Citrus County could be on the verge of losing the Inverness Airport operator after Commissioners narrowly approved a new two-year lease.
Andy Chan, president of Right Rudder Aviation, fixed-base operator of the county-owned airport since 2017, said the current contract calls for a five-year extension and he wants nothing less.
Commissioners Holly Davis and Diana Finegan opposed any multiyear lease, and only agreed to two years after Economic Development Director Frank Calascione said Chan deserved a five-year lease.
The lease expires at the end of August. The board has another meeting in two weeks.
The decision came despite Chan showing he had grown the airport’s economic impact by $59 million in five years, and just a week after Commissioners broke ground on an adjacent airport business park that is considered the county’s top economic goal.
Commissioner Jeff Kinnard was incredulous that the board did not recognize Right Rudder’s contribution.
“They’ve done all we’ve asked them to do and more.” Kinnard said. “Before they came out as FBO, that airport was almost irrelevant. They have changed that. I’d like to see us give them the confidence this board wants to see them continue to grow.”
Davis — whose late father, Tom Davis, was the iconic FBO at Crystal River Airport for decades — said she wanted a shorter lease because the county is undergoing a $50,000 consultant’s study of both county airports, due next year. Any long-term lease should include the consultant’s recommendations, she said, whether they favor the county, Right Rudder, or both.
“This is not remotely a vote of no confidence,” Davis said.
Davis, Finegan and Commissioner Rebecca Bays at first discussed a one-year lease. Chan said that wouldn’t work.
“You’re telling us you don’t want our business in this county,” he said. “We’ll have to take our business elsewhere.”
Davis replied: “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Josh Wooten, a former Commissioner who is President and CEO of the Citrus County Chamber of Commerce, urged the county and Chan to find middle ground.
“I’m loyal to the people who bring me to the dance,” Wooten said.
Calascione agreed a five-year FBO contract made business sense.
“These folks have skin in the game,” he said. “Businesses need certainty. They’re invested in the community. I would caution against any kind of interruption like that.”
Bays then joined Kinnard in supporting a five-year lease but neither Davis nor Finegan would budge. Chairman Ruthie Davis Schlabach, who is being treated for cancer, was absent.
Bays then suggested two years, which passed 3-1 with Kinnard voting “no.”
Wooten said the board’s direction sends a poor message to the community.
“It’s absolutely awful. Not backed up by anything,” he said. “No business reasoning behind this other than maybe we can get a better deal. The reality is you’ve got a young couple who has brought our airport from nothing to nationally recognized.”
Brittany parsons
August 9, 2023 at 3:11 am
Vote for right Rudder aviation why would you take away something that is contributing in such a healthy manner to your local economy!
August 9, 2023 at 2:52 pm
amazingly short sighted, hope we all remember when elections come.
stupid politics
Donald Tracy
August 9, 2023 at 10:01 pm
If this is the way out 2 out of the 3 Female Commissioners treat a multi-year businesses that has brought much to the table during their tenure, then I will do everything I can to see that they are not re-elected. I have no skin in this game, as I do not know or do business at or with the Airport or the FBO. Just seems like a lousy way to treat a business that has brought much to the table, especially if the present contract calls for a 5 year renewal.
August 10, 2023 at 6:27 pm
Right rudder needs to be left alone and let to continue doing business this is ridiculous what’s happening to them
August 12, 2023 at 8:18 am
Right Rudder bringing $59 million in 5 years ! That should say it all. Poor decision making by these women, as well as short sighted. Give Right Rudder the contract they deserve and have earned !
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