Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to treat the U.S. border with Mexico like a war zone.
The presidential candidate reiterated to NBC News that he plans to authorize lethal force against drug cartels entering the U.S.
Reporter Dasha Burns asked DeSantis about prior statements that cartel members will “end up stone cold dead” if they try to run drugs over the border.
“Under a DeSantis administration, would anyone crossing the border illegally potentially face deadly force from law enforcement?” Burns asked.
DeSantis said he wants the border treated like a war zone.
“It’s similar to, like, if you’re in the military. You have rules of engagement,” DeSantis said. “Anyone that’s hostile intent or a hostile act, which cartels are, you know, you would then engage with lethal force. I think these cartels are basically foreign terrorist organizations. They are responsible for killing more Americans on an annual basis than any other group or country throughout the entire world.”
DeSantis said he would trust Border Patrol agents and other federal forces at the border to discern drug runners from refugees. The same thing happens in war-torn countries, he said, citing recent U.S. occupations in the Middle East.
“These people in Iraq at the time, they all looked the same. You didn’t know who had a bomb strapped to them. So those guys have to make judgments. But the fact that we’re going to stop the phony asylum claims and stop the invasion, that’s going to be half of it.”
He said voters in states like New Hampshire feel strongly about the Mexican border. Despite geographic distance, an influx of fentanyl has created problems nationwide, DeSantis said.
“You can find these angel mothers who’ve lost children to fentanyl overdose in virtually any community in the United States,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis described a situation where he would be fine with Border Patrol opening fire on someone trying to cross the border. He alluded to a recent trip to Arizona when he saw U.S. officials repairing damage to the barrier with Mexico.
“These guys are working on the wall. I’m like, ‘What are you doing?’ They’re like, ‘We’re repairing the hole the cartels cut through the steel beams,’” DeSantis said.
“So if you see that happening, and they’ve got the satchel of fentanyl strapped to their back, you use deadly force against them, you lay them out, you will see a change of behavior. You have to take the fight to the cartels. Otherwise we’re going to continue to see Americans dying.”
And he made clear that even in areas where refugee families try to cross the border, Border Patrol must keep an eye out for gangs and drug trade.
“The cartels will use the children and they will use the families to help camouflage the illicit activity,” he said.
In Florida, he said law enforcement knows of instances where mothers “rent out children to military-age males” because it’s better to cross the border with a child.
“What kind of a policy is this that is incentivizing that type of behavior?” he said. “So what we’re going to do, we’re going to stop it.”
Michael K
August 7, 2023 at 9:31 am
Thus spake Governor DeathSentence. Tough guy in white boots who also wants to slit throats.
Earl Pitts "The Ronald's UnOfficial Campaign Manager" American
August 7, 2023 at 9:53 am
Good mornting America,
“Speaking for 50% of all registared Democrats, 87% of all registared Republicans, and 78.5% of all registared NPA’s Indepndant’s, ect I, Earl Pitts American, am honored to have been chosen as their spoksperson”.
“So America here it is, and be aware the respondants insisted that I, Earl Pitts American, strictly follow their mandate to deliver their response to the new leathal force border policy in Just Two Words”.
“So here it is America”:
*Earl clears his throat, extreamly loud Patriotic USA music begins to play, the audiance is marvaling at how handsome Earl is looking today*
Finally Earl shouts out at the top of his powerful voice:
“H€LL YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
August 7, 2023 at 12:44 pm
Hang yourself.
Sigmund Freud
August 7, 2023 at 2:59 pm
Get help.
August 7, 2023 at 9:59 am
He has forgotten that people have a choice to put drugs into their bodies.. The cartels are not making people take drugs… People addicted to drugs are no different than people addicted to alcohol, sex, or food. The difference is that most of these drugs are illegal. Good luck murdering people. Has that worked in the Philippines????
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 11:07 am
“Ron DeSantis would treat Mexican border like Iraq”
Invade it?
Try to make it a military colony?
Install an American viceroy?
Sell its national oil industry to US corporations?
August 7, 2023 at 1:19 pm
I think he means that we waste billions of dollars and then pull out without achieving a single thing. He’s big on the tough talk this week though.
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 10:15 pm
Excellent point
Dont Say FLA
August 7, 2023 at 11:58 am
Rhonda, as with all other GOP liars talking about the Southern border are absolutely, 100% full of shit that they will ever do anything about it.
1st- Their donors need workers but Maggas feel too entitled to work at the jobs they’re qualified for and to be compensated what those jobs are worth
2nd- The NRA owns the Southern border. There’s too much money being made on firearms and ammo and all the other 2A goods flowing south to the drug cartels that serve in a dual role for scaring voters. First, the drug cartels are coming for our children or whatever. Second, the drug cartels are supplied base chemicals from China for manufacturing fentanyl which is the bid bag scary drug that’s replaced all other big bad scary drugs that came before it. Fact is, with the NRA, there would no cartels across the Southern border, and immigration could perhaps even be handled properly even though there’d still be a profit motive in allowing “undocumented workers” (aka slaves) into the country who are happy about the pennies tossed their way because it’s even poorer back home.
August 7, 2023 at 12:22 pm
Rhonda means he will have USA guns & ammo corporation continue to make countless amounts of money off the guns and ammo that illegally cross the border from USA to Mexico. IOW, he will leave the border exactly as-is because that is how the resource called “the southern border” functions most profitably to the folks whose opinion of the Southern border actually matters (hint: you’re not included among the folks whose opinion matters).
GOP is all about selling guns and ammo to anyone and everyone buying, and GOP is all about paying workers the lowest wages possible. On both topics, in the eyes of the GOP, the Southern border is a solution. It is not a problem to be solved. Plus fentanyl is scary! Oooooh! Scary!
Ron DeSantis wears High Heels
August 7, 2023 at 12:43 pm
Treating our neighbor and second largest economic trading partner like an enemy nation isn’t really an intelligent move.
But then again, Ron DeSantis is a complete f*cking idiot who tends to govern out of spite rather than sense.
Sonja Fitch
August 7, 2023 at 1:12 pm
It sounds like how Desantis was down in Qitmo. Hush crazy pervert Desantis.
Let’s All Learn Spanish
August 7, 2023 at 1:37 pm
North Korea-1
North Vietnam-1
Silly Wabbit
August 7, 2023 at 3:01 pm
He kwazy.
Sigmund Freud
August 7, 2023 at 3:02 pm
Perhaps he needs to talk tough. Perhaps he is compensating for something lacking.
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 9:29 pm
Height, length, staying power, personality, respect.
Earl Pitts "You Wish You Were Me" American
August 7, 2023 at 3:03 pm
Good afternoon America,
Let us review…shall we?
1.) The hard working, good looking, God fearing Earl Pitts American opens up the comments with a hot salvo of truth to the broadside of all Dook 4 Brains leftists.
2.) The Dook 4 Brains leftists all go wild, loosing their minds, in their subsequant posts.
All because:
The Dook 4 Brains leftists are still butt hurt because Earl Pitts American invaded their once “safe space” world of our benelovent and beloved on line host The Great Florida Politics and Earl shows no signs of being “ran off” by the beligerant child minded leftists.
3.) The good looking Earl Pitts American comes right back at ’em with yet another hot salvo of Earl’s manhood right in all the Dook 4 Brains Leftist’s jerk faces.
Yes America it is truely a great and wonderfull feeling to be me, Earl Pitts American.
My Take
August 7, 2023 at 9:21 pm
Having two long unfortified borders with two large independent nations is a dramatic point of pride in this hostile world. We are (overall) pretty good neighbors.
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