A new poll undercuts Ron DeSantis’ argument that he’s best positioned to prevail in a 2024 General Election.
A survey conducted by The Economist and YouGov from June 3-6 shows 50% of self-identified independent voters regard the Florida Governor unfavorably.
Compounding the problem, 35% of independents polled have a very unfavorable impression of the Sunshine State’s chief executive, a number that’s far and away the biggest among the potential answers. An additional 15% see DeSantis in a “somewhat unfavorable light.”
The passion isn’t matched on the positive side of the ledger, where 17% of independent voters see DeSantis in a “somewhat favorable” light and just 10% hold a “very favorable” regard for the Governor.
Just 23% have no impression at all, leaving DeSantis at -23 with the voters who may prove most pivotal if DeSantis secures the Republican nomination.
Philosophically “moderate” voters have an even worse impression of the Governor, meanwhile, with 55% disapproving, including 40% with a “very unfavorable” disposition and 15% who see DeSantis in a “somewhat unfavorable’ light.
Meanwhile, 21% have a “somewhat favorable” impression of DeSantis, with just 7% seeing him in a “very favorable” light. All told, DeSantis is -26 with moderates.
During a recent Fox News Radio interview, DeSantis told host Brian Kilmeade voters were fatigued by Trump and would “default” to Joe Biden if the former President gets the Republican nomination.
“I think that there’s a lot of voters who just aren’t going to vote for him, who don’t like Biden. And you realize the country is going in the wrong direction, but they’re not going to go there. And I think that in 2016, the voters that disliked both Trump and Hillary, they sided with Trump. I think in 2020 and ’24 it will be that they dislike both, but they would probably default to Biden. So I think that they want a vehicle to go forward.”
Indeed, Trump is polling even worse with independent voters (with 58% disapproval) and moderate voters (67% disapproval). But whether DeSantis is the “vehicle” going forward is an open question.
Ocean Joe
June 7, 2023 at 12:15 pm
Oops! Guess all that ‘my way or the highway’ stuff only works in a place like Florida.
Dont Say FLA
June 7, 2023 at 12:48 pm
Given Florida state government’s GOP super majority, Ron has zero real political experience. The little guy hasn’t had to negotiate a single thing as Governor. He’s got some hard lessons to learn ahead of him, and I doubt he’s the right guy who could learn those lessons. Unless Casey tells him, lol
June 7, 2023 at 3:55 pm
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Rob Desantos
June 7, 2023 at 12:39 pm
Such an utter implosion couldn’t happen to a more deserving politician.
Dont Say FLA
June 7, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Half of independent voters regard Ron DeSantis unfavorably, and the other half has not yet encountered him or his “Disney, trans and drag queens are coming for your children” nonsense platform.
Earl Pitts American
June 7, 2023 at 1:08 pm
Good afternoon America,
Typically when we consider the Independants we expect 1/2 to lean twoards the dook 4 brains leftist side. Which leaves I/2 typically leaning to the good, normal, God fearing side which is the wise and correct Republican side.
Two things:
1.) It does not appear either The Economist or YouGov actually did any polling whatsoever.
2.) With less than a 30% approval rating Nation Wide for the current Puppet Master regime controlling The White House logically we Do Not have a 50/50 split with the Independants. Proof Positive no actual polling was conducted.
Earl Pitts American’s Fan Club’s polling clearly indicates:
Third grade elementry school math clearly tells us the Independants Really are leaning 70% for Desantis/Trump and just 30% for Anyone else.
After we pause and reflect it is quite clear 70% of the Nation is voting Republican and 28% Democrat.
FYI the remaining 2% will be casting their votes for that TV star who played APU on The Simpsons who changed his name to Vivick Ramaswammy.
You are welcome America,
Earl Pitts “All Early Polling Is BS” American
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
June 7, 2023 at 2:35 pm
Why hasn’t the State of Florida locked you up and put you in the gas chamber yet Earl?
Sick pedo.
Ron DeS💩ntis
June 7, 2023 at 7:43 pm
Because he is running for President.
Rob Desantos
June 7, 2023 at 4:22 pm
Clearly you have no idea how to read anything in that survey, you illiterate groomer Earl. Literally all of your numbers are wrong, because you are an idiot and a liar.
June 7, 2023 at 5:10 pm
Earl Pitts Aermican’s Fan Club member count: 1
Means that even Shitts for Pitts Earl only thinks the Trump or Desantis combo is 70% (which is on the edge of failing) and he votes Democrat Dook 4 Brains the other 30%. You RINO.
