg, Breitbart, The Hill, People Magazine, The Daily Caller, Rolling Stone, Newsmax, The Washington Examiner, Politico, The New York Post, CNN, and The Daily Mail.
New York Magazine declared that the ad is “disgustingly good” as the writer “assumed there was no way to work ‘pudding fingers’ into a substantive attack ad on DeSantis’s plans for senior entitlements. But his team did it with one elegant phrase: ‘Ron DeSantis loves sticking his fingers where they don’t belong.’”
Over on CNN, anchor Jake Tapper called it “very memorable.” Jonah Golberg, a prominent Never Trumper, even acknowledged in the segment that the ad is “kind of brilliant” and is “clever and it’s going to stick…not only is it going to stick in people’s heads, but it will get enormous free media.”
Steve Bannon, meanwhile, called it one of the “bolder ads” that he’s “seen in recent years in politics.”
Politico Playbook called it “a buzzy new ad” that “goes after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Social Security and Medicare, while also jabbing his Republican rival over the reported incident when DeSantis ate pudding with his fingers.”
Bloomberg News cited, “As a member of the US House in 2013, DeSantis voted for a symbolic resolution that would have raised the age to qualify for Medicare and Social Security to 70.
In comparison, a DeSantis-aligned Super PAC released an ad of their own a day prior, which as of this writing has only garnered 134,000 views 159,000 views —1/33th of the attention.
The ad, which is running nationally, is a :60 second spot which barely even features their candidate and fails to communicate a single message.
Across the country, men and women are willing to fight alongside Governor Ron DeSantis, because he inspires us to never back down. pic.twitter.com/nRz3Kb6cYP
— Never Back Down (@NvrBackDown24) April 13, 2023
The ad was widely mocked for an odd transition where a woman “transitioned” into Ron DeSantis.
Never Trumper and former GOP consultant Reed Galen criticized the talent behind the Super PAC:
As my long-departed grandfather would say: “these guys can’t pour piss out of a (white rubber) boot.” https://t.co/VsOkJ0N1RF
— Reed Galen (@reedgalen) April 13, 2023
Even I noted the irony of the spot:
Oh, the wonderful irony of touting one of the most anti-trans politicians in the country with an ad that, wait for it, has an effect (at the 0:29 mark) of a woman transitioning into @RonDeSantisFL. https://t.co/18V6OKnupD pic.twitter.com/3lNBLbSGBY
— Peter Schorsch (@PeterSchorschFL) April 13, 2023
Corruption in Florida
April 15, 2023 at 4:16 pm
I’m not a fan of Trump. But DeSantis is downright dangerous. Trump does things as a showman. DeSantis does things because he enjoys the evilness of it.
He never should’ve won the first time, and he definitely should’ve won the second time. His career needs to end and he can be a desk jockey for some law firm.
Earl Pitts American
April 15, 2023 at 9:11 pm
Breaking news Lefties:
It’s been confirmed Apple is swirling the bowel.
I, Earl Pitts American expert crisis negotiator, am in high level talks with the Biden leadership and China.
I, Earl Pitts American, am authorized to release some calming information to our Great Nation.
We will either switch everyone to Androids in the USA – Or – We have a backup alternate plan which I will briefly lay out below.
1. Elon being the genius he is, totally knew this would happen, and has provided us with a list of all Twitter flaming lefties home addresses. Which we may use for a proposed leftie roundup and sending them to China in shipping containers to work alongside the Weigger slaves on Apples assembly line.
2. Either that solution oe we switch the nation to Android products.
A. I, Earl Pitts American, am going to bat for you lefties and pushing for the Andriod solution.
B. China is wary of bringing in a bunch of lefiies into their nation because some of you may escape from Apples slave production factories and cause political problems in their nation along with your perverse drug and sexual habits. Also China said that if any of you lefties try to groom and gender affirm their childern they will kill you.
The good news:
On the bright side China is down with abortion so at least that should make you lefties happy if we decide to sell … uh … I mean rent your labor to China. If we do go with the roundup method you wont need to pack anything and food will be provided for the 3 month ocean crossing in your beautiful temporary shipping container suites.
Thank you America,
I will keep you lefties posted,
Earl Pitts American
Billy the Bamboozler
April 16, 2023 at 7:10 am
👆 Delusional narcissistic psychopath… needs medication and involuntary inpatient psychiatric treatment. Needs ankle monitor.
April 16, 2023 at 10:29 am
Earl Pitts
Fictional character
DescriptionEarl Pitts is a fictional character performed by Gary Burbank, a radio personality from Cincinnati, Ohio beginning in 1968. Pitts, who is almost always referred to as “Earl Pitts, Uhmerikun” is a stereotype of a redneck from the Southern United States. Wikipedia
David Pakman
April 15, 2023 at 4:40 pm
Should have made the exact same video but instead of pudding.. DeSantis sticks fingers in azz!👉🍩
Say, “This is what DeSanctimonious will do to America.”😆
Corruption in Florida
April 15, 2023 at 5:10 pm
The way that DeSantis attacks, the LGBTQ community, drag, queens and women , he’s either closeted wanna be drag queen or gay. The fact that he wears high heels and his princess boots. just saying.
Earl Pitts American
April 15, 2023 at 8:03 pm
Good evening America,
The lefties think because their NYC DA with the giant 85 pound Charlie Brown got Trump to appear in NYC on a “trumped” up charge (see what I, Earl Pitts American, just did there dook 4 brains lefties?) … anyway back to my political rant…y’all dook 4 brains feel your 85 # Charlie Brown fat head NYC DA did something to embolden you to think your Candidate can beat Trump. WRONG lefties. Y’all have effed up so bad it wont matter if y’all run Michell for POTUS and Opra for Vice POTUS. Nope wont matter Nickki Haley and Apu that Indian guy that ran the Quickie Mart in The Simpsons would beat down your Michelle and your Opra.
Furthermore if your idiots in the White House start WWIII Republicans will effin win WWIII and still own The White House. Y’all going down y’all can choose if y’all want tobgo down with class or kicking and screaming all the way. Conservatives dont care, either way its your choice, dook 4 brains lefties.
Thank you America
Earl Pitts American
April 16, 2023 at 12:36 am
Earl Pitts American, please seek therapy.
David Pakman
April 16, 2023 at 7:13 am
Earl Pitts is a paid Russian troll. Needs court ordered medication and inpatient psychiatric hospitalization.
April 16, 2023 at 10:29 am
What needs ending is dumb comments
April 16, 2023 at 1:37 pm
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