During a Never Back Down “meet and greet” event Saturday, Ron DeSantis suggested it’s only a matter of time before an illegal border crosser commits an act of terrorism domestically.
“Millions and millions of people coming illegally and understand there’s people coming from China, there’s people coming from the Middle East, there’s people coming from all across the world (to get a ) free pass into our country,” DeSantis said.
“You are going to see at some point in our future … a terrorist attack that emanated from somebody that came across that southern border. I mean, I hope that that doesn’t happen, but I would absolutely bet that that would happen,” the Governor said in Algona, Iowa.
DeSantis, who often seemed overshadowed by more strident candidates Wednesday during the GOP Presidential Debate in Milwaukee, told supporters Friday that he had worked to “muscle” in the issue of illegal border crossings onto a debate stage that didn’t necessarily want to deal with it.
DeSantis, addressing a crowd in Rock Rapids, Iowa, contended that he was “proud to be able to at that debate, muscle in issues that maybe the moderators didn’t necessarily want to talk about.”
“One of those issues was the issue of our southern border,” DeSantis said. “I’m going to be the President that finally puts this issue to bed. We are going to solve the problem. No more slogans. No more rhetoric. No more empty promises. We’re going to get it done,” the Governor said at a Never Back Down meet and greet event.
Indeed, DeSantis was a hawk on that issue, one of the highlights from Milwaukee for the Governor.
“I’m not going to send troops to Ukraine, but I am going to send them to our southern border when these drug pushers are bringing fentanyl across the border; that’s going to be the last thing they do. We’re going to use force and we’re going to leave them stone-cold dead,” the Governor said.
DeSantis distinguished himself by saying he would be willing to send Special Forces into sovereign Mexican territory, continuing his promises to treat illegal border crossers like enemy combatants.
“Yes, and I will do it on Day 1,” he said. “So, when they’re coming across, yes, we’re going to use lethal force. Yes, we reserve the right to operate.”
August 26, 2023 at 11:52 am
DeSantis knows he’s not going to be the Republican nominee!
August 26, 2023 at 12:11 pm
Ron is selling false fears and he still has this hang up wanting to kill people without due process. He is a psychopath,.
August 26, 2023 at 12:14 pm
No, IDIOT, the US does NOT have the ability to “reserve” a NON-EXISTENT “right” to invade, attack or send any uninvited force – military or otherwise – into a non-beligerent neighboring country. What an a-hole. And a potentially dangerous one at that.
Bobble Head
August 26, 2023 at 1:12 pm
Protofascism is afoot. And right below Rony’s ankle 🙂
Dale A Arnold
August 26, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Just like he tackled all of Florida’s real issues..
1.Ban naughty books!
2.Ban trans people!
3.Ban drag shows!
4.Punish woke Disney!
5.Ban/ rewrite AP African American history!
6. Ban abortion at six weeks!
7. Fly migrants from Texas to other states using Florida’s tax payers money!
My Take
August 26, 2023 at 5:16 pm
Rightwingers have for a centuty pointed hystèrically at “coming invasions” from Mexico’s side. Often “a million” villians were massed atthe border.
At first (that I have read of) it was eastern or southern Europeans, specificaly with manyJews from the former.
Then in the 50s or 60s or so, it was Communist Chinese !!
Now it is somebody else.
The rightwing dregs of America (now MAGA) are delusional, dishonest, and dumb.
My Takee
August 26, 2023 at 6:20 pm
When does DeSShorty get asked about UFO space monsters? It’s all in the news.
Are they a threat to our children too?
Are they woke?
Suppose they are bigender?!
A harebrained take on the harebrained might bè amusing.
Michael K
August 27, 2023 at 11:11 am
I’d be curious to know what the governor knows and understands about addiction to opioids – legal and illegal. Wouldn’t it make sense to address some of the root causes? The failed “war on drugs” simply put more people in jail to be warehoused – and did not address the root problem.
The effect on rural communities is striking, especially those mired in economic desperation and hopelessness, coupled with the absence of health care and poor schools. The same people who continually vote against their self-interest.
Invading Mexico with lethal force is a horrible idea – and goes against years of cooperation between the neighboring nations to address the problem. But so long as there is a US market for these drugs, the problem will persist.
Shoot to kill is an oversimplistic piece of red-meat and manufactured anger to throw at DeSantis’ low-information base.
August 27, 2023 at 1:48 pm
All this talk about Special Forces and killing bad guys makes it sound like the man has Little Pecker Syndrome. Some humans are their own jokes.
My Take
August 27, 2023 at 3:28 pm
DeSStubby is also DeSShorty, and that can’t help.
My Take
August 28, 2023 at 12:17 am
Special Forces
Let’s do some GOPer one-upsmanship prattlnig:
Barstool GOPer 1 “I won’t risk our brave Special Forces. That’s what B-52s are for. And 2000-lb bombs. The nearby villages are probably mixed up in ìt too so no worry about collaaterals. We can get the CIA to claim they were fake villagaes anyway.”
Barstool GOPer 2 “2000-lb bombs? How WW2. No, thermobarics. It’s got to be thernobarics. And that’s only because A-bomb fallout might drift to America. Not that there is any real probem with some radiation. But you know the soccermom worryworts.”
August 28, 2023 at 10:51 pm
Getting more paranoid with every passing day.
We knew you had it in you all along, bully boy.
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