June 7, 2023 at 5:58 pm
Good afternoon to our three dook 4 brains leftists above,
My, Earl Pitts American’s numbers along with my, Earl Pitts American’s deep well of superior political knowledge, skills, and abilities are beyond dispute.
You will all be begging me for favors when the Desantis/Pitts team takes occupancy of The White House January 7, 2024.
In the meantime I, Earl Pitts American, am taking inventory of all the paintings, silverware, furniture, plates, pots & pans, and all the White House Swag on Air Force I & II to make sure the current Resident and his crew dont rob us blind when they check out.
Doing the same thing for my, Earl Pitts American’s, VPOTUS Washington residence to make sure Kamalla does not steal anything. I’m also measuring for new drapes. Probley replace the carpets and get a pest control business to kill all the fleas, roaches, and bedbugs too. They can take all the linins and towels with them. Any left will be burnt because dook 4 brains leftist cooties are no joke Jack.
I, Earl Pitts American, am inventoring and photo documenting each and every rose bush in The Rose Garden. Jill’s got her mind set on digging up America’s roses too.
Thank you dook 4 brains lefty’s,
Earl Pitts “VPOTUS IN WAITING” American
June 7, 2023 at 6:27 pm
And the best thing is you can trounce all you want on a fictious character under the new law signed in.
Shitts the Pitts, so dumb he’s a ditz. Go back into your shithole, the rest of the FL independents got FL’s back. The GQP sure don’t (unless you count begging immigrants not to go because they do all the work we were just “kidding” about the bill). Pathetic
Richie O’Geez
June 7, 2023 at 7:49 pm
Earl Shit 4 Brains
Obviously, you were dropped on a hard floor at birth, by the doctor or your mother. Due to the hard drop, education was not a path for you. I understand life has been difficult and hard for you. Don’t let ignorance cause you to be a liability in life. The Biden administration has created programs for individuals like yourself that can help you in your time of psychological need.
Safe travels Earl.
Hunter Biden
June 7, 2023 at 7:42 pm
I’m Hunter Biden and I’ll walk into your kitchen, kick your dog and take a bite of your Stella Doro French Bread Pizza.
Earl, I’ve seen you and you’re more Titts than Pitts. French Bread Pizza…
Earl Pitts American
June 8, 2023 at 12:52 pm
Thank you for finally opening up a line of communication with me, Earl Pitts American, Hunter.
As you know Minnie and Mickey got divorced and I, Earl Pitts American, have been helping her out since Mickey wont pay child support for all his little Mouseketiers.
Hunter please stop abusing fentynal with Mickey and having un-natural beastality $ex with the drug addled rodant. We are trying to clean Mickey up and get him involved in rehab but he wont go if you keep him all doped up and doing whatever sexual crimes against nature with Mickey.
We need to get Mickey sobered up and back as CEO of Disney to stop all this wokeness cancer within the Majic Kingdom.
Please have a heart Hunter we dont want to loose Mickey right after the heart break of loosing Tina Turner. Hunter send Mickey home America can not take a Mickey/Tina back to back heart break.
Thank you Hunter,
Minnie and I pray you will send Mickey home to his family alive.
Earl Pitts American
June 8, 2023 at 3:09 pm
Above dude must go…moderator?
June 8, 2023 at 4:56 pm
Earl is good for business. People come here in great numbers just to see what Earl will say next about his arch nemisis the dook 4 brains lefties. Earl shows great respect for what he calls his benelovant host publication F. P.
Contrast Earl and what he does with some guy named Jake who may have had his tender feelings hurt. This Jake who has no track record of bringing business to F. P. pops up out of nowhere and demands his feelings be addressed.
Back before I retired I would have told Jake that his feelings are important to us and that we will take his request into consideration. And of course hope he goes away.
June 7, 2023 at 8:17 pm
Independent voters are fiscally conservative and responsible patriotic Americans with higher education degrees and rational common sense demeanor. Most are middle class and homeowners.
We overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and will again vote for Biden if either Trump or DeSantis are at the top of the GQP ticket. The choice is simple.
Michael K
June 8, 2023 at 8:26 am
Young conservatives, 18-29, are increasingly alienated by a Republican Party that refuses to even talk about sensible gun reform (the generation most affected by school mass murders), women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and racial inequities (the most diverse generation in American history). Though Republicans skew older and white, don’t underestimate the impact of this generation on the 2024 election.
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