Kicking off his presidential campaign Tuesday, Ron DeSantis invited supporters to come to D.C. with him.
“It’s time we impose our will on Washington DC,” DeSantis said in his first Iowa stop since becoming an official candidate.
The Florida Governor told supporters in West Des Moines that if elected President, he could use them in Washington, to help him implement his conservative vision.
“We need to inspire Americans from around the country to maybe pick up your family and move to the nation’s capital for two, four, six or eight years because we need people who live in the country to come out to DC, to reassert the right of We the People to run our own government,” DeSantis said.
The Governor believes the DC government “has imposed its will on us for far too long,” and credits his own “humility” with understanding that he needs people to help actualize his vision.
“A leader must have humility to know that he can’t do it alone. It’s a team effort. You can make the best decisions in the world — And I recognized this as Governor, when I became Governor of Florida — you can have great policies, you can make good decisions, but you need to have a cadre of people with you that share your values and will put the mission first
“And you can’t just recycle people from Washington DC,” DeSantis noted.
Ed's Marxist Twin Brother 👍
May 30, 2023 at 9:30 pm
Yeah that’s the ticket. Just tell everyone you’ll impose your fetid will on people. This guy is crazy!!!
May 31, 2023 at 12:34 am
People who live in the country can’t afford to live in Washington DC where a 1BR, 1B apartment condo sells for $1.5 million dollars.
Michael K
May 31, 2023 at 1:13 am
So basically, DeSantis is in the business of grooming people , and indoctrinating them.
His language reminds me of a guy in the 1930s who blamed everything on a small group of people and systematically abused the powers of the state to try to erase their existence.
Earl Pitts American
May 31, 2023 at 3:19 am
Good morning America,
The article above is written in a method to disparIge Desantis. However if you focus on just what he said and ignore the leftist spin you clearly see why the DC Swamp wants to run against Trump over Desantis.
Heres your look into the future:
1. The left knows 100% they have already lost the White House in 2024.
2. Trump is a known enemy to the left and allthough Trump made big noise about draining the swamp – the left knows Trump never lifted a finger to drain the swamp and Trump never will drain the swamp. Best case scenairo for the left and the swamp is Trump in the White House.
3. Desantis, on the other hand, frightens the heck out of a.) the left but more importantly b.) the swamp.
In sumatation for all you dook 4 brains leftists:
The left knows they can not retain the White House and will perfer Trump 100% over Desantis. The left’s greatest hope at this point is to slither back down to retaining control of just the Senate and bide their time until dook 4 brains leftistism raises its ugly head again in our Great Nation.
Finally, and most dont know this, but your real enemy is not the left if you are conservative, it is not the right if you are liberal, everyone’s real enemy is the DC Swamp.
We are going to need FDLE to ramp up their protection of Desantis because the DC Swamp is the most dangerous enemy on the planet.
A Random Guest
May 31, 2023 at 5:28 am
Rhonda Santis is one sick megalomaniac.
We don’t need a horde of armed Christian nationalists roaming through the streets of D.C.
Ditto for the swarms of Pedo Pastors Groomers force feeding us their fairy tales on behalf of Rhonda Santis.
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