Tensions continue between a leading civil rights organization and the Florida Governor.
In the wake of a travel advisory issued by the NAACP, the group’s President is saying that the way forward must involve the end of Ron DeSantis’ political career.
“We didn’t get here overnight. It was because of the election so we have to prepare for the next election so we can get rid of him once and for all,” NAACP President Derrick Johnson said on CNN, as reported by The Hill.
On Saturday, the NAACP Board of Directors issued a travel advisory urging people to avoid the Sunshine State.
“Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color,” the advisory reads.
Johnson spoke to those concerns during his cable hit Monday.
“The Governor has perfected the art of pulling stunts to gain campaign contributions,” Johnson said. “Unfortunately, this will impact people’s lives. We should not use race or othering as a tool to weaponize against people and unfortunately for a large percentage of Floridians, that’s what he has done. Therefore, we are advising African Americans and others that if you travel to Florida, beware that your life is not valued.”
The Governor’s Office is not taking the group’s concerns seriously.
“This is all a stunt. We aren’t going to waste our time on a stunt,” asserted Press Secretary Jeremy Redfern.
When the advisory was floated back in March, as the Florida NAACP urged the national group to issue the call, DeSantis was dismissive of this as being one of many “stupid fights” in the country, using the “stunt” language to describe it.
“This is a stunt to try to do that. It’s a pure stunt. And fine, if you want to waste your time on a stunt, that’s fine. But I’m not wasting my time on your stunts,” DeSantis said at a press conference in Orange Park.
May 22, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Pray for Derrick Johnson’s success, regardless of its likelihood.
Richard Bruce
May 22, 2023 at 12:35 pm
Johnson is so un-self-aware that he actually said, “We should not use race…” . The NAACP is a racist organizational who routinely uses race to create conflict to further their segregationist agenda.
May 22, 2023 at 1:14 pm
Crazy talk! Grow up and get your head out of Breitbart!
Deplorables Are Qristians
May 22, 2023 at 1:25 pm
Bless your Qristian heart
Dr. Franklin Waters
May 22, 2023 at 2:11 pm
“segregationist agenda”
And there it is. The stupidest thing i’ll read all week.
May 23, 2023 at 7:33 am
Totally true. If there was true concern, the NAACP leadership wouldn’t live or vacation here. It’s a grift.
Rob Desantos
May 23, 2023 at 3:03 pm
Richard Bruce demonstrates once again that for Republicans, every accusation is a confession.
Dont Say FLA
May 22, 2023 at 12:37 pm
Considering how the NAACP is not Florida’s GOP Supermajority, Ron backs immediately down from engaging with them. Ron has no real political experience. He has only preached to the GOP choir. Don’t know why anybody thinks he could ever be successful without a Supermajority GOP that jumps when Ron say jump, and kisses and rolls over on command too. Trump got Ron his job, and Ron just coasted since then. Even Idiot Trump has more relevant political experience than Ron DeSantis has.
May 22, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Republicans biggest problems:
1. Violence of White Nationalist
2. Their abortion policies that most Americans do not agree with
3. The decline in population of white Americans.
4. Hate for immigrants, people of color, and all sexual minorities.
Ten years ago Lindsey Graham summed it up this way:
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the GOP’s brighter bulbs, worries that they’re “losing the demographic race”. He told the Washington Post:
“We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
Keystone Keys
May 22, 2023 at 4:29 pm
America’s biggest problem. PeterH, and people like PeterH.
Elliott Offen
May 22, 2023 at 1:23 pm
NAACP will send waves of suicide bombers to the governor’s mansion… obtain stinger missiles.
May 22, 2023 at 1:48 pm
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Earl Pitts American
May 22, 2023 at 2:24 pm
Good afternoon America,
The fact that Derrick “Uncle Tom” Johnson just did the bidding of his white boy Bud Lite drinking masters of both the 1. Democratic Plantation and the real power behind 2. the N2ACP is totally irrelevant. Real Blacks are voting for Desantis.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts “You Know I’m Right” American
Keystone Keys
May 22, 2023 at 4:31 pm
This travel advisory will ensure that even MORE people travel to Florida. Thanks Derrick Johnson!
Earl Pitts American
May 22, 2023 at 8:21 pm
Good evening America,
Just look at how my man Keystone Keys and myself, Earl Pitts American, have owned and shut down all the above dook 4 brains leftists.
Yeah they love to talk their $hit when they think Keystone and Earl arent around to kick a boot up their @55’s. But look how we shut them down when we arrive on the scene.
Run and hide.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
May 22, 2023 at 9:01 pm
So, the current lie is that DeSantis is racist although Joe Biden is a constant race baiter whose favorite thing is to use race as a weapon. Biden is horrible for this country, not only in terms of racial division, but also in terms of the economy and foreign affairs. DeSantis would be a breath of fresh air, and I would gladly give him my vote if he secures the nomination.
Impeach Biden
May 22, 2023 at 9:49 pm
Passing through the Miami airport this morning I can tell you people of color ar not following the NAACP guidelines and they never will hear. People of all colors, religions, sex, whatever like it here. The NAACP is simply out of touch and will lose this battle trying to convince people of color to stay away.
Brian Brady
May 22, 2023 at 11:09 pm
Shame on the NAACP. Facts:
1- FL African American unemployment rate is third lowest in USA.
2- FL African American income disparity is 8th lowest in USA
3- FL African American homeownership rate is 9th best in USA
4- FL is home to 4 of the top 25 high-population counties, for African American life expectancy, exceeded only by Massachusetts with 5 and tied with NY.
If you are an African American, you are more likely (by a long shot) to be employed, be paid more fairly, own a home, and live longer in FLORIDA than at least 40 other of these United States.
Dont Say FLA
May 23, 2023 at 10:35 am
Brian Brady is almost on the mark. If you’re an African American in Florida, you’re more likely to be shot by police for a long time, or arrested for using your voter registration card that Rhonda gave you. Imagine having the nerve of a registered voter, going out and voting! Rhonda’s failed state government can’t even keep voter registration cards out of the hands of the convicted felons who are not legally eligible to vote. Don’t even get me started on Rhonda actively putting guns into the hands of felons! “You can’t vote even though I gave you a voter registration, but here, have some guns! Thanks and vote for me! — Rhonda.”
May 23, 2023 at 2:26 pm
Rob Desantos
May 23, 2023 at 3:31 pm
I’d be interested to know which of your older-white-guy email buddies forwarded you these unsourced propaganda points.
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