New polling of the 2024 Republican presidential race offers good news for Donald Trump and red flags for Ron DeSantis.
“Trump’s edge, when it comes to his own party, again appears insurmountable at this early stage of the nominating process,” claims the memo accompanying the latest I&I/TIPP Poll.
The story is a familiar one of traction for Trump and doldrums for DeSantis. The former President’s 55% support gives him “what appears to be an insuperable 36-point lead” over DeSantis’ 19%.
Other names are even further back.
Former Vice President Mike Pence has 6% support, followed by former United Nations envoy Nikki Haley and current South Carolina U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, both at 3%. Author Vivek Ramaswamy and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu each have 2% support, meanwhile, with other names further back still.
The poll of 482 likely Republican Primary voters was in the field May 31 through June 2, before Trump’s federal indictment and before Sununu ruled out a run for the White House.
The 36-point Trump lead is well above the margin of error of +/- 4.6 percentage points for the Republican and Republican-leaning sample.
This poll is in line with the Race to the White House polling average, which shows the former President with 55% support, against 22% for DeSantis.
Race to the White House, at least at this point, sees a lopsided delegate fight. It forecasts Trump with 1,862 delegates in a crowded field, well above the 1,234 needed to win, with DeSantis mired at 539.
In a field that narrows to Trump and DeSantis after Nevada, the landscape is more forbidding still for the Florida Governor. Trump is projected to have 1,971 delegates in that scenario, with DeSantis garnering just 484.
June 12, 2023 at 9:25 am
So at THIS point it appears the fascist Republican candidate will not win their primary but their CRIMINAL candidate WILL. How lovely that the once “law and order” political party and its voters now favor candidates who openly flout and violate the US Constitution and the country’s laws.”God BLESS the USA”? More like “God HELP the USA”…
Linda Tincher
June 12, 2023 at 2:14 pm
President Trump is the only one who can fix our country!
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 2:33 pm
Will he fix it from prison? Because that seems very likely to be where he will be staying till he passes of old age or “suicide,” whichever comes first, just like that guy Jeffrey Epstein.
Charlie Brown
June 12, 2023 at 2:48 pm
If you watched something besides the Clinton News Network you’d see that what Trump is alleged to have done, is a mere pittance to what your man Biden has done-and they have proof of his crimes!
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 3:23 pm
If CNN has proof of Biden crimes, Ms Cabaret, why don’t they release it?
Oh, I get it, you’re just trying to change the subject like Ron Don Serf Shop customers always trying to do.
Change the subject from Donald “Deejay” ReSanctus whenever their actions come up for discussion. LOL
45 Hat
June 12, 2023 at 9:38 am
Look, Donald’s red hat has the number of pages of his latest indictment. 45 pages of indictment of 45.
He got so many pages of indictments that it took 4 more pages just for the penalty document that starts on page 46. I never seen a penalty document that was more than 1 page before. WOW.
LOL @ Donald 45.
Linda Tincher
June 12, 2023 at 2:20 pm
You’re wrong! Let’s take a look at Bidens criminal record and Hillary’s! Shall we????
45 Hat
June 12, 2023 at 2:30 pm
They have no criminal history, as of yet, same as Trump, so far. Trump’s civil liability in that last trial does not count as criminal, of course. That aside, how am I wrong? You say I’m wrong, but his has a 45 and the page count of the indictment is also 45. There’s not much room for subjectivity in my assessment. I had never seen a penalty document at all, so it’s truthful I’d never see a penalty document with more than 1 page. That’s somewhat misleading, yet still truthful. The only misread you might get is thinking I’d seen a 1 page penalty document. So again, how am I wrong? Do tell. Thanks in advance
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 10:13 am
Good morning America,
I know its very confusing to know whats really going on these days.
The meida is still around 90% leftist , the media manipulates the dook for brains leftists, and there are many reasonable people who think, “well maybe today the media is really telling the truth”, but sadly that is never true. Easy for you to understand when I, Earl Pitts American, put it in writing and you read it – right?
However when I, Earl Pitts American, am not standing right there beside you, most of you revert back to really, really, really wanting to believe the media might one day stop leading the dook 4 brains leftists along with their lies…..and maybe, just maybe, that wonderful day is today.
I, Earl Pitts American, just described most people who will actually read my golden words of wisdom.
You are now thinking: “Oh no, Earl Pitts American, I, “filll your name in the blank” _____________ , am way too smart to fall into that catagory of dum@55’s, I “fill your name in the blank”, ____________, dont need this yaayhoo, Earl Pitts American, looking into my brain and knowing everything about me”. “Go away, Earl Pitts American, and let me, “fill your name in the blank”, ____________, pretend I am really smart to think that one fine day the media will stop being the bu++wholes they are and will majically become the fair and balanced non dook 4 brains media of my, “fill your name in the blank, ___________, dreams”.
