Gov. Ron DeSantis is headed to Iowa this weekend, and a spate of paid media will greet his arrival.
DeSantis Watch is rolling out spots in what the group calls a “five-figure ad buy across broadcast television, digital platforms, and radio to introduce his extreme agenda to Iowans.”
“As Ron DeSantis continues his cratering dog-and-pony show campaign for President, it is vital that Iowans know what his real blueprint for America would mean for them and their families,” said DeSantis Watch Communications Director Anders Croy.
TV viewers will see “Russian Doll.” This 30-second spot “lays out Governor DeSantis’ record of giving massive tax cuts to billionaires and the corporate elite while advocating for slashing Social Security and Medicare benefits for Americans, modeling the same corruption of his political idol Donald Trump.”
The digital “Broken Promises” spot runs 15 seconds long, and features a purported farmer saying Iowans “can’t trust” DeSantis because he voted for budgets that would have cut Social Security and Medicare while in Congress.
A 60-second radio spot, “Reference,” mocks up a phone call from an Iowa voter reaching out to a Floridian about the Governor, in the state “looking for a job.” Unsurprisingly, the Sunshine State resident gives DeSantis low marks due to the state’s cost of living issues, including property insurance costs.
“The only people who are winning in Florida are the billionaires and corporate elites whose profits go through the roof while Ron DeSantis gives them billions in tax handouts as our costs continue to rise and our wages stay low,” Croy added.
“Not only that, Ron DeSantis has a long record of supporting billions in cuts to Social Security and Medicare that would break the promise our country has made to millions of hardworking Americans. Iowans cannot afford Ron DeSantis.”
The Governor has two scheduled stops in the Hawkeye State.
The Governor and First Lady Casey DeSantis will appear at the “Feenstra Family Picnic” held by U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra in Sioux Center.
That event, to be held at the Dean Family Classic Car Museum, kicks off at 11 a.m., with suggested donation levels running between $50 and $6,600.
From there, DeSantis will head to Cedar Rapids, where Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann will hold a ticketed discussion and fundraiser featuring the Florida Governor. Tickets start at $100 per person and $175 per couple, with pricier hosting opportunities.
Billy the Bamboozler McSewer
May 11, 2023 at 12:14 pm
DeSantis has done nothing for Florida accept phoney baloney police state theatre and sign stupid laws cooked up by religious whackos. His gang of nincompoops are just a Trump sub-brand..a fad. He cannot win national office so he will just make people’s lives misrable here and whip up sub-apes.
Dont Say FLA
May 11, 2023 at 1:31 pm
I wouldn’t be opposed to ending Social Security just so long as I get a refund of every penny I’ve paid into MY social security account, along with the investment gains and compounding interest earned by MY money the Gubment has forcibly taken and allegedly holds in reserve for ME in MY social security account.
Elliott Offen
May 11, 2023 at 2:38 pm
👆POS hog who only cares about his own azz and then wonders why the country is so fked up.
Rob Desantos
May 12, 2023 at 5:00 pm
GOP voter’s favorite song: “I Me Mine”
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