Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to work laudatory statements about wherever he speaks into his stump speech intros.
At the Utah Republican Convention Saturday, the Florida Governor contended that his state is the “Utah of the Southeast.”
“Utah is one of the best governed, best performing states in the United States. You have a sound economy, you promote a good business environment, you stress the importance of education, you have fiscal and budgetary stability and you have safe communities,” DeSantis contended.
“And I think underlying the success of Utah has been a commitment to freedom like Florida. Utah proves that freedom works,” DeSantis added. “Now over the last few years since I’ve been governor, people have looked to Florida for leadership in a variety of different ways.”
DeSantis added that he “was recently visiting with some folks in Iowa and people said, you know, Iowa, they’re really the Florida of the Midwest with all the conservative stuff they’re doing. Well, let me just tell you maybe it’s a little secret, but it might just be that Florida is the Utah of the Southeast.”
This continued a theme of idiosyncratic DeSantis asides.
In the Granite State addressing the New Hampshire GOP at the Amos Tuck Dinner, the Governor suggested Floridians were not proud of the state before he arrived on the political scene.
“I was born and raised in Florida, and it’s only been recently that we’ve developed a sense of state pride ourselves,” DeSantis said. “We’re proud to have stood up for freedom in the last few years when it wasn’t easy. We did it our own way and I’m proud of that.”
“But I must admit we draw inspiration from the people here in New Hampshire,” DeSantis continued. “Because more than any other state, you don’t mince words when it comes to your stand on liberty. You say it very clearly: Live Free or Die.”
Continuing his recent commitment to swing state intersectionality, DeSantis told an Ohio crowd he was one of them.
The Governor, addressing the Butler County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner, said that he represented so-called “Ohio values.”
“I can stand here representing Ohio values because the two most important women in my life (are from Ohio),” DeSantis said. “My mother is from Youngstown, and my wife is from Troy, and so my family reflects your family.”
Villages Wino Bill McClure
April 22, 2023 at 12:56 pm
Yeah that’s really something to be proud of..compare Florida to Mormon Utah. Bunch of self righteous nuts with a head full of fantasy and false narratives. This is not the kind of thing that moves humanity forward… only creates a population ripe for ideological, political, and economic exploitation. Heavy class based society will less change for economic mobility. Money doesn’t trickle down.
M. Mouse
April 22, 2023 at 1:28 pm
Gee, everywhere DeSantis goes he finds another Florida, and he thinks they’ll all be so happy to hear the news. Sounds like he lives in Fantasyland.
Earl Pitts American
April 23, 2023 at 10:32 pm
Good evening M. Mouse,
Your lovely wife is just sick knowing you spent the entire weekend over at #un+€r BI[)€n’s party house. Minnie’s just sick of your $exual peversions and drug use. Minnie’s leaving you M. Mouse and bringing herself and all the mousketers over to live with me. You lost a really great wife Bucko.
Thank you peverse M. Mouse,
Earl Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
April 22, 2023 at 3:18 pm
Fleur D’uh definitely is not Utah. You see, Utah has a smart, conservative Governor. America’s armpit has Rhonda’s Panties for Gub’ner, spewing nonsense in continuous attempts at creating wedge issues with which to manipulate feeble minded elderly scam victims. Mp “Meatwad” Ron has even less of a chance on the national level than Defelonious Javina Trump has, which is to say “Less than nil.”
Earle Kirkwood
April 22, 2023 at 5:25 pm
Mealy mouthed Ron DeSantis doesn’t have a clue !
April 22, 2023 at 8:34 pm
So, DeSantis thinks we were not proud of Florida before he came into the picture? I call BS! most of us Floridians hate the division he has created by changing LAWS to fulfill HIS narcissistic agenda. Be VERY CAREFUL on allowing DeSantis to climb higher in politics…..as it WILL be the end of Democracy!
April 23, 2023 at 11:35 am
Let’s see if anything that hppens with this man and his deciples makes since. Fort Lauderdale is a total disaster, while he could have called on his personal 400 man personally commanded Florida State Guard (funded by 10 million dollars approved by his Disciples in the Florida Legislature). However, He offered no assistance or even communication to those in charge.Now campaigning in Utah he states that we are just like Utah and makes a quick 20 second call to BIDEN for federal aid. Would this take place in Utah?
Jerry Depiesse
April 23, 2023 at 11:42 am
Ron DeSantis has been recently endorsed by George Soros, Jeb Bush and George Bush jr which shows me that he’s a deep state Rino. I supported and voted for DeSantis for Governor, However I do not support him running for president. President Trump’s endorsement for DeSantis to be governor of Florida is the only reason he won, with him running against and Not supporting the very man that got him
elected shows how unloyal and undedicated he truly is to making America Great Again.
Elliott Offen
April 23, 2023 at 12:03 pm
Big business making too much money off the working class and not paying employees enough. America is not great if so many people aren’t making a living wage. Money doesn’t trickle down.
Bert Stimson
April 23, 2023 at 6:02 pm
That comparison makes zero sense. This phony will just blatantly pander to whatever that day’s audience wants to hear.
Can't Make This Stuff Up
April 24, 2023 at 1:51 pm
Please forgive us for the moRon pretending to be Florida’s Governor, while actually running for President in violation of our “Resign to Run Law”. He has no respect for the law or the Constitution, which he has been found in violation of on many occasions by the Federal Judiciary. We know Utah and Florida are about as different as two states can be. Again, we are sorry and extremely embarrassed by the crazy we have unleashed on you and the country. We will try to do better in the future.
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