Well America I, Earl Pitts American, am telling you that day of your dreams will never, ever, ever come. Not today, next week, not after the 2024 election……not ever. Its a human nature thing you are fighting against and I, Earl Pitts American, am here to help you overcome your brain’s weakness which media has fooled you with all your life.
Let me, Earl Pitts American, break it down with a real time, real life, non-disputable example: Suppose your kind of wackey Uncle Joe decides to finally throw himself away, moves out to Los Angeles, joins the homeless camps, and devotes his life to constantally doing Meth and Fyntanal, dooking in the streets, stealing from stores to buy more drugs, and engageing in un-natural acts of depravity for the rest of your kind of wackey Uncle Joe’s life. Well now, given the information above about your, kind of wackey Uncle Joe, its totally human nature to think “one fine day Uncle Joe will tell us the truth that he put all that bad stuff behind him, and maybe, just maybe, that day of my mind’s fantasy is going to be today”. Am I, Earl Pitts American right – or am I, Earl Pitts American right? Hint: the answer to the question is that I, Earl Pitts American am right.
So to sum it all up America, you must rise above allowing media to controll your thoughts. You must become a free thinker and aspire to be like me, Earl Pitts American, and refuse to allow media to controll your brain. You can do this!!!!
In closing America, if you find you are feeble-minded and can not put down the liberal media crack-pipe then do yourself and the rest of our Great Nation a favor and just move your triffilingc@55 out to L.A. with your always kind of wackey Uncle Joe.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts “Life Coach” American
Joe The Plumber
June 12, 2023 at 10:34 am
Thank you Earl,
Never read such a powerfull essay on whats wrong with America and how easy it is for every day American’s to neuter the media and free their minds from what for most has been a serious disability which they have suffered from for all their lives.
Earl expect some major pushback on this as what you just told our citizens will render the left powerless to keep driving our nation at reckless breakneck speed down the highway to heII.
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 10:43 am
Good morning Earl! You are correct, I am confused about today, but tomorrow is another story. I know what’s going to happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Trump’s MAGAs will wreck Miami in a big riot just like the BLM riots they finger pointed at for a couple years.
Ron DeSantis has the Florida National Guard in Texas on his campaign tour. Ron could call the FNG boys home to defend Miami, but he won’t because Miami Mayor Suarez is getting into the GOP Primary too, meaning Ron has to make Francis look bad whenever possible, and Ron feels that’s possible tomorrow. Ron feels like that is fine to do because he promised to handle hurricanes, not MAGA riots.
Ron is going to leave the FNGs in Texas so Miami gets wrecked and Ron will say, “It’s all Suarez’s fault. Look at Suarez failing to keep Miami safe from the Trump Tar DEE s. Never mind that I have the FNG on my campaign tour in Texas when they should have been in Miami.”
And that is how the world will turn tomorrow.
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 11:19 am
Good morning “Dont Say”,
You must know someone in the totally corrupt eff bea eye that you did illegal drugs with last night, engaged in un-natural acts of pervesion, fell asleep with, and in their wacked out state of mind engaged in “pillow talk” with you informing you of the corrupt eff bea eye’s intent to dress up in MAGA costume along with paid and bussed in antifa folks and engage in a fake MAGA riot of death and distruction in our Florida City of Miami.
The Ronald and I, Earl Pitts American, already anticipated this and have quietly staged The Florida National Guard, the FDLE, and the Florida Highway Patrol to respond to your corrept eff bea eye/bussed in antifa fake MAGA riot of planned death and distruction on our citizens and property in our Free State of Florida’s City of Miami.
So in conclusion, “Dont Say”, corrupt eff bea eye, and paid/bussed in antifa….BRING IT ON @55WHOLES: WE ARE READY!!!!!
Thank you “Dont Say”
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 11:36 am
Earl, I am shocked to see that you think Donald does not have real MAGA supporters that will show up in Miami to express their support for his lost cause, and that the people who will be there burning cars and smashing windows and shooting the place up (with bullets, not the fentanyl or heroin) will be Antifas In Disguises (aka AIDS). MAGAS are not really MAGAS? They’re AIDS. Earl, say it ain’t so. Dubya did some good work in ending the AIDS, but that was his only good work. Don’t Say Dubya’s AIDS work was a failure too! Thank you Earl
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 11:53 am
Thanks “Dont Say”,
Just got off the phone with your Mom, she’s angry you wont take her calls, and wanted me, Earl Pitts American, to remind you of your promise to start wearing c0ndoms and stop licking t@ter wholes.
