Florida’s senior Senator is weighing in on a recently found baggie of cocaine that has gripped the attention of the American Right.
“It gives new meaning to the name White House,” U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio quipped on the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.”
Despite the clever line, however, Rubio says the matter of the illicit powder is quite serious, with foreign rivals taking the incident as the latest sign of weakness during the Joe Biden administration.
“If you are a Communist Party of China leader sitting in Beijing, because you read and you watch the press, you see all of these things. Here’s what you’ve seen over the weekend. Cocaine was found at the White House. Then the President had this fight with a beach chair over there, and he just looked like he could barely move. Then he goes to London and embarrasses himself.”
The Senator then focused in on more personal attacks on Biden.
“On the human side, you feel bad for the guy. It’s not his fault that he’s 80. But you also have to acknowledge that our friends, our allies around the world see all of this, and their confidence is shaken about the person in charge. And our enemies see it, too, like China. And they will be emboldened by it. This is very serious, but it is part of a much broader collection of things.”
The Senator also impugned the integrity of the Secret Service’s investigative practices.
“If you asked the security people at the White House who was in the White House at 12:35 p.m., I’m just using that time, on a Friday afternoon, they can tell you. Every single person that goes in there is logged in, is logged out. They know where the President is at all times. They know where the family is at all times,” Rubio said.
“The idea that someone would walk into the White House with cocaine powder, drop it off somewhere, and they not … be able to narrow it down (from) the 25 people on the planet who were in that area or had access to that area during a defined period of time, is ridiculous. It’s absurd. It’s just not true.”
Dont Say FLA
July 12, 2023 at 8:27 am
Clever lol Marco prefers the Whyte House which is what white people sound like when they go “whyyyyyyyyyyy” about scary things like drag queens.
Dont Say FLA
July 12, 2023 at 8:37 am
Some people’s bodies give out on them. Not naming any names here, but other people’s minds are first to go.
July 12, 2023 at 11:48 am
Big time serious huge deep down corruption goes further than you could ever believe. It’s absolutely disgusting and horrible. Total disgrace. A complete joke. Sleeply basement senile Joe and his administration staff are a disaster. Biggest hypocrites and liars and thiefs and criminals and murders in the world. We are the biggest laughing stock all around the world.
Deep State
July 12, 2023 at 5:25 pm
You are talking about the Deep State, right? Trump said he was fixing that. Draining the swamp and all. You think he didn’t really do it? You think the Deep State is still in place and in control? No wall built, either. Did he make any other promises? I don’t recall.
July 13, 2023 at 12:01 pm
Oh Marko, good ol whataboutism. Typical deflection.
Seems to me and I’m speculating, no finger prints or DNA found in a high traffic area, sounds like a plant.
It's Complicated
July 13, 2023 at 2:37 pm
Since the Secret Service has already cross referenced video footage of the area – and found nothing, it is clear we will never know who brought the coke in (unless someone confesses to it).
I have a friend who worked in the West Wing of the Trump White House, and according to him each day all employees pass through metal detectors and walk by explosive detecting dogs. He didn’t believe drug detecting dogs were part of that security protocol. If someone accidentally dropped their coke stash in the visitor electronics storage area, I don’r see how that compromises White House security to any material level. IMHO, this is much ado about nothing.
My Take
July 15, 2023 at 12:37 am
Narco Rubio ignores what is and long has been a MAJOR business in his Florida
And no foreign leader cares in the least about a bit of coke being found a public area of te White House.
It's Complicated
July 18, 2023 at 10:50 am
I heard on a radio show over the weekend that the quantity of coke found was .18 grams (180 mg), which is not much.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a lethal does of cocaine is 82.5 mg per kg of body weight, which is a much more than people realize. Compared to Heroin with a lethal dose of 30-500 mg (varies by genetics and usage tolerance), Fentanyl with a lethal dose of 2 mg, or Meth, with a lethal dose of about 200 mg – coke is FAR less dangerous. The obvious danger of illicit drugs mixed in a Mexican drug cartel warehouse is purity – particularly for the opioids, so a consumer never really knows what they are ingesting.
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