Headed into a debate with Daniel Davis, Jacksonville mayoral candidate Donna Deegan continues to accentuate the positive.
At least, that’s the message from two ads running currently, which serve as responses to negative Republican messaging calling her a liberal who doesn’t support law enforcement.
In “We Know Better,” the Democrat says her opponent and allies “lie and smear because they don’t want change” in a “desperate attempt to hold onto power.”
“You’ve known me my whole life. And you know these hateful ads just aren’t true,” Deegan urges. “Let’s break the fever of divisive politics. Come together and heal over a positive vision.”
“The Facts” makes a similar argument, drawing on the former newscaster’s quarter-century of being a “trusted voice” on Jacksonville’s television news.
“So here are the facts. I support our police and have a plan to keep our neighborhoods safe and healthy. And I’m the only candidate who has never and will never support the corrupt JEA deal. We can end the division and heal this city,” Deegan contends.
The ads come as Deegan has found it challenging to maintain the 15-point advantage she had in the First Election back in March.
A survey released Monday from the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab shows Deegan with a marginal lead over Daniel Davis, 48% to 47%, with 5% undecided.
That lead is well within the poll’s margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points, and the latest indication that Davis is managing to bring Republicans and no-party voters to his side who were not there in the First Election.
While Deegan has support from 92% of Democrats, Davis has the support of 89% of Republicans. No-party voters in the survey are still breaking Deegan’s way, 53% to 42%.
The gender split is as even as it gets. Deegan has 51% of women, and Davis has 51% of men. Both candidates have 44% support among the opposite sex in this survey.
Davis dominates among White voters, with 62% support against 34% for Deegan. Hispanic voters are also breaking Davis’ way, 58% to 42%. Meanwhile, 88% of Black voters back Deegan.
Rachel d
April 21, 2023 at 1:15 am
Political ads kill me- she’s running a positive ad after so many attack ads previously. Why can’t candidates just say what they’re for, what they’re against and some realistic goals if elected? Totally unrealistic, right?
Miss Politics
April 21, 2023 at 1:12 pm
I agree. I already voted and it wasn’t for her.
April 30, 2023 at 10:21 am
Yes to this! The immaturity exhibited in these ridiculous “grasping for straws” smear ads makes it painfully clear that Daniel Davis doesn’t have a solid plan to help all constituents in our city. I’m over the middle school antics displayed by this overgrown trust fund man baby. Ready for proactive plans that benefit all residents of Jacksonville.
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