Thank you “Dont Say” and call your Mom,
Earl Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 12:02 pm
Thank you Earl. I just called her but I forgot one thing: Next time you see her, tell her to unblock her number when she calls me and I will answer it. Thank you Earl, and thank you for servicing old ladies at the old folks home. But how did you know my wife is from Boise? Oh duh, pillow talk with my mom. Tell my mom please, I have nothing to put a condom on anymore and she knows it, so stop with that nonsense please, but I do promise to always use the dental dam for back door excavations.
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Linda Tincher
June 12, 2023 at 2:29 pm
You’re exactly right. The left media aren’t journalist! They are told what to say. They just lie all of the time!!! I would never watch the fake news!!!
Rod Desanctus
June 13, 2023 at 4:22 pm
Considering you watch Fox News all day, Linda, that is clearly a lie. Sorry you are just too ignorant to see that, and too scared to try anything else.
Pedro Gonzalez
June 12, 2023 at 11:40 am
Thank you Earl,
The Hispanic communitty of Miami is greatfull Desantis has you on his team. Had Charly won we would be left defensless for a leftist political statement.
Mr. G.
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 11:45 am
If Mr Gonzalez were to join the primary field, I would probably Vote For him unless he spouted nutty stuff like MAGAs spout.
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 3:01 pm
Thank you Son for finally reaching out to us.
As you know your Mom’s health is failing and she wants you to know you are forgiven for mutilating yourself and changing your name to Earline.
She would like to know if you still have that jar of alcohol on top your dresser in which you proudly display your severed johnson. If you do please put it in a sealed box and drop it off for her at the front desk of the nursing home. Her final request is to take her little boy’s johnson to the grave and have her’s and her little boy’s birth name carved into the stone.
Thanks again,
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 3:30 pm
Earl you crafty son of a gun. You are trying to trick me into admitting that we who chop off our johnsons always and without question observe the ritual of cooking it on a stick over an open flame, slapping it into a potato bun (no idea why the bun has to be potato, but that’s the deal, I’m told), smearing it with spicy mustard a sauerkraut, and eating every last bite of it till it’s nothing but a tasty delicious memory. You almost got me, Earl, but I am not admitting it! Thank you Earl, your sondaughter, Earline.
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 4:40 pm
Thats OK SonDaughter,
I’ll just go down there on Orange Blossom Trail where all those Asian Massage Parlors are and go into one of those $€x shops and get her a small laytex johnson, put it in a jar of alcohol, and put it in a sealed box.
She wont know the difference.
Have a great day SonDaughter.
Your Dad, Earl Pitts American
Linda Tincher
June 12, 2023 at 2:33 pm
I’ll always be for Trump. He’s already shown us he can MAJE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!
Dont Say FLA
June 12, 2023 at 3:42 pm
Good for you, Linda, but those of us who evicted Trump from the White House after his disastrous 4 years, our ranks have grown by millions since then, and that was in just one day, January 6th. Now with 37 felonious federal indictments plus the nonsense NY indictments plus federal indictments to come for J6 and Georgia indictments to come, our ranks will continue to grow by millions and millions more. If you’re for Trump, sign up to go visit him in prison. If he’ll see you. But you’re probably not his type. If anybody asks him, he will automatically and reflexively say you’re not his type.
Earl Pitts American
June 12, 2023 at 4:41 pm
Thats OK SonDaughter,
I’ll just go down there on Orange Blossom Trail where all those Asian Massage Parlors are and go into one of those $€x shops and get her a small laytex johnson, put it in a jar of alcohol, and put it in a sealed box.
She wont know the difference.
Have a great day SonDaughter.
Your Dad, Earl Pitts American
Bob Jenkins
June 13, 2023 at 7:12 am
It really doesn’t surprise me that law and order party is clamoring for the guy who’s been sharing our military secrets with our enemies, seeing how they long ago gave up on the party of fiscal responsibility. Here’s a fun exercise: look up which party the economy performs better under. I bet you’d be surprised. Republicans have so little to offer that their only platform is culture wars. They want to keep Americans fighting so they can pass more tax relief for the rich. We have a shrinking middle class thanks to Nixon, Reagan, and the rest of the “trickle down” adherents.
Rod Desanctus
June 13, 2023 at 4:20 pm
Lol, look at all the deranged Florida GQP supporters gnashing and wailing that their Chosen Florida Man is just another loser poitician. Sorry your life has turned out this way, Linda and Earl and Joe…
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